topblock man page on Slackware

Printed from

topblock(6)		      XScreenSaver manual		   topblock(6)

       topblock - a 3D world of falling blocks that build up and up.

       topblock	 [-display  host:display.screen]  [-visual  visual]  [-window]
       [-root] [-delay number] [-wireframe] [-fps] [-size number] [-spawn num‐
       ber]  [-camX  number] [-camY number] [-camZ number] [-rotate] [-no-car‐
       pet] [-no-nipples] [-blob] [-rotateSpeed number] [-follow] [-maxFalling
       number]	[-resolution  number]  [-maxColors number] [-dropSpeed number]

       Creates a world of falling blocks that build up and up.

       -visual visual
	       Specify which visual to use.  Legal values are the  name	 of  a
	       visual  class,  or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific

       -window Draw on a newly-created window.	This is the default.

       -root   Draw on the root window.

       -delay number
	       Per-frame delay, in microseconds.  Default:  10000  (0.01  sec‐

       -wireframe | -no-wireframe
	       Render in wireframe instead of solid.

       -fps    Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.

       -size number
	       Size of the base/carpet.

       -spawn number
	       Likeyhood of a new block being created per frame : 1 high, 1000
	       very low.

       -camX number
	       Initial camera X location in the world.

       -camY number
	       Initial camera Y location in the world.

       -camZ number
	       Initial camera Z location in the world.

       -rotate | -no-rotate
	       Add/Remove rotation to/from the animation.

	       Remove the base/carpet.

	       Remove nipples on the blocks (also applies to udders)  (has  no
	       effect in blob mode).

       -blob   Run in blob mode, blocks become over sized spheres.

       -rotateSpeed number
	       Varries speed of world rotation.

       -follow Camera follows blocks as they fall instead of camera being semi
	       static (stays with top block).

       -maxFalling number
	       Maximum number of objects created before recycling occurs.

       -resolution number
	       Resolution of tubes, disks and spheres.

       -maxColors number
	       Number of different colors available to falling objects.

       -dropSpeed number
	       Varries speed of falling objects.

	       Overrides camera settings and provides a tunnel view.

       a       Increases viewing X coordinate.

       z       Decreases viewing X coordinate.

       s       Increases viewing Y coordinate.

       x       Decreases viewing Y coordinate.

       d       Increases viewing Z coordinate.

       c       Decreases viewing Z coordinate.

       f       Increases camera location X coordinate.

       v       Decreases camera location X coordinate.

       g       Increases camera location Y coordinate.

       b       Decreases camera location Y coordinate.

       h       Increases camera location Z coordinate.

       n       Decreases camera location Z coordinate.

       r       Increases world rotation.

       q       quit.

       To see which block follow-mode is tracking, set	the  number  of	 block
       colors to 1.

       topblock -follow -maxColors 1

       DISPLAY to get the default host and display number.

	       to  get	the  name of a resource file that overrides the global
	       resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.

       X(1), xscreensaver(1)

       Copyright © 2006 by rednuht.  Permission to use, copy, modify, distrib‐
       ute,  and  sell	this software and its documentation for any purpose is
       hereby granted without fee, provided that the  above  copyright	notice
       appear  in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this per‐
       mission notice appear in supporting documentation.  No  representations
       are made about the suitability of this software for any purpose.	 It is
       provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

       rednuht <>  <http://www.jumpsta‐>

X Version 11		      5.22 (16-Jul-2013)		   topblock(6)
                             _         _         _ 
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                         \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ /  
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                            \_/       \_/       \_/ 
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