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       Exegesis_05 - Pattern Matching

       Damian Conway <>

	 Maintainer: Allison Randal <>
	 Date: 22 Aug 2002
	 Last Modified: 25 Aug 2002
	 Number: 5
	 Version: 1

       Come gather round Mongers, whatever you code
       And admit that your forehead's about to explode
       'Cos Perl patterns induce complete brain overload
       If there's source code you should be maintainin'
       Then you better start learnin' Perl 6 patterns soon
       For the regexes, they are a-changin'
	   -- Bob Dylan, "The regexes they are a-changin'" (Perl 6 remix)

       Apocalyse 5 marks a significant departure in the on-going design of
       Perl 6.

       Previous Apocalypses took an evolutionary approach to changing Perl's
       general syntax, data structures, control mechanisms, and operators. New
       features were added, old features removed, existing features were
       enhanced, extended, and simplified. But the changes described were
       remedial, not radical.

       Larry could have taken the same approach with regular expressions. He
       could have tweaked some of the syntax, added new "(?...)" constructs,
       cleaned up the rougher edges, and moved on.

       Fortunately, however, he's taking a much broader view of Perl's future
       than that. And he saw that the problem with regular expressions was not
       that they lacked a "(?$var:...)" extension to do named captures, or
       that they needed a "\R" metatoken to denote a recursive subpattern, or
       that there was a "[:YourNamedCharClassHere:]" mechanism missing.

       He saw that those features, laudable as they were individually, would
       just compound the real problem. Which was that Perl 5 regular
       expressions were already groaning under the accumulated weight of their
       own metasyntax. And that a decade of accretion had left the once-clean
       notation arcane, baroque, inconsistent, and obscure.

       It was time to throw away the prototype.

       Even more importantly, as powerful as Perl 5 regexes are, they are not
       nearly powerful enough. Modern text manipulation is predominantly about
       processing structured, hierarchical text. And that's just plain painful
       with regular expressions. The advent of modules like Parse::Yapp and
       Parse::RecDescent reflects the community's widespread need for more
       sophisticated parsing mechanisms. Mechanisms that should be native to

       As Piers Cawley has so eloquently misquoted: "It is a truth universally
       acknowledged that any language in possession of a rich syntax must be
       in want of a rewrite." Perl regexes are such a language. And Apocalypse
       5 is precisely that rewrite.

What's the diff?
       So let's take a look at some of those new features. To do that, we'll
       consider a series of examples structured around a common theme:
       recognizing and manipulating data in the Unix diff

       A classic diff consists of zero-or-more text transformations, each of
       which is known as a "hunk". A hunk consists of a modification
       specifier, followed by one or more lines of context. Each hunk is
       either an append, a delete, or a change, and the type of hunk is
       specified by a single letter ('a', 'd', or 'c'). Each of these single-
       letter specifiers is prefixed by the line numbers of the lines in the
       original document it affects, and followed by the equivalent line
       numbers in the transformed file. The context information consists of
       the lines of the original file (each preceded by a '<' character), then
       the lines of the transformed file (each preceded by a '>'). Deletes
       omit the transformed context, appends omit the original context. If
       both contexts appear, they are separated by a line consisting of three

       Phew! You can see why natural language isn't the preferred way of
       specifying data formats.

       The preferred way is, of course, to specify such formats as patterns.
       And, indeed, we could easily throw together a few Perl 6 patterns that
       collectively would match any data conforming to that format:

	   $file = rx/ ^  <$hunk>*  $ /;

	   $hunk = rx :i {
	       [ <$linenum> a :: <$linerange> \n
		 <$linerange> d :: <$linenum> \n
		 <$linerange> c :: <$linerange> \n
		 --- \n
	       (\N*) ::: { fail "Invalid diff hunk: $1" }

	   $linerange = rx/ <$linenum> , <$linenum>
			  | <$linenum>

	   $linenum = rx/ \d+ /;

	   $deleteline = rx/^^ \< <sp> (\N* \n) /;
	   $appendline = rx/^^ \> <sp> (\N* \n) /;

	   # and later...

	   my $text is from($*ARGS);

	   print "Valid diff"
	       if $text =~ /<$file>/;

Starting gently
       There's a lot of new syntax there, so let's step through it slowly,
       starting with:

	   $file = rx/ ^  <$hunk>*  $ /;

       This statement creates a pattern object. Or, as it's known in Perl 6, a
       "rule". People will probably still call them "regular expressions" or
       "regexes" too (and the keyword "rx" reflects that), but Perl patterns
       long ago ceased being anything like "regular", so we'll try and avoid
       those terms.

       In any case, the "rx" constructor builds a new rule, which is then
       stored in the $file variable.  The Perl 5 equivalent would be:

	   # Perl 5
	   my $file = qr/ ^  (??{$hunk})*  $ /x;

       Which illustrates quite nicely why the entire syntax needed to change.

       The name of the rule constructor has changed from "qr" to "rx", because
       in Perl 6 rule constructors aren't quotelike contexts.  In particular,
       variables don't interpolate into "rx" constructors in the way they do
       for a "qq" or a "qx". That's why we can embed the $hunk variable before
       it's actually initialized.

       In Perl 6, an embedded variable becomes part of the rule's
       implementation rather than part of its "source code". As we'll see
       shortly, the pattern itself can determine how the variable is treated
       (i.e. whether to interpolate it literally, or treat it as a subpattern,
       or use it as a container).

Lay it out for me
       In Perl 6 every rule implicitly has the equivalent of the Perl 5 "/x"
       modifier turned on, so we could lay out (and annotate) that first
       pattern like this:

	   $file = rx/ ^	       # Must be at start of string
		       <$hunk>	       # Match what the rule in $hunk would match...
			       *       # times
		       $	       # Must be at end of string (no newline allowed)

       Because "/x" is the default, the whitespace in the pattern is ignored,
       which allows us to lay the rule out more readably. Comments are also
       honoured, which enables us to document the rule sensibly. You can even
       use the closing delimiter in a comment safely:

	   $caveat = rx/ Make \s+ sure \s+ to \s+ ask
			 \s+ (mum|mom)		       # handle UK/US spelling
			 \s+ (and|or)		       # handle and/or
			 \s+ dad \s+ first

       Of course, the examples in this Exegesis don't represent good comments
       in general, since they document what is happening, rather than why.

       The meanings of the "^" and "*" metacharacters are unchanged from Perl
       5. However, the meaning of the "$" metacharacter has changed slightly:
       it no longer allows an optional newline before the end of the string.
       If you want that behaviour, you need to specify it explicitly. For
       example, to match a line ending in digits: "/ \d+ \n? $/"

       The compensation is that, in Perl 6, a "\n" in a pattern matches a
       logical newline (that is any of: "\015\012" or "\012" or "\015" or
       "\x85" or "\x2028"), rather than just a physical ASCII newline (i.e.
       just "\012"). And a "\n" will always try to match any kind of physical
       newline marker (not just the current system's favorite), so it
       correctly matches against strings that have been aggregrated from
       multiple systems.

Interpolate ye not...
       The really new bit in the $file rule is the "<$hunk>" element.  It's a
       directive to grab whatever's in the $hunk variable (presumably another
       pattern) and attempt to match it at that point in the rule. The
       important point is that the contents of $hunk are only grabbed when the
       pattern matching mechanism actually needs to match against them, not
       when the rule is being constructed. So it's like the mysterious
       "(??{...})" construct in Perl 5 regexes.

       The angle brackets themselves are a much more general mechanism in Perl
       6 rules.	 They are the "metasyntactic markers" and replace the Perl 5
       "(?...)" syntax.	 They are used to specify numerous other features of
       Perl 6 rules, many of which we will explore below.

       Note that if we hadn't put the variable in angle-brackets, and had just

	       rx/ ^  $hunk*  $ /;

       then the contents of $hunk would still not be interpolated when the
       pattern was parsed. Once again, the pattern would grab the contents of
       the variable when it reached that point in its match.  But, this time,
       without the angle brackets around $hunk, the pattern would try to match
       the contents of the variable as an atomic literal string (rather than
       as a subpattern). "Atomic" means that the "*" repetition quantifier
       applies to everything that's in $hunk, not just to the last character
       (as it does in Perl 5).

       In other words, a raw variable in a Perl 6 pattern is matched as if it
       was a Perl 5 regex in which the interpolation had been "quotemeta"'d
       and then placed in a pair of non-capturing parentheses.	That's really
       handy in something like:

	       # Perl 6
	       my $target = <>;			 # Get literal string to search for
	       $text =~ m/ $target* /;		 # Search for them as literals

       which in Perl 5 we'd have to write as:

	       # Perl 5
	       my $target = <>;			 # Get literal string to search for
	       chomp $target;			 # No autochomping in Perl 5
	       $text =~ m/ (?:\Q$target\E)* /x;	 # Search for it, quoting metas

       Raw arrays and hashes interpolate as literals too. For example, if we
       use an array in a Perl 6 pattern, the matcher will attempt to match any
       of its elements (each as a literal). So:

	       # Perl 6
	       @cmd = ('get','put','try','find','copy','fold','spindle','mutilate');

	       $str =~ / @cmd \( .*? \) /;     # Match a cmd, followed by stuff in parens

       is the same as:

	       # Perl 5
	       @cmd = ('get','put','try','find','copy','fold','spindle','mutilate');
	       $cmd = join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } @cmd;

	       $str =~ / (?:$cmd) \( .*? \) /;

       By the way, putting the array into angle brackets would cause the
       matcher to try and match each of the array elements as a pattern,
       rather than as a literal.

The incredible $hunk
       The rule that "<$hunk>" tries to match against is the next one defined
       in the program. Here's the annotated version of it:

	   $hunk = rx :i {			       # Case-insensitively...
	       [				       #   Start a non-capturing group
		   <$linenum>			       #     Match the subrule in $linenum
		   a				       #     Match a literal 'a'
		   ::				       #     Commit to this alternative
		   <$linerange>			       #     Match the subrule in $linerange
		   \n				       #     Match a newline
		   <$appendline>		       #     Match the subrule in $appendline...
				 +		       # times
	       |				       #   Or...
		 <$linerange> d :: <$linenum> \n       #     Match $linerange, 'd', $linenum, newline
		 <$deleteline>+			       #     Then match $deleteline once-or-more
	       |				       #   Or...
		 <$linerange> c :: <$linerange> \n     #     Match $linerange, 'c', $linerange, newline
		 <$deleteline>+			       #     Then match $deleteline once-or-more
		 --- \n				       #     Then match three '-' and a newline
		 <$appendline>+			       #     Then match $appendline once-or-more
	       ]				       #   End of non-capturing group
	     |					       # Or...
	       (				       #   Start a capturing group
		   \N*				       #     Match zero-or-more non-newlines
	       )				       #     End of capturing group
	       :::				       #     Emphatically commit to this alternative
	       { fail "Invalid diff hunk: $1" }	       #     Then fail with an error msg

       The first thing to note is that, like a Perl 5 "qr", a Perl 6 "rx" can
       take (almost) any delimiters we choose. The $hunk pattern uses "{...}",
       but we could have used:

	       rx/pattern/     # Standard
	       rx[pattern]     # Alternative bracket-delimiter style
	       rx<pattern>     # Alternative bracket-delimiter style
	       rxE<laquo>formeE<raquo>	    # D<eacute>limiteurs trE<egrave>s chic
	       rx>pattern<     # Inverted bracketing is allowed too (!)
	       rxE<raquo>MusterE<laquo>	     # AnfE<uuml>hrungszeichen in richtiger Reihenfolge
	       rx!pattern!     # Excited
	       rx=pattern=     # Unusual
	       rx?pattern?     # No special meaning in Perl 6
	       rx#pattern#     # Careful with these: they disable internal comments

Modified modifiers
       In fact, the only characters not permitted as "rx" delimiters are ':'
       and '('. That's because ':' is the character used to introduce pattern
       modifiers in Perl 6, and '(' is the character used to delimit any
       arguments that might be passed to those pattern modifiers.

       In Perl 6 pattern modifiers are placed before the pattern, rather than
       after it. That makes life easier for the parser, since it doesn't have
       to go back and reinterpret the contents of a rule when it reaches the
       end and discovers a "/s" or "/m" or "/i" or "/x". And it makes life
       easier for anyone reading the code...for precisely the same reason.

       The only modifier used in the $hunk rule is the ":i" (case-
       insensitivity) modifier, which works exactly as it does in Perl 5.

       The other rule modifiers available in Perl 6 are:

       ":e" or ":each"
	   This is the replacement for Perl 5's "/g" modifier. It causes a
	   match (or substitution) to be attempted as many times as possible.
	   The name was changed because "each" is shorter and clearer in
	   intent than "globally". And because the ":each" modifier can be
	   combined with other modifiers (see below) in such a way that it's
	   no longer "global" in its effect.

	   This modifier is like ":e", in that it causes the match or
	   substitution to be attempted repeatedly. However, unlike ":e", it
	   specifies exactly how many times the match must succeed. For

		   "fee fi "	   =~ m:x(3)/ (f\w+) /;	 # fails
		   "fee fi fo"	   =~ m:x(3)/ (f\w+) /;	 # succeeds (matches "fee","fi","fo")
		   "fee fi fo fum" =~ m:x(3)/ (f\w+) /;	 # succeeds (matches "fee","fi","fo")

	   Note that the repetition count doesn't have to be a constant:

		   m:x($repetitions)/ pattern /

	   There is also a series of tidy abbreviations for all the constant

		   m:1x/ pattern /	   # same as: m:x(1)/ pattern /
		   m:2x/ pattern /	   # same as: m:x(2)/ pattern /
		   m:3x/ pattern /	   # same as: m:x(3)/ pattern /
		   # etc.

	   This modifier causes a match or substitution to be attempted
	   repeatedly, but to ignore the first "$count-1" successful matches.
	   For example:

		   my $foo = "fee fi fo fum";

		   $foo =~ m:nth(1)/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fee")
		   $foo =~ m:nth(2)/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fi")
		   $foo =~ m:nth(3)/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fo")
		   $foo =~ m:nth(4)/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fum")
		   $foo =~ m:nth(5)/ (f\w+) /;	      # fails
		   $foo =~ m:nth($n)/ (f\w+) /;	      # depends on the numeric value of $n

		   $foo =~ s:nth(3)/ (f\w+) /bar/;    # $foo now contains: "fee fi bar fum"

	   Again there is also a series of abbreviations:

		   $foo =~ m:1st/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fee")
		   $foo =~ m:2nd/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fi")
		   $foo =~ m:3rd/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fo")
		   $foo =~ m:4th/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fum")
		   $foo =~ m:5th/ (f\w+) /;	      # fails

		   $foo =~ s:3rd/ (f\w+) /bar/;	      # $foo now contains: "fee fi bar fum"

	   By the way, Perl isn't going to be pedantic about these "ordinal"
	   versions of repetition specifiers. If you're not a native English
	   speaker, and you find ":1th", ":2th", ":3th", ":4th", etc. easier
	   to remember, that's perfectly okay.

	   The various types of repetition modifiers can also be combined by
	   separating them with additional colons:

		   my $foo = "fee fi fo feh far foo fum ";

		   $foo =~ m:2nd:2x/ (f\w+) /;	      # succeeds (matches "fi", "feh")
		   $foo =~ m:each:2nd/ (f\w+) /;      # succeeds (matches "fi", "feh", "foo")
		   $foo =~ m:x(2):nth(3)/ (f\w+) /;   # succeeds (matches "fo", "foo")
		   $foo =~ m:each:3rd/ (f\w+) /;      # succeeds (matches "fo", "foo")
		   $foo =~ m:2x:4th/ (f\w+) /;	      # fails (not enough matches to satisfy :2x)
		   $foo =~ m:4th:each/ (f\w+) /;      # succeeds (matches "feh")

		   $foo =~ s:each:2nd/ (f\w+) /bar/;  # $foo now "fee bar fo bar far bar fum ";

	   Note that the order in which the two modifiers are specified
	   doesn't matter.

       ":p5" or ":perl5"
	   This modifier causes Perl 6 to interpret the contents of a rule as
	   a regular expression in Perl 5 syntax. This is mainly provided as a
	   transitional aid for porting Perl 5 code. And to mollify the

       ":w" or ":word"
	   This modifier causes whitespace appearing in the pattern to match
	   optional whitespace in the string being matched. For example,
	   instead of having to cope with optional whitespace explicitly:

		   $cmd =~ m/ \s* <keyword> \s* \( [\s* <arg> \s* ,?]* \s* \)/;

	   we can just write:

		   $cmd =~ m:w/ <keyword> \( [ <arg> ,?]* \)/;

	   The ":w" modifier is also smart enough to detect those cases where
	   the whitespace should actually be mandatory. For example:

		   $str =~ m:w/a symmetric ally/

	   is the same as:

		   $str =~ m/a \s+ symmetric \s+ ally/

	   rather than:

		   $str =~ m/a \s* symmetric \s* ally/

	   So it won't accidentally match strings like "asymmetric ally" or

	   This modifier causes the rule to match a given string in every
	   possible way, simultaneously, and then return all the possible
	   matches. For example:

		   my $str = "ahhh";

		   @matches =  $str =~ m/ah*/;	       # returns "ahhh"
		   @matches =  $str =~ m:any/ah*/;     # returns "ahhh", "ahh", "ah", "a"

       ":u0", ":u1", ":u2", ":u3"
	   These modifiers specify how the rule matches the dot (".")
	   metacharacter against Unicode data. If ":u0" is specified, dot
	   matches a single byte; if ":u1" is specified, dot matches a single
	   codepoint (i.e. one or more bytes representing a single unicode
	   "character").  If ":u2" is specified, dot matches a single grapheme
	   (i.e. a base codepoint followed by zero or more modifier
	   codepoints, such as accents). If ":u3" is specified, dot matches an
	   appropriate "something" in a language-dependent manner.

	   It's okay to ignore this modifier if you're not using Unicode (and
	   maybe even if you are). As usual, Perl will try very hard to Do The
	   Right Thing.	 To that end, the default behaviour of rules is ":u2",
	   unless an overriding pragma (e.g. "use bytes") is in effect.

       Note that the "/s", "/m", and "/e" modifiers are no longer available.
       This is because they're no longer needed. The "/s" isn't needed because
       the "." (dot) metacharacter now matches newlines as well. When we want
       to match "anything except a newline", we now use the new "\N" metatoken
       (i.e. "opposite of "\n"").

       The "/m" modifier isn't required because "^" and "$" always mean start
       and end of string respectively. To match the start and end of a line,
       we use the new "^^" and $$ metatokens instead.

       The "/e" modifier is no longer needed because Perl 6 provides the
       "$(...)" string interpolator (as described in Apocalypse 2). So a
       substitution such as:

	       # Perl 5
	       s/(\w+)/ get_val_for($1) /e;

       becomes just:

	       # Perl 6
	       s/(\w+)/$( get_val_for($1) )/;

Take no prisoners
       The first character of the $hunk rule is an opening square bracket.  In
       Perl 5 that denoted the start of a character class, but not in Perl 6.
       In Perl 6, square brackets mark the boundaries of a non-capturing
       group. That is, a pair of square brackets in Perl 6 are the same as a
       "(?:...)" in Perl 5, but less line-noisy.

       By the way, to get a character class in Perl 6, we need to put the
       square brackets inside a pair of metasyntactic angle brackets.  So the
       Perl 5:

	       # Perl 5
	       / [A-Za-z] [0-9]+ /x	     # An A-Z or a-z, followed by digits

       would become in Perl 6:

	       # Perl 6
	       / <[A-Za-z]> <[0-9]>+ /	     # An A-Z or a-z, followed by digits

       The Perl 5 complemented character class:

	       # Perl 5
	       / [^A-Za-z]+ /x		     # One-or-more chars-that-aren't-A-Z-or-a-z

       becomes in Perl 6:

	       # Perl 6
	       / <-[A-Za-z]>+ /		     #	One-or-more chars-that-aren't-A-Z-or-a-z

       The external minus sign is used (instead of an internal caret) because
       Perl 6 allows proper set operations on character classes, and the minus
       sign is the "difference" operator. So we could also create:

	       # Perl 6
	       / < <alpha> - [A-Za-z] >+ /   # All alphabetics except A-Z or a-z
					     # (i.e. the accented alphabetics)

       Explicit character classes were deliberately made a little less
       convenient in Perl 6, because they're generally a bad idea in a Unicode
       world. For example, the "[A-Za-z]" character class in the above
       examples won't even match standard alphabetic Latin-1 characters like
       'A~', 'e', 'o', let alone alphabetic characters from code-sets such as
       Cyrillic, Hiragana, Ogham, Cherokee, or Klingon.

Meanwhile, back at the $hunk...
       The non-capturing group of the $hunk pattern groups together three
       alternatives, separated by "|" metacharacters (as in Perl 5).  The
       first alternative:

	       <$linenum> a :: <$linerange>

       grabs whatever is in the $linenum variable, treats it as a subpattern,
       and attempts to match against it. It then matches a literal letter 'a'
       (or an 'A', because of the ":i" modifier on the rule).  Then whatever
       the contents of the $linerange variable match. Then a newline. Then it
       tries to match whatever the pattern in $appendline would match, one-or-
       more times.

       But what about that double-colon after the "a"? Shouldn't the pattern
       have tried to match two colons at that point?

This or nothing
       Actually, no. The double-colon is a new Perl 6 pattern control
       structure. It has no effect (and is ignored) when the pattern is
       successfully matching, but if the pattern match should fail, and
       consequently back-track over the double-colon -- for example, to try
       and re-match an earlier repetition one fewer times -- the double-colon
       causes the entire surrounding group (i.e. the surrounding "[...]" in
       this case) to fail as well.

       That's a useful optimization in this case because, if we match a line
       number followed by an 'a' but subsequently fail, then there's no point
       even trying either of the other two alternatives in the same group.
       Because we found an 'a', there's no chance we could match a 'd' or a
       'c' instead.

       So, in general, a double-colon means: "At this point I'm committed to
       this alternative within the current group -- don't bother with the
       others if this one fails after this point".

       There are other control directives like this too. A single colon means:
       "Don't bother backtracking into the previous element". That's useful in
       a pattern like:

	       rx:w/ $keyword [-full|-quick|-keep]+ : end /

       Suppose we successfully match the keyword (as a literal, by the way)
       and one-or-more of the three options, but then fail to match 'end'.  In
       that case, there's no point backtracking and trying to match one fewer
       options, and still failing to find an 'end'. And then backtracking
       another option, and failing again, etc. By using the colon after the
       repetiton, we tell the matcher to give up after the very first attempt.

       However, the single colon isn't just a "Greed is Good" operator. It's
       much more like a "Resistance is Futile" operator. That is, if the
       preceding repetition had been non-greedy instead:

	       rx:w/ $keyword [-full|-quick|-keep]+? : end /

       then backtracking over the colon would prevent the "+?" from attempting
       to match more options. Note that this means that "x+?:" is just a
       baroque way of matching exactly one repetition of "x", since the non-
       greedy repetition initially tries to match the minimal number of times
       (i.e. once) and the trailing colon then prevents it from backtracking
       and trying longer matches. Likewise, "x*?:" and "x??:" are arcane ways
       of matching exactly zero repetitions of "x".

       Generally, though, a single colon tells the pattern matcher that
       there's no point trying any other match on the preceding repetition,
       because retrying (whether more or fewer repetitions) would just waste
       time and would still fail.

       There's also a three-colon directive. Three colons means: "If we have
       to backtrack past here, cause the entire rule to fail" (i.e. not just
       this group). If the double-colon in $hunk had been triple:

	       <$linenum> a ::: <$linerange>

       then matching a line number and an 'a' and subsequently failing would
       cause the entire $hunk rule to fail immediately (though the $file rule
       that invoked it might still match successfully in some other way).

       So, in general, a triple-colon specifies: "At this point I'm committed
       to this way of matching the current rule -- give up on the rule
       completely if the matching process fails at this point".

       Four colons...would just be silly. So, instead, there's a special named
       directive: "<commit>". Backtracking through a "<commit>" causes the
       entire match to immediately fail. And if the current rule is being
       matched as part of a larger rule, that larger rule will fail as well.
       In other words, it's the "Blow up this Entire Planet and Possibly One
       or Two Others We Noticed on our Way Out Here" operator.

       If the double-colon in $hunk had been a "<commit>" instead:

	       <$linenum> a <commit> <$linerange>

       then matching a line number and an 'a' and subsequently failing would
       cause the entire $hunk rule to fail immediately, and would also cause
       the $file rule that invoked it to fail immediately.

       So, in general, a "<commit>" means: "At this point I'm committed to
       this way of completing the current match -- give up all attempts at
       matching anything if the matching process fails at this point".

Failing with style
       The other two alternatives:

	       | <$linerange> d :: <$linenum> \n
	       | <$linerange> c :: <$linerange> \n
		 <$deleteline>+	 --- \n	 <$appendline>+

       are just variants on the first.

       If none of the three alternatives in the square brackets matches, then
       the alternative outside the brackets is tried:

	       |  (\N*) ::: { fail "Invalid diff hunk: $1" }

       This captures a sequence of non-newline characters ("\N" means "not
       "\n"", in the same way "\S" means "not "\s"" or "\W" means "not "\w"").
       Then it invokes a block of Perl code inside the pattern. The call to
       "fail" causes the match to fail at that point, and sets an associated
       error message that would subsequently appear in the $!  error variable
       (and which would also be accessible as part of $0).

       Note the use of the triple colon after the repetition. It's needed
       because the "fail" in the block will cause the pattern match to
       backtrack, but there's no point backing up one character and trying
       again, since the original failure was precisely what we wanted. The
       presence of the triple-colon causes the entire rule to fail as soon as
       the backtracking reaches that point the first time.

       The overall effect of the $hunk rule is therefore either to match one
       hunk of the diff, or else fail with a relevant error message.

Home, home on the (line)range
       The third and fourth rules:

	   $linerange = rx/ <$linenum> , <$linenum>
			  | <$linenum>

	   $linenum = rx/ \d+ /;

       specify that a line number consists of a series of digits, and that a
       line range consists of either two line numbers with a comma between
       them or a single line number.  The $linerange rule could also have been

	   $linerange = rx/ <$linenum> [ , <$linenum> ]? /;

       which might be marginally more efficient, since it doesn't have to
       backtrack and rematch the first $linenum in the second alternative.
       It's likely, however, that the rule optimizer will detect such cases
       and automatically hoist the common prefix out anyway, so it's probably
       not worth the decrease in readability to do that manually.

What's my line?
       The final two rules specify the structure of individual context lines
       in the diff (i.e. the lines that say what text is being added or
       removed by the hunk):

	       $deleteline = rx/^^ \< <sp> (\N* \n) /
	       $appendline = rx/^^ \> <sp> (\N* \n) /

       The "^^" markers ensure that each rule starts at the beginning of an
       entire line.

       The first character on that line must be either a '<' or a '>'. Note
       that we have to escape these characters since angle brackets are
       metacharacters in Perl 6. An alternative would be to use the "literal
       string" metasyntax:

	       $deleteline = rx/^^ <'<'> <sp> (\N* \n) /
	       $appendline = rx/^^ <'>'> <sp> (\N* \n) /

       That is, angle brackets with a single-quoted string inside them match
       the string's sequence of characters as literals (including whitespace
       and other metatokens).

       Or we could have used the quotemeta metasyntax ("\Q[...]"):

	       $deleteline = rx/^^ \Q[<] <sp> (\N* \n) /
	       $appendline = rx/^^ \Q[>] <sp> (\N* \n) /

       Note that Perl 5's "\Q...\E" construct is replaced in Perl 6 by just
       the "\Q" marker, which now takes a group after it.

       We could also have used a single-letter character class:

	       $deleteline = rx/^^ <[<]> <sp> (\N* \n) /
	       $appendline = rx/^^ <[>]> <sp> (\N* \n) /

       or even a named character ("\c[CHAR NAME HERE]"):

	       $deleteline = rx/^^ \c[LEFT ANGLE BRACKET] <sp> (\N* \n) /
	       $appendline = rx/^^ \c[RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET] <sp> (\N* \n) /

       Whether any of those MTOWTDI is better than just escaping the angle
       bracket is, of course, a matter of personal taste.

The final frontier
       After the leading angle, a single literal space is expected. Again, we
       could have specified that by escapology ("\ ") or literalness ("<' '>")
       or quotemetaphysics ("\Q[ ]") or character classification ("<[ ]>"), or
       deterministic nomimalism ("\c[SPACE]"), but Perl 6 also gives us a
       simple name for the space character: "<sp>".  This is the preferred
       option, since it reduces line-noise and makes the significant space
       much harder to miss.

       Perl 6 provides predefined names for other useful subpatterns as well,

	   which matches a literal dot ('.') character (i.e. it's a more
	   elegant synonym for "\.");

       "<lt>" and "<gt>"
	   which match a literal '<' and '>' respectively. These give us yet
	   another way of writing:

		   $deleteline = rx/^^ <lt> <sp> (\N* \n) /
		   $appendline = rx/^^ <gt> <sp> (\N* \n) /

	   which matches any sequence of whitespace (i.e. it's a more elegant
	   synonym for "\s+"). Optional whitespace is, therefore, specified as
	   "<ws>?" or "<ws>*" (Perl 6 will accept either);

	   which matches a single alphabetic character (i.e. it's like the
	   character class "<[A-Za-z]>" but it handles accented characters and
	   alphabetic characters from non-Roman scripts as well);

	   which is a short-hand for "[ [<alpha>|_] \w* ]" (i.e. a standard
	   identifier in many languages, including Perl)

       Using named subpatterns like these makes rules clearer in intent,
       easier to read, and more self-documenting. And, as we'll see shortly,
       they're fully generalizable...we can create our own.

Match-maker, match-maker...
       Finally, we're ready to actually read in and match a diff file. In Perl
       5, we'd do that like so:

	       # Perl 5

	       local $/;	  # Disable input record separator (enable slurp mode)
	       my $text = <>;	  # Slurp up input stream into $text

	       print "Valid diff"
		   if $text =~ /$file/;

       We could do the same thing in Perl 6 (though the syntax would differ
       slightly) and in this case that would be fine. But, in general, it's
       clunky to have to slurp up the entire input before we start matching.
       The input might be huge, and we might fail early. Or we might want to
       match input interactively (and issue an error message as soon as the
       input fails to match). Or we might be matching a series of different
       formats. Or we might want to be able to leave the input stream in its
       original state if the match fails.

       The inability to do pattern matches immediately on an input stream is
       one of Perl 5's few weaknesses when it comes to text processing. Sure,
       we can read line-by-line and apply pattern matching to each line, but
       trying to match a construct that may be laid out across an unknown
       number of lines is just painful.

       Not in Perl 6 though. In Perl 6, we can bind an input stream to a
       scalar variable (i.e. like a Perl 5 tied variable) and then just match
       on the characters in that stream as if they were already in memory:

	       my $text is from($*ARGS);       # Bind scalar to input stream

	       print "Valid diff"
		   if $text =~ /<$file>/;      # Match against input stream

       The important point is that, after the match, only those characters
       that the pattern actually matched will have been removed from the input

       It may also be possible to skip the variable entirely and just write:

	       print "Valid diff"
		   if $*ARGS =~ /<$file>/;     # Match against input stream


	       print "Valid diff"
		   if <> =~ /<$file>/;	       # Match against input stream

       but that's yet to be decided.

A cleaner approach
       The previous example solves the problem of recognizing a valid diff
       file quite nicely (and with only six rules!), but it does so by
       cluttering up the program with a series of variables storing those
       precompiled patterns.

       It's as if we were to write a collection of subroutines like this:

	   my $print_name = sub ($data) { print $data{name}, "\n"; };
	   my $print_age  = sub ($data) { print $data{age}, "\n"; };
	   my $print_addr = sub ($data) { print $data{addr}, "\n"; };

	   my $print_info = sub ($data) {

	   # and later...


       You could do it that way, but it's not the right way to do it.  The
       right way to do it is as a collection of named subroutines or methods,
       often collected together in the namespace of a class or module:

	   module Info {

	       sub print_name ($data) { print $data{name}, "\n"; }
	       sub print_age ($data)  { print $data{age}, "\n"; }
	       sub print_addr ($data) { print $data{addr}, "\n"; }

	       sub print_info ($data) {


       So it is with Perl 6 patterns. You can write them as a series of
       pattern objects created at run-time, but they're much better specified
       as a collection of named patterns, collected together at compile-time
       in the namespace of a grammar.

       Here's the previous diff-parsing example rewritten that way (and with a
       few extra bells-and-whistles added in):

	   grammar Diff {
	       rule file { ^  <hunk>*  $ }

	       rule hunk :i {
		   [ <linenum> a :: <linerange> \n
		     <linerange> d :: <linenum> \n
		     <linerange> c :: <linerange> \n
		     --- \n
		   <badline("Invalid diff hunk")>

	       rule badline ($errmsg) { (\N*) ::: { fail "$errmsg: $1" }

	       rule linerange { <linenum> , <linenum>
			      | <linenum>

	       rule linenum { \d+ }

	       rule deleteline { ^^ <out_marker> (\N* \n) }
	       rule appendline { ^^ <in_marker>	 (\N* \n) }

	       rule out_marker { \<  <sp> }
	       rule in_marker  { \>  <sp> }

	   # and later...

	   my $text is from($*ARGS);

	   print "Valid diff"
	       if $text =~ /<Diff.file>/;

What's in a name?
       The "grammar" declaration creates a new namespace for rules (in the
       same way a "class" or "module" declaration creates a new namespace for
       methods or subroutines). If a block is specified after the grammar's

	       grammar HTML {

		   rule file :iw { \Q[<HTML>]  <head>  <body>  \Q[</HTML>] }

		   rule head :iw { \Q[<HEAD>]  <head_tag>+  \Q[<HEAD>] }

		   # etc.

	       } # Explicit end of HTML grammar

       then that new namespace is confined to that block. Otherwise the
       namespace continues until the end of the source section of the current

	       grammar HTML;

	       rule file :iw { \Q[<HTML>]  <head>  <body>  \Q[</HTML>] }

	       rule head :iw { \Q[<HEAD>]  <head_tag>+	\Q[<HEAD>] }

	       # etc.

	       # Implicit end of HTML grammar

       Note that, as with the blockless variants on "class" and "module", this
       form of the syntax is designed to simplify one-namespace-per-file
       situations. It's a compile-time error to put two or more blockless
       grammars, classes or modules in a single file.

       Within the namespace, named rules are defined using the "rule"
       declarator. It's analogous to the "sub" declarator within a module, or
       the "method" declarator within a class. Just like a class method, a
       named rule has to be invoked through its grammar if we refer to it
       outside its own namespace. That's why the actual match became:

	       $text =~ /<Diff.file>/;	       # Invoke through grammar

       If we want to match a named rule, we put the name in angle brackets.
       Indeed, many of the constructs we've already seen -- "<sp>", "<ws>",
       "<ident>", "<alpha>", "<commit>" -- are really just predefined named
       rules that come standard with Perl 6.

       Like subroutines and methods, within their own namespace, rules don't
       have to be qualified. Which is why we can write things like:

	       rule linerange { <linenum> , <linenum>
			      | <linenum>

       instead of:

	       rule linerange { <Diff.linenum> , <Diff.linenum>
			      | <Diff.linenum>

       Using named rules has several significant advantages, apart from making
       the patterns look cleaner. For one thing, the compiler may be able to
       optimize the embedded named rules better. For example, it could inline
       the attempts to match "<linenum>" within the "linerange" rule. In the
       "rx" version:

	       $linerange = rx{ <$linenum> , <$linenum>
			      | <$linenum>

       that's not possible, since the pattern matching mechanism won't know
       what's in $linenum until it actually tries to perform the match.

       By the way, we can still use interpolated "<$subrule>"-ish subpatterns
       in a named rule, and we can use named subpatterns in an "rx"-ish rule.
       The difference between "rule" and "rx" is just that a "rule" can have a
       name and must use "{...}" as its delimiters, whereas an "rx" doesn't
       have a name and can use any allowed delimiters.

Bad line! No match!
       This version of the diff parser has an additional rule, named
       "badline".  This rule illustrates another similarity between rules and
       subroutines/methods: rules can take arguments. The "badline" rule
       factors out the error message creation at the end of the "hunk" rule.
       Previously that rule ended with:

	       |  (\N*) ::: { fail "Invalid diff hunk: $1" }

       but in this version it ends with:

	       |  <badline("Invalid diff hunk")>

       That's a much better abstraction of the error condition. It's easier to
       understand and easier to maintain, but it does require us to be able to
       pass an argument (the error message) to the new "badline" subrule. To
       do that, we simply declare it to have a parameter list:

	       rule badline($errmsg) { (\N*) ::: { fail "$errmsg: $1" }

       Note the strong syntactic parallel with a subroutine definition:

	       sub  subname($param)  { ... }

       The argument is passed to a subrule by placing it in parentheses after
       the rule name within the angle brackets:

	       |  <badline("Invalid diff hunk")>

       The argument can also be passed without the parentheses, but then it is
       interpreted as if it were the body of a separate rule:

	       rule list_of ($pattern) {
		       <$pattern> [ , <$pattern> ]*

	       # and later...

	       $str =~ m:w/  \[			 # Literal opening square bracket
			     <list_of \w\d+>	 # Call list_of subrule passing rule rx/\w\d+/
			     \]			 # Literal closing square bracket

       A rule can take as many arguments as it needs to:

	       rule seplist($elem, $sep) {
		       <$elem>	[ <$sep> <$elem> ]*

       and those arguments can also be passed by name, using the standard Perl
       6 pair-based mechanism (as described in Apocalypse 3).

	       $str =~ m:w/
			   \[					   # literal left square bracket
			   <seplist(sep=>":", elem=>rx/<ident>/)>  # colon-separated list of identifiers
			   \]					   # literal right square bracket

       Note that the list's element specifier is itself an anonymous rule,
       which the "seplist" rule will subsequently interpolate as a pattern
       (because the $elem parameter appears in angle brackets within

Thinking ahead
       The only other change in the grammar version of the diff parser is that
       the matching of the '<' and '>' at the start of the context lines has
       been factored out. Whereas before we had:

	       $deleteline = rx/^^ \< <sp> (\N* \n) /
	       $appendline = rx/^^ \> <sp> (\N* \n) /

       now we have:

	       rule deleteline { ^^ <out_marker> (\N* \n) }
	       rule appendline { ^^ <in_marker>	 (\N* \n) }

	       rule out_marker { \<  <sp> }
	       rule in_marker  { \>  <sp> }

       That seems like a step backwards, since it complicated the grammar for
       no obvious benefit, but the benefit will be reaped later when we
       discover another type of diff file that uses different markers for
       incoming and outgoing lines.

What you match is what you get
       Both the variable-based and grammatical versions of the code above do a
       great job of recognizing a diff, but that's all they do. If we only
       want syntax checking, that's fine. But, generally, if we're parsing
       data what we really want is to do something useful with it: transform
       it into some other syntax, make changes to its contents, or perhaps
       convert it to a Perl internal data structure for our program to

       Suppose we did want to build a hierarchical Perl data structure
       representing the diff that the above examples match. What extra code
       would we need?


       That's right. Whenever Perl 6 matches a pattern, it automatically
       builds a "result object" representing the various components of the

       That result object is named $0 (the program's name is now $*PROG) and
       it's lexical to the scope in which the match occurs. The result object
       stores (amongst other things) the complete string matched by the
       pattern, and it evaluates to that string when used in a string context.
       For example:

	       if ($text =~ /<Diff.file>/) {
		       $difftext = $0;

       That's handy, but not really useful for extracting data structures.
       However, in addition, any components within a match that were captured
       using parentheses become elements of the object's array attribute, and
       are accessible through its array index operator. So, for example, when
       a pattern such as:

	   rule linenum_plus_comma { (\d+) (,?) };

       matches sucessfully, the array element 1 of the result object (i.e.
       $0[1]) is assigned the result of the first parenthesized capture (i.e.
       the digits), whilst the array element 2 ($0[2]) receives the comma.
       Note that array element zero of any result object is assigned the
       complete string that the pattern matched.

       There are also abbreviations for each of the array elements of $0.
       $0[1] can also be referred to as...surprise, surprise...$1, $0[2] can
       also be referred to as $2, $0[3] as $3, etc.  Like $0, each of these
       numeric variables is also lexical to the scope in which the pattern
       match occurred.

       The parts of a matched string that were matched by a named subrule
       become entries in the result object's hash attribute, and are
       subsequently accessible through its hash lookup operator.  So, for
       example, when the pattern:

	       rule deleteline { ^^ <out_marker> (\N* \n) }

       matches, the result object's hash entry for the key 'out_marker' (i.e.
       $0{out_marker}) will contain the result object returned by the
       successful nested match of the "out_marker" subrule.

A hypothetical solution to a very real problem
       Named capturing into a hash is very convenient, but it doesn't work so
       well for a rule like:

	       rule linerange {
		     <linenum> , <linenum>
		   | <linenum>

       The problem is that the hash attribute of the rule's $0 can only store
       one entry with the key 'linenum'.  So if the "<linenum> , <linenum>"
       alternative matches, then the result object from the second match of
       "<linenum>" will overwrite the entry for the first "<linenum>" match.

       The solution to this is a new Perl 6 pattern matching feature known as
       "hypothetical variables". A hypothetical variable is a variable that is
       declared and bound within a pattern match (i.e. inside a closure within
       a rule).	 The variable is declared, not with a "my", "our", or "temp",
       but with the new keyword "let", which was chosen because it's what
       mathematicians and other philosophers use to indicate a hypothetical

       Once declared, a hypothetical variable is then bound using the normal
       binding operator. For example:

	       rule checked_integer {
		       (\d+)		       # Match and capture one-or-more digits
		       { let $digits := $1 }   # Bind to hypothetical var $digits
		       -		       # Match a hyphen
		       (\d)		       # Match and capture one digit
		       { let $check := $2 }    # Bind to hypothetical var $check

       In this example, if a sequence of digits is found, then the $digits
       variable is bound to that substring. Then, if the dash and check-digit
       are matched, the digit is bound to $check. However, if the dash or
       digit is not matched, the match will fail and backtrack through the
       closure. This backtracking causes the $digits hypothetical variable to
       be automatically un-bound. Thus, if a rule fails to match, the
       hypothetical variables within it are not associated with any value.

       Each hypothetical variable is really just another name for the
       corresponding entry in the result object's hash attribute. So binding a
       hypothetical variable like $digits within a rule actually sets the
       $0{digits} element of the rule's result object.

       So, for example, to distinguish the two line numbers within a line

	       rule linerange {
		     <linenum> , <linenum>
		   | <linenum>

       we could bind them to two separate hypothetical variables -- say, $from
       and $to -- like so:

	       rule linerange {
		     (<linenum>)	       # Match linenum and capture result as $1
		     { let $from := $1 }       # Save result as hypothetical variable
		     ,			       # Match comma
		     (<linenum>)	       # Match linenum and capture result as $2
		     { let $to := $2 }	       # Save result as hypothetical variable
		     (<linenum>)	       # Match linenum and capture result as $3
		     { let $from := $3 }       # Save result as hypothetical variable

       Now our result object has a hash entry $0{from} and (maybe) one for
       $0{to} (if the first alternative was the one that matched). In fact, we
       could ensure that the result always has a $0{to}, by setting the
       corresponding hypothetical variable in the second alternative as well:

	       rule linerange {
		     { let $from := $1 }
		     { let $to := $2 }
		     { let $from := $3; let $to := $from }

       Problem solved.

       But only by introducing a new problem. All that hypothesizing made our
       rule ugly and complex. So Perl 6 provides a much prettier short-hand:

	       rule linerange {
		     $from := <linenum>		 # Match linenum rule, bind result to $from
		     ,				 # Match comma
		     $to := <linenum>		 # Match linenum rule, bind result to $to
		   |				 # Or...
		     $from := $to := <linenum>	 # Match linenum rule,
	       }				 #   bind result to both $from and $to

       or, more compactly:

	       rule linerange {
		     $from:=<linenum> , $to:=<linenum>
		   | $from:=$to:=<linenum>

       If a Perl 6 rule contains a variable that is immediately followed by
       the binding operator (":="), that variable is never interpolated.
       Instead, it is treated as a hypothetical variable, and bound to the
       result of the next component of the rule (in the above examples, to the
       result of the "<linenum>" subrule match).

       You can also use hypothetical arrays and hashes, binding them to a
       component that captures repeatedly. For example, we might choose to
       name our set of hunks:

	       rule file { ^  @adonises := <hunk>*  $ }

       collecting all the "<hunk>" matches into a single array (which would
       then be available after the match as $0{'@adonises'}. Note that the
       sigil is included in the key in this case).

       Or we might choose to bind a hypothetical hash:

	       rule config {
		   %init :=	       # Hypothetically, bind %init to...
		       [	       # Start of group
			   (<ident>)   # Match and capture an identifier
			   \h*=\h*     # Match an equals sign with optional horizontal whitespace
			   (\N*)       # Match and capture the rest of the line
			   \n	       # Match the newline

       where each repetition of the "[...]*" grouping captures two substrings
       on each repetition and converts them to a key/value pair, which is then
       added to the hash. The first captured substring in each repetition
       becomes the key, and the second captured substring becomes its
       associated value. The hypothetical %init hash is also available through
       the rule's result object, as $0{'%init'} (again, with the sigil as part
       of the key).

The nesting instinct
       Of course, those line number submatches in:

	       rule linerange {
		     $from:=<linenum> , $to:=<linenum>
		   | $from:=$to:=<linenum>

       will have returned their own result objects. And it's a reference to
       those nested result objects that actually gets stored in "linerange"'s
       $0{from} and $0{to}.

       Likewise, in the next higher rule:

	   rule hunk :i {
	       [ <linenum> a :: <linerange> \n
		 <linerange> d :: <linenum> \n
		 <linerange> c :: <linerange> \n
		 --- \n

       the match on "<linerange>" will return its $0 object.  So, within the
       "hunk" rule, we could access the "from" digits of the line range of the
       hunk as: $0{linerange}{from}.

       Likewise, at the highest level:

	   rule file { ^  <hunk>*  $ }

       we are matching a series of hunks, so the hypothetical $hunk variable
       (and hence $0{hunk}) will contain a result object whose array attribute
       contains the series of result objects returned by each individual
       "<hunk>" match.

       So, for example, we could access the "from" digits of the line range of
       the third hunk as: $0{hunk}[2]{linerange}{from}.

Extracting the insertions
       More usefully, we could locate and print every line in the diff that
       was being inserted, regardless of whether it was inserted by an
       "append" or a "change" hunk. Like so:

	   my $text is from($*ARGS);

	   if $text =~ /<Diff.file>/ {
	       for @{ $0{file}{hunk} } -> $hunk {
		    print @{$hunk{appendline}}
			if $hunk{appendline};

       Here, the "if" statement attempts to match the text against the pattern
       for a diff file. If it suceeds, the "for" loop grabs the "<hunk>*"
       result object, treats it as an array, and then iterates each hunk match
       object in turn into $hunk. The array of append lines for each hunk
       match is then printed (if there is in fact a reference to that array in
       the hunk).

Don't just match there; do something!
       Because Perl 6 patterns can have arbitrary code blocks inside them,
       it's easy to have a pattern actually perform syntax transformations
       whilst it's parsing. That's often a useful technique because it allows
       us to manipulate the various parts of a hierarchical representation
       locally (within the rules that recognize them).

       For example, suppose we wanted to "reverse" the diff file. That is,
       suppose we had a diff that specified the changes required to transform
       file A to file B, but we needed the back-transformation instead: from
       file B to file A. That's relatively easy to create.  We just turn every
       "append" into a "delete", every "delete" into an "append", and reverse
       every "change".

       The following code does exactly that:

	   grammar ReverseDiff {
	       rule file { ^  <hunk>*  $ }

	       rule hunk :i {
		   [ <linenum> a :: <linerange> \n
		     { @$appendline =~ s/<in_marker>/< /;
		       let $0 := "${linerange}d${linenum}\n"
			       _ join "", @$appendline;
		     <linerange> d :: <linenum> \n
		     { @$deleteline =~ s/<out_marker>/> /;
		       let $0 := "${linenum}a${linerange}\n"
			       _ join "", @$deleteline;
		     $from:=<linerange> c :: $to:=<linerange> \n
		     --- \n
		     { @$appendline =~ s/<in_marker>/</;
		       @$deleteline =~ s/<out_marker>/>/;
		       let $0 := "${to}c${from}\n"
			       _ join("", @$appendline)
			       _ "---\n"
			       _ join("", @$deleteline);
		   <badline("Invalid diff hunk")>

	       rule badline ($errmsg) { (\N*) ::: { fail "$errmsg: $1" } }

	       rule linerange { $from:=<linenum> , $to:=<linenum>
			      | $from:=$to:=<linenum>

	       rule linenum { (\d+) }

	       rule deleteline { ^^ <out_marker> (\N* \n) }
	       rule appendline { ^^ <in_marker>	 (\N* \n) }

	       rule out_marker { \<  <sp> }
	       rule in_marker  { \>  <sp> }

	   # and later...

	   my $text is from($*ARGS);

	   print @{ $0{file}{hunk} }
	       if $text =~ /<Diff.file>/;

       The rule definitions for "file", "badline", "linerange", "linenum",
       "appendline", "deleteline", "in_marker" and "out_marker" are exactly
       the same as before.

       All the work of reversing the diff is performed in the "hunk" rule.  To
       do that work, we have to extend each of the three main alternatives of
       that rule, adding to each a closure that changes the result object it

Smarter alternatives
       In the first alternative (which matches "append" hunks), we match as

	       <linenum> a :: <linerange> \n

       But then we execute an embedded closure:

	       { @$appendline =~ s/<in_marker>/</;
		 let $0 := "${linerange}d${linenum}\n"
			 _ join "", @$appendline;

       The first line reverses the "marker" arrows on each line of data that
       was previously being appended, using the smart-match operator to apply
       the transformation to each line. Note too, that we reuse the
       "in_marker" rule within the substitution.

       Then we bind the result object (i.e. the hypothetical variable $0) to a
       string representing the "reversed" append hunk. That is, we reverse the
       order of the line range and line number components, put a 'd' (for
       "delete") between them, and then follow that with all the reversed

		 let $0 := "${linerange}d${linenum}\n"
			 _ join "", @$appendline;

       The changes to the "delete" alternative are exactly symmetrical.
       Capture the components as before, reverse the marker arrows, reverse
       the $linerange and $linenum, change the 'd' to an 'a', and append the
       reversed data lines.

       In the third alternative:

	       $from:=<linerange> c :: $to:=<linerange> \n
	       --- \n
	       { @$appendline =~ s/<in_marker>/</;
		 @$deleteline =~ s/<out_marker>/>/;
		 let $0 := "${to}c${from}\n"
			 _ join("", @$appendline)
			 _ "---\n"
			 _ join("", @$deleteline);

       there are line ranges on both sides of the 'c'. So we need to give them
       distinct names, by binding them to extra hypothetical variables: $from
       and $to. We then reverse the order of two line ranges, but leave the
       'c' as it was (because we're simply changing something back to how it
       was previously). The markers on both the append and delete lines are
       reversed, and then the order of the two sets of lines is also reversed.

       Once those transformations has been performed on each hunk (i.e. as
       it's being matched!), the result of successfully matching any "<hunk>"
       subrule will be a string in which the matched hunk has already been

       All that remains is to match the text against the grammar, and print
       out the (modified) hunks:

	   print @{ $0{file}{hunk} }
	       if $text =~ /<ReverseDiff.file>/;

       And, since the "file" rule is now in the ReverseDiff grammar's
       namespace, we need to call the rule through that grammar. Note the way
       the syntax for doing that continues the parallel with methods and

Rearranging the deck-chairs...
       It might have come as a surprise that we were allowed to bind the
       pattern's $0 result object directly, but there's nothing magical about
       it. $0 turns out to be just another hypothetical variable...the one
       that happens to be returned when the match is complete.

       Likewise, $1, $2, $3, etc. are all hypotheticals, and can also be
       explicitly bound in a rule. That's very handy for ensuring that the
       right substring always turns up in the right numbered variable. For
       example, consider a Perl 6 rule to match simple Perl 5 method calls
       (matching all Perl 5 method calls would, of course, require a much more
       sophisticated rule):

	       rule method_call :w {
		   # Match direct syntax:   $var->meth(...)
		   \$  (<ident>)  -\>  (<ident>)  \(  (<arglist>)  \)

		 | # Match indirect syntax: meth $var (...)
		   (<ident>)  \$  (<ident>)  [ \( (<arglist>) \) | (<arglist>) ]

	       my ($varname, methodname, $arglist);

	       if ($source_code =~ / $0 := <method_call> /) {
		   $varname    = $1 // $5;
		   $methodname = $2 // $4;
		   $arglist    = $3 // $6 // $7;

       By binding the match's $0 to the result of the "<method_call>" subrule,
       we bind its $0[1], $0[2], $0[3], etc. to those array elements in
       "<method_call>"'s result object. And thereby bind $1, $2, $3, etc. as
       well. Then it's just a matter of sorting out which numeric variable
       ended up with which bit of the method call.

       That's okay, but it would be much better if we could guarantee that the
       variable name was always in $1, the method name in $2, and the argument
       list in $3. Then we could replace the last six lines above with just:

	       my ($varname, methodname, $arglist) =
		       $source_code =~ / $0 := <method_call> /;

       In Perl 5 there was no way to do that, but in Perl 6 it's relatively
       easy.  We just modify the "method_call" rule like so:

	       rule method_call :w {
		   \$  $1:=<ident>  -\>	 $2:=<ident>  \( $3:=<arglist> \)
		 | $2:=<ident>	\$  $1:=<ident>	 [ \( $3:=<arglist> \) | $3:=<arglist> ]

       Or, annotated:

	       rule method_call :w {
		   \$			       #   Match a literal $
		   $1:=<ident>		       #   Match the varname, bind it to $1
		   -\>			       #   Match a literal ->
		   $2:=<ident>		       #   Match the method name, bind it to $2
		   \(			       #   Match an opening paren
		   $3:=<arglist>	       #   Match the arg list, bind it to $3
		   \)			       #   Match a closing paren
		 |			       # Or
		   $2:=<ident>		       #   Match the method name, bind it to $2
		   \$			       #   Match a literal $
		   $1:=<ident>		       #   Match the varname, bind it to $1
		   [			       #   Either...
		     \( $3:=<arglist> \)       #     Match arg list in parens, bind it to $3
		   |			       #   Or...
			$3:=<arglist>	       #     Just match arg list, bind it to $3

       Now the rule's $1 is bound to the variable name, regardless of which
       alternative matches. Likewise $2 is bound to the method name in either
       branch of the "|", and $3 is associated with the argument list, no
       matter which of the three possible ways it was matched.

       Of course, that's still rather ugly (especially if we have to write all
       those comments just so others can understand how clever we were).

       So an even better solution is just to use proper named rules (with
       their handy auto-capturing behaviour) for everything. And then slice
       the required information out of the result object's hash attribute:

	       rule varname    { <ident> }
	       rule methodname { <ident> }

	       rule method_call :w {
		   \$  <varname>  -\>  <methodname>  \( <arglist> \)
		 | <methodname>	 \$  <varname>	[ \( <arglist> \) | <arglist> ]

	       $source_code =~ / <method_call> /;

	       my ($varname, $methodname, $arglist) =

Deriving a benefit
       As the above examples illustrate, using named rules in grammars
       provides a cleaner syntax and a reduction in the number of variables
       required in a parsing program. But, beyond those advantages, and the
       obvious benefits of moving rule construction from run-time to compile-
       time, there's yet another significant way to gain from placing named
       rules inside a grammar: we can inherit from them.

       For example, the ReverseDiff grammar is almost the same as the normal
       Diff grammar. The only difference is in the "hunk" rule.	 So there's no
       reason why we shouldn't just have ReverseDiff inherit all that
       sameness, and simply redefine its notion of "hunk"-iness.  That would
       look like this:

	   grammar ReverseDiff is Diff {

	       rule hunk :i {
		   [ <linenum> a :: <linerange> \n
		     { $appendline =~ s/ <in_marker> /</;
		       let $0 := "${linerange}d${linenum}\n"
			       _ join "", @$appendline;
		     <linerange> d :: <linenum> \n
		     { $deleteline =~ s/ <out_marker> />/;
		       let $0 := "${linenum}a${linerange}\n"
			       _ join "", @$deleteline;
		     $from:=<linerange> c :: $to:=<linerange> \n
		     --- \n
		     { $appendline =~ s/ <in_marker> /</;
		       $deleteline =~ s/ <out_marker> />/;
		       let $0 := "${to}c${from}\n"
			       _ join("", @$appendline)
			       _ "---\n"
			       _ join("", @$deleteline);
		   <badline("Invalid diff hunk")>

       The "ReverseDiff is Diff" syntax is the standard Perl 6 way of
       inheriting behaviour. Classes will use the same notation:

	       class Hacker is Programmer {...}
	       class JAPH is Hacker {...}
	       # etc.

       Likewise, in the above example Diff is specified as the base grammar
       from which the new ReverseDiff grammar is derived. As a result of that
       inheritance relationship, ReverseDiff immediately inherits all of the
       Diff grammar's rules. We then simple redefine ReverseDiff's version of
       the "hunk" rule, and the job's done.

Different diffs
       Grammatical inheritance isn't only useful for tweaking the behaviour of
       a grammar's rules. It's also handy when two or more related grammars
       share some characteristics, but differ in some particulars. For
       example, suppose we wanted to support the "unified" diff format, as
       well as the "classic".

       A unified diff consists of two lines of header information, followed by
       a series of hunks. The header information indicates the name and
       modification date of the old file (prefixing the line with three minus
       signs), and then the name and modification date of the new file
       (prefixing that line with three plus signs). Each hunk consists of an
       offset line, followed by one or more lines representing either shared
       context, or a line to be inserted, or a line to be deleted. Offset
       lines start with two "at" signs, then consist of a minus sign followed
       by the old line offset and line-count, and then a plus sign followed by
       the new line offset and line-count, and then two more "at" signs.
       Context lines are prefixed with two spaces. Insertion lines are
       prefixed with a plus sign and a space. Deletion lines are prefixed with
       a minus sign and a space.

       But that's not important right now.

       What is important is that we could write another complete grammar for
       that, like so:

	   grammar Diff::Unified {

	       rule file { ^  <fileinfo>  <hunk>*  $ }

	       rule fileinfo {
		       <out_marker><3> $oldfile:=(\S+) $olddate:=[\h* (\N+?) \h*?] \n
		       <in_marker><3>  $newfile:=(\S+) $newdate:=[\h* (\N+?) \h*?] \n

	       rule hunk {
		   @spec := ( <contextline>
			    | <appendline>
			    | <deleteline>
			    | <badline("Invalid line for unified diff")>

	       rule header {
		   \@\@ <out_marker> <linenum> , <linecount> \h+
			<in_marker>  <linenum> , <linecount> \h+
		   \@\@ \h* \n

	       rule badline ($errmsg) { (\N*) ::: { fail "$errmsg: $1" } }

	       rule linenum   { (\d+) }
	       rule linecount { (\d+) }

	       rule deleteline	{ ^^ <out_marker> (\N* \n) }
	       rule appendline	{ ^^ <in_marker>  (\N* \n) }
	       rule contextline { ^^ <sp> <sp>	  (\N* \n) }

	       rule out_marker { \+ <sp> }
	       rule in_marker  {  - <sp> }

       That represents (and can parse) the new diff format correctly, but it's
       a needless duplication of effort and code. Many the rules of this
       grammar are identical to those of the original diff parser. Which
       suggests we could just grab them straight from the original -- by
       inheriting them:

	   grammar Diff::Unified is Diff  {

	       rule file { ^  <fileinfo>  <hunk>*  $ }

	       rule fileinfo {
		       <out_marker><3> $newfile:=(\S+) $olddate:=[\h* (\N+?) \h*?] \n
		       <in_marker><3>  $newfile:=(\S+) $newdate:=[\h* (\N+?) \h*?] \n

	       rule hunk {
		   @spec := ( <contextline>
			    | <appendline>
			    | <deleteline>
			    | <badline("Invalid line for unified diff")>

	       rule header {
		   \@\@ <out_marker> <linenum> , <linecount> \h+
			<in_marker>  <linenum> , <linecount> \h+
		   \@\@ \h* \n

	       rule linecount { (\d+) }

	       rule contextline { ^^ <sp> <sp>	(\N* \n) }

	       rule out_marker { \+ <sp> }
	       rule in_marker  {  - <sp> }

       Note that in this version we don't need to specify the rules for
       "appendline", "deleteline", "linenum", etc. They're provided
       automagically by inheriting from the "Diff" grammar. So we only have to
       specify the parts of the new grammar that differ from the original.

       In particular, this is where we finally reap the reward for factoring
       out the "in_marker" and "out_marker" rules. Because we did that
       earlier, we can now just change the rules for matching those two
       markers directly in the new grammar. As a result, the inherited
       "appendline" and "deleteline" rules (which use "in_marker" and
       "out_marker" as subrules) will now attempt to match the new versions of
       "in_marker" and "out_marker" rules instead.

       And if you're thinking that looks suspiciously like polymorphism,
       you're absolutely right. The parallels between pattern matching and OO
       run very deep in Perl 6.

Let's get cooking
       To sum up: Perl 6 patterns and grammars extend Perl's text matching
       capacities enormously. But you don't have to start using all that extra
       power right away. You can ignore grammars and embedded closures and
       assertions and the other sophisticated bits until you actually need

       The new rule syntax also cleans up much of the "line-noise" of Perl 5
       regexes. But the fundamentals don't change that much. Many Perl 5
       patterns will translate very simply and naturally to Perl 6.

       To demonstrate that, and to round out this exploration of Perl 6
       patterns, here are a few common Perl 5 regexes -- some borrowed from
       the Perl Cookbook, and others from the Regexp::Common module -- all
       ported to equivalent Perl 6 rules:

       Match a C comment:
		   # Perl 5
		   $str =~ m{ /\* .*? \*/ }xs;

		   # Perl 6
		   $str =~ m{ /\* .*? \*/ };

       Remove leading qualifiers from a Perl identifier
		   # Perl 5
		   $ident =~ s/^(?:\w*::)*//;

		   # Perl 6
		   $ident =~ s/^[\w*\:\:]*//;

       Warn of text with lines greater than 80 characters
		   # Perl 5
		   warn "Thar she blows!: $&"
			   if $str =~ m/.{81,}/;

		   # Perl 6
		   warn "Thar she blows!: $0"
			   if $str =~ m/\N<81,>/;

       Match a Roman numeral
		   # Perl 5
		   $str =~ m/ ^ m* (?:d?c{0,3}|c[dm]) (?:l?x{0,3}|x[lc]) (?:v?i{0,3}|i[vx]) $ /ix;

		   # Perl 6
		   $str =~ m:i/ ^ m* [d?c<0,3>|c<[dm]>] [l?x<0,3>|x<[lc]>] [v?i<0,3>|i<[vx]>] $ /;

       Extract lines regardless of line terminator
		   # Perl 5
		   push @lines, $1
			   while $str =~ m/\G([^\012\015]*)(?:\012\015?|\015\012?)/gc;

		   # Perl 6
		   push @lines, $1
			   while $str =~ m:c/ (\N*) \n /;

       Match a quote-delimited string (Friedl-style), capturing contents:
		   # Perl 5
		   $str =~ m/ " ( [^\\"]* (?: \\. [^\\"]* )* ) " /x;

		   # Perl 6
		   $str =~ m/ " ( <-[\\"]>* [ \\. <-[\\"]>* ]* ) " /;

       Match a decimal IPv4 address:
		   # Perl 5
		   my $quad = qr/(?: 25[0-5] | 2[0-4]\d | [0-1]??\d{1,2} )/x;

		   $str =~ m/ $quad \. $quad \. $quad \. $quad /x;

		   # Perl 6
		   rule quad {	(\d<1,3>) :: { fail unless $1 < 256 }  }

		   $str =~ m/ <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> /x;

		   # Perl 6 (same great approach, now less syntax)
		   rule quad {	(\d<1,3>) :: <($1 < 256)>  }

		   $str =~ m/ <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> /x;

       Match a floating-point number, returning components:
		   # Perl 5
		   ($sign, $mantissa, $exponent) =
			   $str =~ m/([+-]?)([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)(?:e([+-]?[0-9]+))?/;

		   # Perl 6
		   ($sign, $mantissa, $exponent) =
			   $str =~ m/(<[+-]>?)(<[0-9]>+\.?<[0-9]>*|\.<[0-9]>+)[e(<[+-]>?<[0-9]>+)]?/;

       Match a floating-point number maintainably, returning components:
		   # Perl 5
		   my $digit	= qr/[0-9]/;
		   my $sign_pat = qr/(?: [+-]? )/x;
		   my $mant_pat = qr/(?: $digit+ \.? $digit* | \. digit+ )/x;
		   my $expo_pat = qr/(?: $signpat $digit+ )? /x;

		   ($sign, $mantissa, $exponent) =
			   $str =~ m/ ($sign_pat) ($mant_pat) (?: e ($expo_pat) )? /x;

		   # Perl 6
		   rule sign	 { <[+-]>? }
		   rule mantissa { <digit>+ [\. <digit>*] | \. <digit>+ }
		   rule exponent { [ <sign> <digit>+ ]? }

		   ($sign, $mantissa, $exponent) =
			   $str =~ m/ (<sign>) (<mantissa>) [e (<exponent>)]? /;

       Match nested parentheses:
		   # Perl 5
		   our $parens = qr/ \(	 (?: (?>[^()]+) | (??{$parens}) )*  \) /x;
		   $str =~ m/$parens/;

		   # Perl 6
		   $str =~ m/ \(  [ <-[()]> + : | <self> ]*  \) /;

       Match nested parentheses maintainably:
		   # Perl 5
		   our $parens = qr/
			      \(		   # Match a literal '('
			      (?:		   # Start a non-capturing group
				  (?>		   #	 Never backtrack through...
				      [^()] +	   #	     Match a non-paren (repeatedly)
				  )		   #	 End of non-backtracking region
			      |			   # Or
				  (??{$parens})	   #	Recursively match entire pattern
			      )*		   # Close group and match repeatedly
			      \)		   # Match a literal ')'

		   $str =~ m/$parens/;

		   # Perl 6
		   $str =~ m/ <'('>		   # Match a literal '('
			      [			   # Start a non-capturing group
				   <-[()]> +	   #	Match a non-paren (repeatedly)
				   :		   #	...and never backtrack that match
			      |			   # Or
				   <self>	   #	Recursively match entire pattern
			      ]*		   # Close group and match repeatedly
			      <')'>		   # Match a literal ')'

perl v5.14.0			  2006-02-28		  Perl6::Bible::E05(3)

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