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FINK(8)			  BSD System Manager's Manual		       FINK(8)

     fink — a package management system

     fink [options] command [command-options] [package]

     fink is a package management system that aims to bring the full world of
     GNU and other common Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X.

     With the help of dpkg(8) and apt(8) it maintains a separate directory
     hierarchy. It downloads original source releases, patches them if necces‐
     sary, configures them for Darwin and compiles and installs them. The
     information about available packages and the neccessary patches are
     included with this distribution, everything else is downloaded off the

     -h, --help
	   Display help text.

     -q, --quiet
	   Causes fink to be less verbose, opposite of --verbose

     -V, --version
	   Display fink version information.

     -v, --verbose
	   Causes fink to be more verbose, opposite of --quiet

     -y, --yes
	   Assume default answer for all interactive questions

     -K, --keep-root-dir
	   Causes fink not to delete the temporary installation directory
	   root-[name]-[version]-[revision] in the Buildpath (see the
	   fink.conf manpage) after building a package.

     -k, --keep-build-dir
	   Causes fink not to delete the package compile directory
	   [name]-[version]-[revision] in the Buildpath (see the fink.conf
	   manpage) after building a package.

     -b, --use-binary-dist
	   Download pre-compiled binary packages from the binary distribution
	   if available and if deb is not already on the system

	   Note that this mode instructs fink to download the version it wants
	   if that version is available for download; it does not cause fink
	   to choose a version based on its binary availability.

	   Don't use pre-compiled binary packages from the binary distribu‐
	   tion, opposite of the --use-binary-dist flag. This is the default
	   unless overridden by a setting in fink.conf configuration file.

	   Drop to a non-root user when performing the unpack, patch, compile,
	   and install phases.	This is the default behavior unless overridden
	   by a BuildAsNobody: false directive in a .info file, or if the
	   --no-build-as-nobody flag is used.

	   Force the the unpack, patch, compile, and install phases to be per‐
	   formed as root.

     -m, --maintainer
	   Perform actions useful to package maintainers: run validation on
	   the .info file before building and on the .deb after building a
	   package; turn certain build-time warnings into fatal errors; run
	   the test suites as specified in the InfoTest field.	This sets
	   --tests and --validate to on.

	   Causes InfoTest fields to be activated and test suites specified
	   via TestScript to be executed.  If no argument is given to this
	   option or if the argument is on then failures in test suites will
	   be considered fatal errors during builds.  If the argument is warn
	   then failures will be treated as warnings.

	   Causes packages to be validated during a build.  If no argument is
	   given to this option or if the argument is on then validation fail‐
	   ures will be considered fatal errors during builds.	If the argu‐
	   ment is warn then failures will be treated as warnings.

     -l, --log-output
	   Save a copy of the terminal output during each package building
	   process. By default, the file is stored in
	   /tmp/fink-build-log_[name]-[version]-[revision]_[date]-[time] but
	   one can use the --logfile flag to specify an alternate filename.

	   Don't save a copy of the output during package-building, opposite
	   of the --log-output flag. This is the default.

	   Save package build logs to the file filename instead of the default
	   file (see the --log-output flag, which is implicitly set by the
	   --logfile flag). You can use percent-expansion codes to include
	   specific package information automatically. A complete list of per‐
	   cent-expanions is available in the Fink Packaging Manual; some com‐
	   mon percent-expansions are:
		 %n    package name
		 %v    package version
		 %r    package revision

     -t, --trees=expr
	   Consider only packages in trees matching expr.

	   The format of expr is a comma-delimited list of tree specifica‐
	   tions. Trees listed in fink.conf are compared against expr.	Only
	   those which match at least one tree specification are considered by
	   fink, in the order of the first specifications which they match. If
	   no --trees option is used, all trees listed in fink.conf are
	   included in order.

	   A tree specification may contain a slash (/) character, in which
	   case it requires an exact match with a tree. Otherwise, it matches
	   against the first path-element of a tree. For example,
	   --trees=unstable/main would match only the unstable/main tree,
	   while --trees=unstable would match both unstable/main and

	   There exist magic tree specifications which can be included in

		       Includes packages in the dpkg status database.

		       Includes virtual packages which reflect the capabili‐
		       ties of the system.

	   Exclusion (or failure to include) these magic trees is currently
	   only supported for operations which do not install or remove pack‐

     -T, --exclude-trees=expr
	   Consider only packages in trees not matching expr.

	   The syntax of expr is the same as for --trees, including the magic
	   tree specifications. However, matching trees are here excluded
	   rather than included. Note that trees matching both --trees and
	   --exclude-trees are excluded.

	   Examples of --trees and --exclude-trees:

		 fink --trees=stable,virtual,status install foo
		       Install foo as if fink was using the stable tree, even
		       if unstable is enabled in fink.conf.

		 fink --exclude-trees=local install foo
		       Install the version of foo in fink , not the locally
		       modified version.

		 fink --trees=local/main list -i
		       List the locally modified packages which are installed.

     fink has several commands that work on packages. All of them need at
     least one package name, and all can handle several package names at once.
     You can specify just the package name (e.g. gimp), or a fully qualified
     name with a version number (e.g. gimp-1.2.1 or gimp-1.2.1-3).  fink will
     automatically choose the latest available version and revision when they
     are not specified.

     install package...
	   The install command is used to install packages. It downloads, con‐
	   figures, and builds, or downloads prebuilt (see the
	   --use-binary-dist flag) and installs the packages you name. It will
	   also install required dependencies automatically, but will ask you
	   for confirmation before it does so.

	   Aliases: update, enable, activate, use

     remove package...
	   The remove command removes packages from the system.	 The current
	   implementation has a flaw: it doesn't check dependencies itself but
	   rather completly leaves that to the dpkg or apt-get tool (usually
	   this poses no problem, though).

	   The remove command removes the actual package files (excluding con‐
	   figuration files), but leaves the .deb compressed package file
	   intact. This means that you can re-install the package later with‐
	   out going through the compile process again.	 If you need the disk
	   space, you can remove the .deb from the /sw/fink/dists tree.

	   These flags can be used with the fink remove command
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Also remove packages that depend on the package(s) to
		       be removed.

	   Aliases: disable, deactivate, unuse, delete

     purge package...
	   The purge command purges packages from the system.  This is the
	   same as fink remove except that it removes configuration files as

	   These flags can be used with the fink purge command
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Also purge packages that depend on the package(s) to be

	   This command updates all installed packages to the latest version.
	   It does not need a package list, so you just type:
		 fink update-all

     list [list-options] [package...]
	   This command produces a list of available packages. If no packages
	   are specified, it will list all available packages. If one or more
	   package names are given, fink will list only those packages that
	   match the given names. If the passed package named contain shell
	   globs (?  and * wildcards), only those packages matching the glob
	   are returned. If simple text strings (not globs) are passed, pack‐
	   ages containing them as substrings of the name are returned.

	   The default output is a table, listing installation state, the lat‐
	   est version and a short package description. The first column dis‐
	   plays the installation state with the following meanings:

		 not installed
		  i    latest version is installed
		 (i)   some version is installed, but a newer version is
		 *i*   the version which is installed is more recent than the
		       newest version currently available
		  p    a virtual package provided by a package that is

	   The version column always lists the latest (highest) version known
	   for the package, regardless of what version (if any) you have
	   installed. To see all versions of a package available on your sys‐
	   tem along with more detailed status information about each, use
	   fink dumpinfo -fallversions

	   The following list-options affect the output format:
		       Show the options which are available.
		 -w xyz,--width=xyz
		       Sets the width of the display you would like the output
		       formatted for. xyz is either a numeric value or auto.
		       auto will set the width based on the terminal width.
		       The default is auto.
		       The default table format has fixed-width columns that
		       are adjusted to fill the available screen size, with
		       package names and descriptions truncated as necessary
		       to fit. In -t mode, the output is tab delimited and
		       fields are not truncated regardles of screen size. The
		       tabbed mode is useful for running the output through
		       additional scripts or parsers, and is the default for‐
		       mat when fink list is used as part of a pipeline rather
		       than as a simple command.
		       Output results in the standard fixed-width or tab-
		       delimited table style. See the -t flag for a way to
		       affect the format, and the intro to this command for
		       general information about the layout.
		       Output package dependency data in .dot format, suitable
		       for processing by dotty and other graphviz tools (com‐
		       pare to the human-readable list format of the fink
		       show-deps command). This output mode just gives runtime
		       dependencies of each package You can parse the output
		       to get reverse-depends information, for example:
			     fink list --format=dotty | grep '
		       will list all packages that have a runtime dependency
		       on the libgettext8-shlibs package. Technically, this
		       example lists all packages' runtime dependency data,
		       and then selects the lines that have libgettext8-shlibs
		       in the dependency-target field. Note, there is a single
		       space between the two different quotes before the pack‐
		       age-name but not after.
		       Output package dependency data in .dot format, suitable
		       for processing by dotty and other graphviz tools (com‐
		       pare to the human-readable list format of the fink
		       show-deps command). This output mode gives compiletime
		       dependencies of each package, which includes runtime
		       and build dependencies of every package in a family
		       (packages built together). Using the -m flag will also
		       include dependencies for the package-family's self-
		       testing (i.e., including TestDepends data). You can
		       parse the output to get reverse-builddepends informa‐
		       tion, for example:
			     fink -m list --format=dotty-build | grep '
		       will list all packages that have a compiletime depen‐
		       dency on the libgettext8-dev package. Technically, this
		       example lists all packages' compiletime dependency
		       data, and then selects the lines that have libget‐
		       text8-dev in the dependency-target field. Note, there
		       is a single space between the two different quotes
		       before the package-name but not after.

	   The following list-options control which packages are listed:
		       Show only those packages which are currently installed.
		       Show only those packages which are out of date.
		       Show only packages which are up to date.
		       Show packages which are not currently installed.
		       Show packages whose installed version is newer than
		       anything fink knows about.
		 -s expr,--section=expr
		       Show only packages in the sections matching expr.
		 -m expr,--maintainer=expr
		       Show only packages with the maintainer matching expr.

	   Some usage examples:

		 fink list
		       list all packages.

		 fink list bash
		       check if bash is available and what version.

		 fink list --tab --outdated | cut -f2
		       just list the names of the out of date packages.

		 fink list --section=kde
		       list the packages in the kde section.

		 fink list --maintainer=fink-devel
		       list the packages with no maintainer.

		 fink --trees=unstable list --maintainer=fink-devel
		       list the packages with no maintainer, but only in the
		       unstable tree.

		 fink list "gnome*"
		       list all packages that start with 'gnome'.

	   The quotes in the last example are necessary to stop the shell from
	   interpreting the pattern itself.

     apropos package...
	   This command behaves similarly to fink list except that package...
	   must be supplied and it searches package descriptions as well as
	   package names for the given strings (no wildcards).

     describe package...
	   This command displays a description of the package you name on the
	   command line. Note that only a small part of the packages currently
	   have a description.

	   Aliases: desc, description, info

	   List the (optional) plugins available to the fink package manager.
	   Currently lists the notification mechanisms and the source-tarball
	   checksum algorithms.

     fetch package...
	   Downloads the named packages, but does not install them. This com‐
	   mand will download the tarballs even if they were downloaded

	   These flags can be used with the fink fetch command
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Do not fetch packages that are "License: Restrictive".
		       Useful for mirrors, because some restrictive packages
		       do not allow source mirroring.
		       Just display information about the file(s) that would
		       be downloaded for the package(s) to be fetched; do not
		       actually download anything.
		       Also fetch packages that are dependencies of the pack‐
		       age(s) to be fetched.

	   Downloads all package source files. Like fetch, this downloads the
	   tarballs even when they were downloaded before.

	   These flags can be used with the fink fetch-all command
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Do not fetch packages that are "License: Restrictive".
		       Useful for mirrors, because some restrictive packages
		       do not allow source mirroring.
		       Just display information about the file(s) that would
		       be downloaded for the package(s) to be fetched; do not
		       actually download anything.

	   Downloads all package source files. This command will only download
	   files that are not present on the system.

	   These flags can be used with the fink fetch-missing command
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Do not fetch packages that are "License: Restrictive".
		       Useful for mirrors, because some restrictive packages
		       do not allow source mirroring.
		       Just display information about the file(s) that would
		       be downloaded for the package(s) to be fetched; do not
		       actually download anything.

     build package...
	   Builds a package, but does not install it. As usual, the source
	   tarballs are downloaded if they can not be found. The result of
	   this command is an installable .deb package file, which you can
	   quickly install later with the install command. This command will
	   do nothing if the .deb already exists.  Note that dependencies are
	   still installed, not just built.

     rebuild package...
	   Builds a package (like the build command), but ignores and over‐
	   writes the existing .deb file. If the package is installed, the
	   newly created .deb file will also be installed in the system via
	   dpkg(8).  Very useful during package development.

     reinstall package...
	   Same as install, but will install the package via dpkg(8) even when
	   it is already installed. You can use this when you accidentally
	   deleted package files or changed configuration files and want to
	   get the default settings back.

	   Reruns the fink configuration process. This will let you change
	   your mirror sites and proxy settings, among others.

     selfupdate [options]
	   This command automates the process of upgrading to a new fink
	   release. It checks the fink website to see if a new version is
	   available. It then downloads the package descriptions and updates
	   the core packages, including fink itself. This command can upgrade
	   to major point releases (for example, the set of packages that
	   comes with a Fink binary installer), but it can also set up your
	   /sw/fink/dists directory tree for cvs(1) or rsync(1) updates.  This
	   means that you then will be able to access the very latest revi‐
	   sions of all packages instead of only the point-release snapshot.
	   If no options are given, the existing default update method is used
	   as given in the fink.conf(5) file. Several options can be used to
	   control the update process:
		       Show the options which are available.
		 -m MODE,--method=METHOD
		       Establish the given METHOD as the default selfupdate
		       method and update using it.
		 -f, --finish
		       Do some standard actions after the actual MODE-specific
		       updating of the package descriptions (update the
		       binary-repository data, refresh some internal indices,
		       make sure fink itself and some other critical packages
		       are up-to-date).

	   Synonym for selfupdate --method=rsync

	   Synonym for selfupdate --method=cvs

	   Rebuilds the package cache. You should not normally need to execute
	   this manually, fink should auto-detect when it needs to be updated.

     validate [options] file...
	   This command performs various checks on .info and .deb files. Pack‐
	   age maintainers should run this on their package descriptions and
	   corresponding built packages before submitting them.

	   Aliases: check

	   The following optional options may be used:
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Simulate an alternate Fink basepath prefix (%p) within
		       the files being validated.
		 --pedantic, --no-pedantic
		       Control the display of nitpicky formatting warnings.
		       --pedantic is the default.

     scanpackages [tree...]
	   Updates the apt-get(8) database of debs in the specified trees.

     cleanup [mode(s) and options]
	   Removes obsolete and temporary files. This can reclaim large
	   amounts of disk space. One or more modes may be specified:
		       Delete .deb files (compiled binary package archives)
		       corresponding to versions of packages that are neither
		       described by a package description (.info) file in the
		       currently-active trees nor presently installed.
		       Delete sources (tarballs, etc.) that are not used by
		       any package description (.info) file in the currently-
		       active trees.
		 --buildlocks, --bl
		       Delete stale buildlock packages.
		       Remove entries for packages that are not installed from
		       the dpkg "status" database.
		       Attempt to uninstall all installed packges that are
		       All of the above modes.
	   If no mode is specified, --debs --sources is the default action. In
	   addition, the following options may be used:
		       Move old source files to /sw/src/old/ instead of delet‐
		       ing them.
		       Print the names of the files that would be deleted, but
		       do not actually delete them.
		       Show the modes and options which are available.

     dumpinfo [options] package...
	   Shows how fink parses parts of a package's .info file. Various
	   fields and percent expansions will be displayed according to
	   options as follows:
		       Show the options which are available.
		       Display all fields from the package description.	 This
		       is the default mode when no --field or --percent flags
		       are given.
		 -f fieldname, --field=fieldname
		       Display the given fieldname(s), in the order listed.
		 -p key, --percent=key
		       Display the given percent expansion key(s), in the
		       order listed.
		 -e env_var, --env=env_var
		       Display the given variable(s) from the environment in
		       effect when the package is compiled. Output is in a
		       form suitable to be fed to 'eval'.

     show-deps package...
	   Displays a human-readable list of the compile-time (build) and run-
	   time (installation) dependencies of the listed package(s). See the
	   fink list --format=dotty and fink list --format=dotty-build com‐
	   mands for other ways of obtaining dependency (and reverse-depen‐
	   dency) information.

	   Package  cache  databases. Don't try to edit them manually--instead
	   update using fink index.

	   The system wide  configuration  file.  See  fink.conf(5)  for  more


     Check out fink's bug tracker at http://source‐ for a current list of known

     This manpage is maintained by the Fink Core Group <fink->.

     fink is developed and maintained by The Fink Project (http://www.finkpro‐

     apt-get(8), dselect(8), dpkg(8), fink.conf(5)

				 June 1, 2024

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