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str(3)				String Library				str(3)

       OSSP str - String Handling

       OSSP str 0.9.12 (12-Oct-2005)

       str_len, str_copy, str_dup, str_concat, str_splice, str_compare,
       str_span, str_locate, str_token, str_parse, str_format, str_hash,

       OSSP str is a generic string library written in ISO-C which provides
       functions for handling, matching, parsing, searching and formatting of
       ISO-C strings. So it can be considered as a superset of POSIX
       string(3), but its main intention is to provide a more convenient and
       compact API plus a more generalized functionality.

       The following functions are provided by the OSSP str API:

       str_size_t str_len(const char *s);
	   This function determines the length of string s, i.e., the number
	   of characters starting at s that precede the terminating "NUL"
	   character. It returns "NULL" if s is "NULL".

       char *str_copy(char *s, const char *t, size_t n);
	   This copies the characters in string t into the string s, but never
	   more than n characters (if n is greater than 0). The two involved
	   strings can overlap and the characters in s are always "NUL"-termi‐
	   nated. The string s has to be large enough to hold all characters
	   to be copied.  function returns "NULL" if s or t are "NULL". Else
	   it returns the pointer to the written "NUL"-terminating character
	   in s.

       char *str_dup(const char *s, str_size_t n);
	   This returns a copy of the characters in string s, but never more
	   than n characters if n is greater than 0. It returns "NULL" if s is
	   "NULL". The returned string has to be deallocated later with

       char *str_concat(char *s, ...);
	   This functions concatenates the characters of all string arguments
	   into a new allocated string and returns this new string.  If s is
	   "NULL" the function returns "NULL". Else it returns the pointer to
	   the written final "NUL"-terminating character in s. The returned
	   string later has to be deallocated with free(3).

       char *str_splice(char *s, str_size_t off, str_size_t n, char *t,
       str_size_t m);
	   This splices the string t into string s, i.e., the n characters at
	   offset off in s are removed and at their location the string t is
	   inserted (or just the first m characters of t if m is greater than
	   0). It returns "NULL" if s or t are "NULL".	Else the string s is
	   returned. The function supports also the situation where t is a
	   sub-string of s as long as the area s+off...s+off+n and t...t+m do
	   not overlap. The caller always has to make sure that enough room
	   exists in s.

       int str_compare(const char *s, const char *t, str_size_t n, int mode);
	   This performs a lexicographical comparison of the two strings s and
	   t (but never compares more than n characters of them) and returns
	   one of three return values: a value lower than 0 if s is lexico‐
	   graphically lower than t, a value of exactly 0 if s and t are equal
	   and a value greater than 0 if s is lexicographically higher than t.
	   Per default (mode is 0) the comparison is case-sensitive, but if
	   "STR_NOCASE" is used for mode the comparison is done in a case-
	   insensitive way.

       char *str_span(const char *s, size_t n, const char *charset, int mode);
	   This functions spans a string s according to the characters speci‐
	   fied in charset. If mode is 0, this means that s is spanned from
	   left to right starting at s (and ending either when reaching the
	   terminating "NUL" character or already after n spanned characters)
	   as long as the characters of s are contained in charset.

	   Alternatively one can use a mode of "STR_COMPLEMENT" to indicate
	   that s is spanned as long as the characters of s are not contained
	   in charset, i.e., charset then specifies the complement of the
	   spanning characters.

	   In both cases one can additionally "or" (with the C operator
	   ``"⎪"'') "STR_RIGHT" into mode to indicate that the spanning is
	   done right to left starting at the terminating "NUL" character of s
	   (and ending either when reaching s or already after n spanned char‐

       char *str_locate(const char *s, str_size_t n, const char *t);
	   This functions searches for the (smaller) string t inside (larger)
	   string s. If n is not 0, the search is performed only inside the
	   first n characters of s.

       char *str_token(char **s, const char *delim, const char *quote, const
       char *comment, int mode);
	   This function considers the string s to consist of a sequence of
	   zero or more text tokens separated by spans of one or more charac‐
	   ters from the separator string delim. However, text between matched
	   pairs of quotemarks (characters in quote) is treated as plain text,
	   never as delimiter (separator) text. Each call of this function
	   returns a pointer to the first character of the first token of s.
	   The token is "NUL"-terminated, i.e., the string s is processed in a
	   destructive way. If there are quotation marks or escape sequences,
	   the input string is rewritten with quoted sections and escape
	   sequences properly interpreted.

	   This function keeps track of its parsing position in the string
	   between separate calls by simply adjusting the callers s pointer,
	   so that subsequent calls with the same pointer variable s will
	   start processing from the position immediately after the last
	   returned token.  In this way subsequent calls will work through the
	   string s until no tokens remain. When no token remains in s, "NULL"
	   is returned. The string of token separators (delim) and the string
	   of quote characters (quote) may be changed from call to call.

	   If a character in the string s is not quoted or escaped, and is in
	   the comment set, then it is overwritten with a "NUL" character and
	   the rest of the string is ignored. The characters to be used as
	   quote characters are specified in the quote set, and must be used
	   in balanced pairs. If there is more than one flavor of quote char‐
	   acter, one kind of quote character may be used to quote another
	   kind. If an unbalanced quote is found, the function silently act as
	   if one had been placed at the end of the input string.  The delim
	   and quote strings must be disjoint, i.e., they have to share no

	   The mode argument can be used to modify the processing of the
	   string (default for mode is 0): "STR_STRIPQUOTES" forces quote
	   characters to be stripped from quoted tokens; "STR_BACKSLASHESC"
	   enables the interpretation (and expansion) of backslash escape
	   sequences (`\x') through ANSI-C rules; "STR_SKIPDELIMS" forces that
	   after the terminating "NUL" is written and the token returned, fur‐
	   ther delimiters are skipped (this allows one to make sure that the
	   delimiters for one word don't become part of the next word if one
	   change delimiters between calls); and "STR_TRIGRAPHS" enables the
	   recognition and expansion of ANSI C Trigraph sequences (as a side
	   effect this enables "STR_BACKSLASHESC", too).

       int str_parse(const char *s, const char *pop, ...);
	   This parses the string s according to the parsing operation speci‐
	   fied by pop. If the parsing operation succeeds, 1 is returned. If
	   the parsing operation failed because the pattern pop did not match,
	   0 is returned. If the parsing operation failed because the underly‐
	   ing regular expression library failed, "-1" is returned.

	   The pop string usually has one of the following two syntax vari‐
	   ants: `m delim regex delim flags*' (for matching operations) and `s
	   delim regex delim subst delim flags*' (for substitution opera‐
	   tions). For more details about the syntax variants and semantic of
	   the pop argument see section GORY DETAILS, Parsing Specification
	   below. The syntax of the regex part in pop is mostly equivalent to
	   Perl 5's regular expression syntax. For the complete and gory
	   details see perlre(1). A brief summary you can find under section
	   GORY DETAILS, Perl Regular Expressions below.

       int str_format(char *s, str_size_t n, const char *fmt, ...);
	   This formats a new string according to fmt and optionally following
	   arguments and writes it into the string s, but never more than n
	   characters at all. It returns the number of written characters.  If
	   s is "NULL" it just calculates the number of characters which would
	   be written.

	   The function generates the output string under the control of the
	   fmt format string that specifies how subsequent arguments (or argu‐
	   ments accessed via the variable-length argument facilities of
	   stdarg(3)) are converted for output.

	   The format string fmt is composed of zero or more directives: ordi‐
	   nary characters (not %), which are copied unchanged to the output
	   stream; and conversion specifications, each of which results in
	   fetching zero or more subsequent arguments. Each conversion speci‐
	   fication is introduced by the character %. The arguments must cor‐
	   respond properly (after type promotion) with the conversion speci‐
	   fier. Which conversion specifications are supported are described
	   in detail under GORY DETAILS, Format Specification below.

       unsigned long str_hash(const char *s, str_size_t n, int mode);
	   This function calculates a hash value of string s (or of its first
	   n characters if n is equal to 0). The following hashing functions
	   are supported and can be selected with mode: STR_HASH_DJBX33
	   (Daniel J. Berstein, Times 33 Hash with Addition), STR_HASH_BJDDJ
	   (Bob Jenkins, Dr. Dobbs Journal), and STR_HASH_MACRC32 (Mark Adler,
	   Cyclic Redundancy Check with 32-Bit). This function is intended for
	   fast use in hashing algorithms and not for use as cryptographically
	   strong message digests.

       int str_base64(char *s, str_size_t n, unsigned char *ucp, str_size_t
       ucn, int mode);
	   This function Base64 encodes ucn bytes starting at ucp and writes
	   the resulting string into s (but never more than n characters are
	   written). The mode for this operation has to be
	   "STR_BASE64_ENCODE".	 Additionally one can OR the value
	   "STR_BASE64_STRICT" to enable strict encoding where after every
	   72th output character a newline character is inserted. The function
	   returns the number of output characters written.  If s is "NULL"
	   the function just calculates the number of required output charac‐

	   Alternatively, if mode is "STR_BASE64_DECODE" the string s (or the
	   first n characters only if n is not 0) is decoded and the output
	   bytes written at ucp. Again, if ucp is "NULL" only the number of
	   required output bytes are calculated.

       In this part of the documentation more complex topics are documented in

       Perl Regular Expressions

       The regular expressions used in OSSP str are more or less Perl compati‐
       ble (they are provided by a stripped down and built-in version of the
       PCRE library). So the syntax description in perlre(1) applies and don't
       has to be repeated here again. For a deeper understanding and details
       you should have a look at the book `Mastering Regular Expressions' (see
       also the perlbook(1) manpage) by Jeffrey Friedl.	 For convenience rea‐
       sons we give you only a brief summary of Perl compatible regular

       The following metacharacters have their standard egrep(1) meanings:

	 \	Quote the next metacharacter
	 ^	Match the beginning of the line
	 .	Match any character (except newline)
	 $	Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end)
	 ⎪	Alternation
	 ()	Grouping
	 []	Character class

       The following standard quantifiers are recognized:

	 *	Match 0 or more times (greedy)
	 *?	Match 0 or more times (non greedy)
	 +	Match 1 or more times (greedy)
	 +?	Match 1 or more times (non greedy)
	 ?	Match 1 or 0 times (greedy)
	 ??	Match 1 or 0 times (non greedy)
	 {n}	Match exactly n times (greedy)
	 {n}?	Match exactly n times (non greedy)
	 {n,}	Match at least n times (greedy)
	 {n,}?	Match at least n times (non greedy)
	 {n,m}	Match at least n but not more than m times (greedy)
	 {n,m}? Match at least n but not more than m times (non greedy)

       The following backslash sequences are recognized:

	 \t	Tab		      (HT, TAB)
	 \n	Newline		      (LF, NL)
	 \r	Return		      (CR)
	 \f	Form feed	      (FF)
	 \a	Alarm (bell)	      (BEL)
	 \e	Escape (think troff)  (ESC)
	 \033	Octal char
	 \x1B	Hex char
	 \c[	Control char
	 \l	Lowercase next char
	 \u	Uppercase next char
	 \L	Lowercase till \E
	 \U	Uppercase till \E
	 \E	End case modification
	 \Q	Quote (disable) pattern metacharacters till \E

       The following non zero-width assertions are recognized:

	 \w	Match a "word" character (alphanumeric plus "_")
	 \W	Match a non-word character
	 \s	Match a whitespace character
	 \S	Match a non-whitespace character
	 \d	Match a digit character
	 \D	Match a non-digit character

       The following zero-width assertions are recognized:

	 \b	Match a word boundary
	 \B	Match a non-(word boundary)
	 \A	Match only at beginning of string
	 \Z	Match only at end of string, or before newline at the end
	 \z	Match only at end of string
	 \G	Match only where previous m//g left off (works only with /g)

       The following regular expression extensions are recognized:

	 (?#text)	       An embedded comment
	 (?:pattern)	       This is for clustering, not capturing (simple)
	 (?imsx-imsx:pattern)  This is for clustering, not capturing (full)
	 (?=pattern)	       A zero-width positive lookahead assertion
	 (?!pattern)	       A zero-width negative lookahead assertion
	 (?<=pattern)	       A zero-width positive lookbehind assertion
	 (?<!pattern)	       A zero-width negative lookbehind assertion
	 (?>pattern)	       An "independent" subexpression
	 (?(cond)yes-re)       Conditional expression (simple)
	 (?(cond)yes-re⎪no-re) Conditional expression (full)
	 (?imsx-imsx)	       One or more embedded pattern-match modifiers

       Parsing Specification

       The str_parse(const char *s, const char *pop, ...) function is a very
       flexible but complex one. The argument s is the string on which the
       parsing operation specified by argument pop is applied.	The parsing
       semantics are highly influenced by Perl's `=~' matching operator,
       because one of the main goals of str_parse(3) is to allow one to re‐
       write typical Perl matching constructs into C.

       Now to the gory details. In general, the pop argument of str_parse(3)
       has one of the following two syntax variants:

       Matching: `m delim regex delim flags*':
	   This matches s against the Perl-style regular expression regex
	   under the control of zero or more flags which control the parsing
	   semantics. The stripped down pop syntax `regex' is equivalent to

	   For each grouping pair of parenthesis in regex, the text in s which
	   was grouped by the parenthesis is extracted into new strings.
	   These per default are allocated as seperate strings and returned to
	   the caller through following `char **' arguments. The caller is
	   required to free(3) them later.

       Substitution: `s delim regex delim subst delim flags*':
	   This matches s against the Perl-style regular expression regex
	   under the control of zero or more flags which control the parsing
	   semantics. As a result of the operation, a new string formed which
	   consists of s but with the part which matched regex replaced by
	   subst. The result string is returned to the caller through a `char
	   **' argument. The caller is required to free(3) this later.

	   For each grouping pair of parenthesis in regex, the text in s which
	   was grouped by the parenthesis is extracted into new strings and
	   can be referenced for expansion via `$n' (n=1,..) in subst.	Addi‐
	   tionally any str_format(3) style `%' constructs in subst are
	   expanded through additional caller supplied arguments.

       The following flags are supported:

       b   If the bundle flag `b' is specified, the extracted strings are bun‐
	   dled together into a single chunk of memory and its address is
	   returned to the caller with a additional `char **' argument which
	   has to preceed the regular string arguments. The caller then has to
	   free(3) only this chunk of memory in order to free all extracted
	   strings at once.

       i   If the case-insensitive flag `i' is specified, regex is matched in
	   case-insensitive way.

       o   If the once flag `o' is specified, this indicates to the OSSP str
	   library that the whole pop string is constant and that its internal
	   pre-processing (it is compiled into a deterministic finite automa‐
	   ton (DFA) internally) has to be done only once (the OSSP str
	   library then caches the DFA which corresponds to the pop argument).

       x   If the extended flag `x' is specified, the regex's legibility is
	   extended by permitting embedded whitespace and comments to allow
	   one to write down complex regular expressions more cleary and even
	   in a documented way.

       m   If the multiple lines flag `m' is specified, the string s is
	   treated as multiple lines. That is, this changes the regular
	   expression meta characters `^' and `$' from matching at only the
	   very start or end of the string s to the start or end of any line
	   anywhere within the string s.

       s   If the single line flag `s' is specified, the string s is treated
	   as single line. That is, this changes the regular expression meta
	   character `.' to match any character whatsoever, even a newline,
	   which it normally would not match.

       In the format string of str_format(3) each conversion specification is
       introduced by the character %. After the %, the following appear in

       o   An optional field, consisting of a decimal digit string followed by
	   a $, specifying the next argument to access.	 If this field is not
	   provided, the argument following the last argument accessed will be
	   used.  Arguments are numbered starting at 1. If unaccessed argu‐
	   ments in the format string are interspersed with ones that are
	   accessed the results will be indeterminate.

       o   Zero or more of the following flags:

	   A # character specifying that the value should be converted to an
	   ``alternate form''.	For c, d, i, n, p, s, and u, conversions, this
	   option has no effect.  For o conversions, the precision of the num‐
	   ber is increased to force the first character of the output string
	   to a zero (except if a zero value is printed with an explicit pre‐
	   cision of zero).  For x and X conversions, a non-zero result has
	   the string 0x (or 0X for X conversions) prepended to it.  For e, E,
	   f, g, and G, conversions, the result will always contain a decimal
	   point, even if no digits follow it (normally, a decimal point
	   appears in the results of those conversions only if a digit fol‐
	   lows).  For g and G conversions, trailing zeros are not removed
	   from the result as they would otherwise be.

	   A zero `0' character specifying zero padding.  For all conversions
	   except n, the converted value is padded on the left with zeros
	   rather than blanks.	If a precision is given with a numeric conver‐
	   sion (d, i, o, u, i, x, and X), the `0' flag is ignored.

	   A negative field width flag `-' indicates the converted value is to
	   be left adjusted on the field boundary.  Except for n conversions,
	   the converted value is padded on the right with blanks, rather than
	   on the left with blanks or zeros.  A `-' overrides a `0' if both
	   are given.

	   A space, specifying that a blank should be left before a positive
	   number produced by a signed conversion (d, e, E, f, g, G, or i).

	   A `+' character specifying that a sign always be placed before a
	   number produced by a signed conversion.  A `+' overrides a space if
	   both are used.

       o   An optional decimal digit string specifying a minimum field width.
	   If the converted value has fewer characters than the field width,
	   it will be padded with spaces on the left (or right, if the left-
	   adjustment flag has been given) to fill out the field width.

       o   An optional precision, in the form of a period `.' followed by an
	   optional digit string. If the digit string is omitted, the preci‐
	   sion is taken as zero. This gives the minimum number of digits to
	   appear for d, i, o, u, x, and X conversions, the number of digits
	   to appear after the decimal-point for e, E, and f conversions, the
	   maximum number of significant digits for g and G conversions, or
	   the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string for s

       o   The optional character h, specifying that a following d, i, o, u,
	   x, or X conversion corresponds to a `"short int"' or `"unsigned
	   short int"' argument, or that a following n conversion corresponds
	   to a pointer to a `"short int" argument.

       o   The optional character l (ell) specifying that a following d, i, o,
	   u, x, or X conversion applies to a pointer to a `"long int"' or
	   `"unsigned long int"' argument, or that a following n conversion
	   corresponds to a pointer to a `"long int" argument.

       o   The optional character q, specifying that a following d, i, o, u,
	   x, or X conversion corresponds to a `"quad int"' or `"unsigned quad
	   int"' argument, or that a following n conversion corresponds to a
	   pointer to a `"quad int"' argument.

       o   The character L specifying that a following e, E, f, g, or G con‐
	   version corresponds to a `"long double"' argument.

       o   A character that specifies the type of conversion to be applied.

       A field width or precision, or both, may be indicated by an asterisk
       `*' or an asterisk followed by one or more decimal digits and a `$'
       instead of a digit string.  In this case, an `"int"' argument supplies
       the field width or precision.  A negative field width is treated as a
       left adjustment flag followed by a positive field width; a negative
       precision is treated as though it were missing.	If a single format
       directive mixes positional (`nn$') and non-positional arguments, the
       results are undefined.

       The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:

	   The `"int"' (or appropriate variant) argument is converted to
	   signed decimal (d and i), unsigned octal (o), unsigned decimal (u),
	   or unsigned hexadecimal (x and X) notation.	The letters abcdef are
	   used for x conversions; the letters ABCDEF are used for X conver‐
	   sions.  The precision, if any, gives the minimum number of digits
	   that must appear; if the converted value requires fewer digits, it
	   is padded on the left with zeros.

       DOU The `"long int" argument is converted to signed decimal, unsigned
	   octal, or unsigned decimal, as if the format had been ld, lo, or lu
	   respectively.  These conversion characters are deprecated, and will
	   eventually disappear.

       eE  The `"double"' argument is rounded and converted in the style
	   `[-]d.ddde+-dd' where there is one digit before the decimal-point
	   character and the number of digits after it is equal to the preci‐
	   sion; if the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the preci‐
	   sion is zero, no decimal-point character appears.  An E conversion
	   uses the letter E (rather than e) to introduce the exponent.	 The
	   exponent always contains at least two digits; if the value is zero,
	   the exponent is 00.

       f   The `"double"' argument is rounded and converted to decimal nota‐
	   tion in the style `[-]ddd.ddd>' where the number of digits after
	   the decimal-point character is equal to the precision specifica‐
	   tion.  If the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the preci‐
	   sion is explicitly zero, no decimal-point character appears.	 If a
	   decimal point appears, at least one digit appears before it.

       g   The `"double"' argument is converted in style f or e (or E for G
	   conversions).  The precision specifies the number of significant
	   digits.  If the precision is missing, 6 digits are given; if the
	   precision is zero, it is treated as 1.  Style e is used if the
	   exponent from its conversion is less than -4 or greater than or
	   equal to the precision.  Trailing zeros are removed from the frac‐
	   tional part of the result; a decimal point appears only if it is
	   followed by at least one digit.

       c   The `"int"' argument is converted to an `"unsigned char", and the
	   resulting character is written.

       s   The `"char *"' argument is expected to be a pointer to an array of
	   character type (pointer to a string).  Characters from the array
	   are written up to (but not including) a terminating "NUL" charac‐
	   ter; if a precision is specified, no more than the number specified
	   are written.	 If a precision is given, no null character need be
	   present; if the precision is not specified, or is greater than the
	   size of the array, the array must contain a terminating "NUL" char‐

       p   The `"void *" pointer argument is printed in hexadecimal (as if by
	   `%#x' or `%#lx).

       n   The number of characters written so far is stored into the integer
	   indicated by the `"int *"' (or variant) pointer argument.  No argu‐
	   ment is converted.

       %   A `%' is written. No argument is converted. The complete conversion
	   specification is `%%.

       In no case does a non-existent or small field width cause truncation of
       a field; if the result of a conversion is wider than the field width,
       the field is expanded to contain the conversion result.

       In the following a few snippets of selected use cases of OSSP str are

       Splice a String into Another
	    char *v1 = "foo bar quux";
	    char *v2 = "baz";
	    str_splice(v1, 3, 5, v2, 0):
	    /* now we have v1 = "foobazquux" */

       Tokenize a String
	    char *var = " foo \t " bar 'baz'" q'uu'x #comment";
	    char *tok, *p;
	    p = var;
	    while ((tok = str_token(p, ":", "\"'", "#", 0)) != NULL) {
		/* here we enter three times:
		   1. tok = "foo"
		   2. tok = " bar 'baz'"
		   3. tok = "quux" */

       Match a String
	    char *var = "foo:bar";
	    if (str_parse(var, "^.+?:.+$/") > 0) {
		/* var matched */

       Match a String and Go Ahead with Details
	    char *var = "foo:bar";
	    char *cp, *v1, *v2;
	    if (str_parse(var, "m/^(.+?):(.+)$/b", &cp, &v1, &v2) > 0) {
		/* now we have:
		   cp = "foo\0bar\0" and v1 and v2 pointing
		   into it, i.e., v1 = "foo", v2 = "bar" */

       Substitute Text in a String
	    char *var = "foo:bar";
	    char *subst = "quux";
	    char *new;
	    str_parse(var, "s/^(.+?):(.+)$/$1-%s-$2/", &new, subst);
	    /* now we have: var = "foo:bar", new = "foo:quux:bar" */

       Format a String
	    char *v0 = "abc..."; /* length not guessable */
	    char *v1 = "foo";
	    void *v2 = 0xDEAD;
	    int v3 = 42;
	    char *cp;
	    int n;

	    n = str_format(NULL, 0, "%s⎪%5s-%x-%04d", v0, v1, v2, v3);
	    cp = malloc(n);
	    str_format(cp, n, "%s-%x-%04d", v1, v2, v3);
	    /* now we have cp = "abc...⎪  foo-DEAD-0042" */

       string(3), printf(3), perlre(1).

       OSSP str was written in November and December 1999 by Ralf S.
       Engelschall for the OSSP project. As building blocks various existing
       code was used and recycled: for the str_token(3) implementation an
       anchient strtok(3) flavor from William Deich 1991 was cleaned up and
       adjusted. As the background parsing engine for str_parse(3) a heavily
       stripped down version of Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expres‐
       sion (PCRE) library (initially version 2.08 and now 3.9) was used. The
       str_format(3) implementation was based on Panos Tsirigotis' sprintf(3)
       code as adjusted by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) 1998. The for‐
       matting engine was stripped down and enhanced to support internal
       extensions which were required by str_format(3) and str_parse(3).

	Ralf S. Engelschall

12-Oct-2005			  Str 0.9.12				str(3)

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