sssd-ldap man page on Scientific

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SSSD-LDAP(5)		 File Formats and Conventions		  SSSD-LDAP(5)

       sssd-ldap - the configuration file for SSSD

       This manual page describes the configuration of LDAP domains for
       sssd(8). Refer to the “FILE FORMAT” section of the sssd.conf(5) manual
       page for detailed syntax information.

       You can configure SSSD to use more than one LDAP domain.

       LDAP back end supports id, auth, access and chpass providers. If you
       want to authenticate against an LDAP server either TLS/SSL or LDAPS is
       required.  sssd does not support authentication over an unencrypted
       channel. If the LDAP server is used only as an identity provider, an
       encrypted channel is not needed. Please refer to “ldap_access_filter”
       config option for more information about using LDAP as an access

       All of the common configuration options that apply to SSSD domains also
       apply to LDAP domains. Refer to the “DOMAIN SECTIONS” section of the
       sssd.conf(5) manual page for full details.

       ldap_uri, ldap_backup_uri (string)
	   Specifies the comma-separated list of URIs of the LDAP servers to
	   which SSSD should connect in the order of preference. Refer to the
	   “FAILOVER” section for more information on failover and server
	   redundancy. If neither option is specified, service discovery is
	   enabled. For more information, refer to the “SERVICE DISCOVERY”

	   The format of the URI must match the format defined in RFC 2732:


	   For explicit IPv6 addresses, <host> must be enclosed in brackets []

	   example: ldap://[fc00::126:25]:389

       ldap_chpass_uri, ldap_chpass_backup_uri (string)
	   Specifies the comma-separated list of URIs of the LDAP servers to
	   which SSSD should connect in the order of preference to change the
	   password of a user. Refer to the “FAILOVER” section for more
	   information on failover and server redundancy.

	   To enable service discovery ldap_chpass_dns_service_name must be

	   Default: empty, i.e. ldap_uri is used.

       ldap_search_base (string)
	   The default base DN to use for performing LDAP user operations.

	   Starting with SSSD 1.7.0, SSSD supports multiple search bases using
	   the syntax:


	   The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree".

	   The filter must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by


	   ldap_search_base = dc=example,dc=com (which is equivalent to)
	   ldap_search_base = dc=example,dc=com?subtree?

	   ldap_search_base =

	   Note: It is unsupported to have multiple search bases which
	   reference identically-named objects (for example, groups with the
	   same name in two different search bases). This will lead to
	   unpredictable behavior on client machines.

	   Default: If not set, the value of the defaultNamingContext or
	   namingContexts attribute from the RootDSE of the LDAP server is
	   used. If defaultNamingContext does not exist or has an empty value
	   namingContexts is used. The namingContexts attribute must have a
	   single value with the DN of the search base of the LDAP server to
	   make this work. Multiple values are are not supported.

       ldap_schema (string)
	   Specifies the Schema Type in use on the target LDAP server.
	   Depending on the selected schema, the default attribute names
	   retrieved from the servers may vary. The way that some attributes
	   are handled may also differ.

	   Four schema types are currently supported:

	   ·   rfc2307

	   ·   rfc2307bis

	   ·   IPA

	   ·   AD

	       The main difference between these schema types is how group
	       memberships are recorded in the server. With rfc2307, group
	       members are listed by name in the memberUid attribute. With
	       rfc2307bis and IPA, group members are listed by DN and stored
	       in the member attribute. The AD schema type sets the attributes
	       to correspond with Active Directory 2008r2 values.

	       Default: rfc2307

	   ldap_default_bind_dn (string)
	       The default bind DN to use for performing LDAP operations.

	   ldap_default_authtok_type (string)
	       The type of the authentication token of the default bind DN.

	       The two mechanisms currently supported are:



	       Default: password

	   ldap_default_authtok (string)
	       The authentication token of the default bind DN. Only clear
	       text passwords are currently supported.

	   ldap_user_object_class (string)
	       The object class of a user entry in LDAP.

	       Default: posixAccount

	   ldap_user_name (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user´s login name.

	       Default: uid

	   ldap_user_uid_number (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user´s id.

	       Default: uidNumber

	   ldap_user_gid_number (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user´s primary group

	       Default: gidNumber

	   ldap_user_gecos (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user´s gecos field.

	       Default: gecos

	   ldap_user_home_directory (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the name of the user´s home

	       Default: homeDirectory

	   ldap_user_shell (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the path to the user´s default

	       Default: loginShell

	   ldap_user_uuid (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the UUID/GUID of an LDAP user

	       Default: nsUniqueId

	   ldap_user_objectsid (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the objectSID of an LDAP user
	       object. This is usually only necessary for ActiveDirectory

	       Default: objectSid for ActiveDirectory, not set for other

	   ldap_user_modify_timestamp (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains timestamp of the last
	       modification of the parent object.

	       Default: modifyTimestamp

	   ldap_user_shadow_last_change (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=shadow, this parameter contains the
	       name of an LDAP attribute corresponding to its shadow(5)
	       counterpart (date of the last password change).

	       Default: shadowLastChange

	   ldap_user_shadow_min (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=shadow, this parameter contains the
	       name of an LDAP attribute corresponding to its shadow(5)
	       counterpart (minimum password age).

	       Default: shadowMin

	   ldap_user_shadow_max (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=shadow, this parameter contains the
	       name of an LDAP attribute corresponding to its shadow(5)
	       counterpart (maximum password age).

	       Default: shadowMax

	   ldap_user_shadow_warning (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=shadow, this parameter contains the
	       name of an LDAP attribute corresponding to its shadow(5)
	       counterpart (password warning period).

	       Default: shadowWarning

	   ldap_user_shadow_inactive (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=shadow, this parameter contains the
	       name of an LDAP attribute corresponding to its shadow(5)
	       counterpart (password inactivity period).

	       Default: shadowInactive

	   ldap_user_shadow_expire (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=shadow or
	       ldap_account_expire_policy=shadow, this parameter contains the
	       name of an LDAP attribute corresponding to its shadow(5)
	       counterpart (account expiration date).

	       Default: shadowExpire

	   ldap_user_krb_last_pwd_change (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=mit_kerberos, this parameter
	       contains the name of an LDAP attribute storing the date and
	       time of last password change in kerberos.

	       Default: krbLastPwdChange

	   ldap_user_krb_password_expiration (string)
	       When using ldap_pwd_policy=mit_kerberos, this parameter
	       contains the name of an LDAP attribute storing the date and
	       time when current password expires.

	       Default: krbPasswordExpiration

	   ldap_user_ad_account_expires (string)
	       When using ldap_account_expire_policy=ad, this parameter
	       contains the name of an LDAP attribute storing the expiration
	       time of the account.

	       Default: accountExpires

	   ldap_user_ad_user_account_control (string)
	       When using ldap_account_expire_policy=ad, this parameter
	       contains the name of an LDAP attribute storing the user account
	       control bit field.

	       Default: userAccountControl

	   ldap_ns_account_lock (string)
	       When using ldap_account_expire_policy=rhds or equivalent, this
	       parameter determines if access is allowed or not.

	       Default: nsAccountLock

	   ldap_user_nds_login_disabled (string)
	       When using ldap_account_expire_policy=nds, this attribute
	       determines if access is allowed or not.

	       Default: loginDisabled

	   ldap_user_nds_login_expiration_time (string)
	       When using ldap_account_expire_policy=nds, this attribute
	       determines until which date access is granted.

	       Default: loginDisabled

	   ldap_user_nds_login_allowed_time_map (string)
	       When using ldap_account_expire_policy=nds, this attribute
	       determines the hours of a day in a week when access is granted.

	       Default: loginAllowedTimeMap

	   ldap_user_principal (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the user´s Kerberos User
	       Principal Name (UPN).

	       Default: krbPrincipalName

	   ldap_user_ssh_public_key (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the user´s SSH public keys.

	   ldap_force_upper_case_realm (boolean)
	       Some directory servers, for example Active Directory, might
	       deliver the realm part of the UPN in lower case, which might
	       cause the authentication to fail. Set this option to a non-zero
	       value if you want to use an upper-case realm.

	       Default: false

	   ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout (integer)
	       Specifies how many seconds SSSD has to wait before refreshing
	       its cache of enumerated records.

	       Default: 300

	   ldap_purge_cache_timeout (integer)
	       Determine how often to check the cache for inactive entries
	       (such as groups with no members and users who have never logged
	       in) and remove them to save space.

	       Setting this option to zero will disable the cache cleanup

	       Default: 10800 (12 hours)

	   ldap_user_fullname (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user´s full name.

	       Default: cn

	   ldap_user_member_of (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that lists the user´s group memberships.

	       Default: memberOf

	   ldap_user_authorized_service (string)
	       If access_provider=ldap and
	       ldap_access_order=authorized_service, SSSD will use the
	       presence of the authorizedService attribute in the user´s LDAP
	       entry to determine access privilege.

	       An explicit deny (!svc) is resolved first. Second, SSSD
	       searches for explicit allow (svc) and finally for allow_all

	       Default: authorizedService

	   ldap_user_authorized_host (string)
	       If access_provider=ldap and ldap_access_order=host, SSSD will
	       use the presence of the host attribute in the user´s LDAP entry
	       to determine access privilege.

	       An explicit deny (!host) is resolved first. Second, SSSD
	       searches for explicit allow (host) and finally for allow_all

	       Default: host

	   ldap_group_object_class (string)
	       The object class of a group entry in LDAP.

	       Default: posixGroup

	   ldap_group_name (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the group name.

	       Default: cn

	   ldap_group_gid_number (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the group´s id.

	       Default: gidNumber

	   ldap_group_member (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the names of the group´s

	       Default: memberuid (rfc2307) / member (rfc2307bis)

	   ldap_group_uuid (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the UUID/GUID of an LDAP group

	       Default: nsUniqueId

	   ldap_group_objectsid (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the objectSID of an LDAP group
	       object. This is usually only necessary for ActiveDirectory

	       Default: objectSid for ActiveDirectory, not set for other

	   ldap_group_modify_timestamp (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains timestamp of the last
	       modification of the parent object.

	       Default: modifyTimestamp

	   ldap_group_nesting_level (integer)
	       If ldap_schema is set to a schema format that supports nested
	       groups (e.g. RFC2307bis), then this option controls how many
	       levels of nesting SSSD will follow. This option has no effect
	       on the RFC2307 schema.

	       Default: 2

	       This option tells SSSD to take advantage of an Active
	       Directory-specific feature which may speed up group lookup
	       operations on deployments with complex or deep nested groups.

	       In most common cases, it is best to leave this option disabled.
	       It generally only provides a performance increase on very
	       complex nestings.

	       If this option is enabled, SSSD will use it if it detects that
	       the server supports it during initial connection. So "True"
	       here essentially means "auto-detect".

	       Note: This feature is currently known to work only with Active
	       Directory 2008 R1 and later. See MSDN(TM) documentation[1] for
	       more details.

	       Default: False

	       This option tells SSSD to take advantage of an Active
	       Directory-specific feature which might speed up initgroups
	       operations (most notably when dealing with complex or deep
	       nested groups).

	       If this option is enabled, SSSD will use it if it detects that
	       the server supports it during initial connection. So "True"
	       here essentially means "auto-detect".

	       Note: This feature is currently known to work only with Active
	       Directory 2008 R1 and later. See MSDN(TM) documentation[1] for
	       more details.

	       Default: False

	   ldap_netgroup_object_class (string)
	       The object class of a netgroup entry in LDAP.

	       In IPA provider, ipa_netgroup_object_class should be used

	       Default: nisNetgroup

	   ldap_netgroup_name (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the netgroup name.

	       In IPA provider, ipa_netgroup_name should be used instead.

	       Default: cn

	   ldap_netgroup_member (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the names of the netgroup´s

	       In IPA provider, ipa_netgroup_member should be used instead.

	       Default: memberNisNetgroup

	   ldap_netgroup_triple (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the (host, user, domain)
	       netgroup triples.

	       This option is not available in IPA provider.

	       Default: nisNetgroupTriple

	   ldap_netgroup_uuid (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the UUID/GUID of an LDAP
	       netgroup object.

	       In IPA provider, ipa_netgroup_uuid should be used instead.

	       Default: nsUniqueId

	   ldap_netgroup_modify_timestamp (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains timestamp of the last
	       modification of the parent object.

	       This option is not available in IPA provider.

	       Default: modifyTimestamp

	   ldap_service_object_class (string)
	       The object class of a service entry in LDAP.

	       Default: ipService

	   ldap_service_name (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the name of service attributes
	       and their aliases.

	       Default: cn

	   ldap_service_port (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the port managed by this

	       Default: ipServicePort

	   ldap_service_proto (string)
	       The LDAP attribute that contains the protocols understood by
	       this service.

	       Default: ipServiceProtocol

	   ldap_service_search_base (string)
	       An optional base DN, search scope and LDAP filter to restrict
	       LDAP searches for this attribute type.



	       The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree". The
	       filter must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by

	       For examples of this syntax, please refer to the
	       “ldap_search_base” examples section.

	       Default: the value of ldap_search_base

	       Please note that specifying scope or filter is not supported
	       for searches against an Active Directory Server that might
	       yield a large number of results and trigger the Range Retrieval
	       extension in the response.

	   ldap_search_timeout (integer)
	       Specifies the timeout (in seconds) that ldap searches are
	       allowed to run before they are cancelled and cached results are
	       returned (and offline mode is entered)

	       Note: this option is subject to change in future versions of
	       the SSSD. It will likely be replaced at some point by a series
	       of timeouts for specific lookup types.

	       Default: 6

	   ldap_enumeration_search_timeout (integer)
	       Specifies the timeout (in seconds) that ldap searches for user
	       and group enumerations are allowed to run before they are
	       cancelled and cached results are returned (and offline mode is

	       Default: 60

	   ldap_network_timeout (integer)
	       Specifies the timeout (in seconds) after which the
	       poll(2)/select(2) following a connect(2) returns in case of no

	       Default: 6

	   ldap_opt_timeout (integer)
	       Specifies a timeout (in seconds) after which calls to
	       synchronous LDAP APIs will abort if no response is received.
	       Also controls the timeout when communicating with the KDC in
	       case of SASL bind.

	       Default: 6

	   ldap_connection_expire_timeout (integer)
	       Specifies a timeout (in seconds) that a connection to an LDAP
	       server will be maintained. After this time, the connection will
	       be re-established. If used in parallel with SASL/GSSAPI, the
	       sooner of the two values (this value vs. the TGT lifetime) will
	       be used.

	       Default: 900 (15 minutes)

	   ldap_page_size (integer)
	       Specify the number of records to retrieve from LDAP in a single
	       request. Some LDAP servers enforce a maximum limit per-request.

	       Default: 1000

	   ldap_disable_paging (boolean)
	       Disable the LDAP paging control. This option should be used if
	       the LDAP server reports that it supports the LDAP paging
	       control in its RootDSE but it is not enabled or does not behave

	       Example: OpenLDAP servers with the paging control module
	       installed on the server but not enabled will report it in the
	       RootDSE but be unable to use it.

	       Example: 389 DS has a bug where it can only support a one
	       paging control at a time on a single connection. On busy
	       clients, this can result in some requests being denied.

	       Default: False

	   ldap_disable_range_retrieval (boolean)
	       Disable Active Directory range retrieval.

	       Active Directory limits the number of members to be retrieved
	       in a single lookup using the MaxValRange policy (which defaults
	       to 1500 members). If a group contains more members, the reply
	       would include an AD-specific range extension. This option
	       disables parsing of the range extension, therefore large groups
	       will appear as having no members.

	       Default: False

	   ldap_sasl_minssf (integer)
	       When communicating with an LDAP server using SASL, specify the
	       minimum security level necessary to establish the connection.
	       The values of this option are defined by OpenLDAP.

	       Default: Use the system default (usually specified by

	   ldap_deref_threshold (integer)
	       Specify the number of group members that must be missing from
	       the internal cache in order to trigger a dereference lookup. If
	       less members are missing, they are looked up individually.

	       You can turn off dereference lookups completely by setting the
	       value to 0.

	       A dereference lookup is a means of fetching all group members
	       in a single LDAP call. Different LDAP servers may implement
	       different dereference methods. The currently supported servers
	       are 389/RHDS, OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

	       Note: If any of the search bases specifies a search filter,
	       then the dereference lookup performance enhancement will be
	       disabled regardless of this setting.

	       Default: 10

	   ldap_tls_reqcert (string)
	       Specifies what checks to perform on server certificates in a
	       TLS session, if any. It can be specified as one of the
	       following values:

	       never = The client will not request or check any server

	       allow = The server certificate is requested. If no certificate
	       is provided, the session proceeds normally. If a bad
	       certificate is provided, it will be ignored and the session
	       proceeds normally.

	       try = The server certificate is requested. If no certificate is
	       provided, the session proceeds normally. If a bad certificate
	       is provided, the session is immediately terminated.

	       demand = The server certificate is requested. If no certificate
	       is provided, or a bad certificate is provided, the session is
	       immediately terminated.

	       hard = Same as “demand”

	       Default: hard

	   ldap_tls_cacert (string)
	       Specifies the file that contains certificates for all of the
	       Certificate Authorities that sssd will recognize.

	       Default: use OpenLDAP defaults, typically in

	   ldap_tls_cacertdir (string)
	       Specifies the path of a directory that contains Certificate
	       Authority certificates in separate individual files. Typically
	       the file names need to be the hash of the certificate followed
	       by ´.0´. If available, cacertdir_rehash can be used to create
	       the correct names.

	       Default: use OpenLDAP defaults, typically in

	   ldap_tls_cert (string)
	       Specifies the file that contains the certificate for the
	       client´s key.

	       Default: not set

	   ldap_tls_key (string)
	       Specifies the file that contains the client´s key.

	       Default: not set

	   ldap_tls_cipher_suite (string)
	       Specifies acceptable cipher suites. Typically this is a colon
	       sperated list. See ldap.conf(5) for format.

	       Default: use OpenLDAP defaults, typically in

	   ldap_id_use_start_tls (boolean)
	       Specifies that the id_provider connection must also use tls to
	       protect the channel.

	       Default: false

	   ldap_id_mapping (boolean)
	       Specifies that SSSD should attempt to map user and group IDs
	       from the ldap_user_objectsid and ldap_group_objectsid
	       attributes instead of relying on ldap_user_uid_number and

	       Currently this feature supports only ActiveDirectory objectSID

	       Default: false

	   ldap_sasl_mech (string)
	       Specify the SASL mechanism to use. Currently only GSSAPI is
	       tested and supported.

	       Default: not set

	   ldap_sasl_authid (string)
	       Specify the SASL authorization id to use. When GSSAPI is used,
	       this represents the Kerberos principal used for authentication
	       to the directory. This option can either contain the full
	       principal (for example host/myhost@EXAMPLE.COM) or just the
	       principal name (for example host/myhost).

	       Default: host/hostname@REALM

	   ldap_sasl_realm (string)
	       Specify the SASL realm to use. When not specified, this option
	       defaults to the value of krb5_realm. If the ldap_sasl_authid
	       contains the realm as well, this option is ignored.

	       Default: the value of krb5_realm.

	   ldap_sasl_canonicalize (boolean)
	       If set to true, the LDAP library would perform a reverse lookup
	       to canonicalize the host name during a SASL bind.

	       Default: false;

	   ldap_krb5_keytab (string)
	       Specify the keytab to use when using SASL/GSSAPI.

	       Default: System keytab, normally /etc/krb5.keytab

	   ldap_krb5_init_creds (boolean)
	       Specifies that the id_provider should init Kerberos credentials
	       (TGT). This action is performed only if SASL is used and the
	       mechanism selected is GSSAPI.

	       Default: true

	   ldap_krb5_ticket_lifetime (integer)
	       Specifies the lifetime in seconds of the TGT if GSSAPI is used.

	       Default: 86400 (24 hours)

	   krb5_server, krb5_backup_server (string)
	       Specifies the comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames
	       of the Kerberos servers to which SSSD should connect in the
	       order of preference. For more information on failover and
	       server redundancy, see the “FAILOVER” section. An optional port
	       number (preceded by a colon) may be appended to the addresses
	       or hostnames. If empty, service discovery is enabled - for more
	       information, refer to the “SERVICE DISCOVERY” section.

	       When using service discovery for KDC or kpasswd servers, SSSD
	       first searches for DNS entries that specify _udp as the
	       protocol and falls back to _tcp if none are found.

	       This option was named “krb5_kdcip” in earlier releases of SSSD.
	       While the legacy name is recognized for the time being, users
	       are advised to migrate their config files to use “krb5_server”

	   krb5_realm (string)
	       Specify the Kerberos REALM (for SASL/GSSAPI auth).

	       Default: System defaults, see /etc/krb5.conf

	   krb5_canonicalize (boolean)
	       Specifies if the host principal should be canonicalized when
	       connecting to LDAP server. This feature is available with MIT
	       Kerberos >= 1.7

	       Default: false

	   ldap_pwd_policy (string)
	       Select the policy to evaluate the password expiration on the
	       client side. The following values are allowed:

	       none - No evaluation on the client side. This option cannot
	       disable server-side password policies.

	       shadow - Use shadow(5) style attributes to evaluate if the
	       password has expired.

	       mit_kerberos - Use the attributes used by MIT Kerberos to
	       determine if the password has expired. Use chpass_provider=krb5
	       to update these attributes when the password is changed.

	       Default: none

	   ldap_referrals (boolean)
	       Specifies whether automatic referral chasing should be enabled.

	       Please note that sssd only supports referral chasing when it is
	       compiled with OpenLDAP version 2.4.13 or higher.

	       Chasing referrals may incur a performance penalty in
	       environments that use them heavily, a notable example is
	       Microsoft Active Directory. If your setup does not in fact
	       require the use of referrals, setting this option to false
	       might bring a noticeable performance improvement.

	       Default: true

	   ldap_dns_service_name (string)
	       Specifies the service name to use when service discovery is

	       Default: ldap

	   ldap_chpass_dns_service_name (string)
	       Specifies the service name to use to find an LDAP server which
	       allows password changes when service discovery is enabled.

	       Default: not set, i.e. service discovery is disabled

	   ldap_chpass_update_last_change (bool)
	       Specifies whether to update the ldap_user_shadow_last_change
	       attribute with days since the Epoch after a password change

	       Default: False

	   ldap_access_filter (string)
	       If using access_provider = ldap and ldap_access_order = filter
	       (default), this option is mandatory. It specifies an LDAP
	       search filter criteria that must be met for the user to be
	       granted access on this host. If access_provider = ldap,
	       ldap_access_order = filter and this option is not set, it will
	       result in all users being denied access. Use access_provider =
	       permit to change this default behavior.


		   access_provider = ldap
		   ldap_access_filter = memberOf=cn=allowedusers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com

	       This example means that access to this host is restricted to
	       members of the "allowedusers" group in ldap.

	       Offline caching for this feature is limited to determining
	       whether the user´s last online login was granted access
	       permission. If they were granted access during their last
	       login, they will continue to be granted access while offline
	       and vice-versa.

	       Default: Empty

	   ldap_account_expire_policy (string)
	       With this option a client side evaluation of access control
	       attributes can be enabled.

	       Please note that it is always recommended to use server side
	       access control, i.e. the LDAP server should deny the bind
	       request with a suitable error code even if the password is

	       The following values are allowed:

	       shadow: use the value of ldap_user_shadow_expire to determine
	       if the account is expired.

	       ad: use the value of the 32bit field
	       ldap_user_ad_user_account_control and allow access if the
	       second bit is not set. If the attribute is missing access is
	       granted. Also the expiration time of the account is checked.

	       rhds, ipa, 389ds: use the value of ldap_ns_account_lock to
	       check if access is allowed or not.

	       nds: the values of ldap_user_nds_login_allowed_time_map,
	       ldap_user_nds_login_disabled and
	       ldap_user_nds_login_expiration_time are used to check if access
	       is allowed. If both attributes are missing access is granted.
		This is an experimental feature, please use to report any issues.

	       Default: Empty

	   ldap_access_order (string)
	       Comma separated list of access control options. Allowed values

	       filter: use ldap_access_filter

	       expire: use ldap_account_expire_policy

	       authorized_service: use the authorizedService attribute to
	       determine access

	       host: use the host attribute to determine access

	       Default: filter

	       Please note that it is a configuration error if a value is used
	       more than once.

	   ldap_deref (string)
	       Specifies how alias dereferencing is done when performing a
	       search. The following options are allowed:

	       never: Aliases are never dereferenced.

	       searching: Aliases are dereferenced in subordinates of the base
	       object, but not in locating the base object of the search.

	       finding: Aliases are only dereferenced when locating the base
	       object of the search.

	       always: Aliases are dereferenced both in searching and in
	       locating the base object of the search.

	       Default: Empty (this is handled as never by the LDAP client

	   ldap_rfc2307_fallback_to_local_users (boolean)
	       Allows to retain local users as members of an LDAP group for
	       servers that use the RFC2307 schema.

	       In some environments where the RFC2307 schema is used, local
	       users are made members of LDAP groups by adding their names to
	       the memberUid attribute. The self-consistency of the domain is
	       compromised when this is done, so SSSD would normally remove
	       the "missing" users from the cached group memberships as soon
	       as nsswitch tries to fetch information about the user via
	       getpw*() or initgroups() calls.

	       This option falls back to checking if local users are
	       referenced, and caches them so that later initgroups() calls
	       will augment the local users with the additional LDAP groups.

	       Default: false

       ldap_sudorule_object_class (string)
	   The object class of a sudo rule entry in LDAP.

	   Default: sudoRole

       ldap_sudorule_name (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the sudo rule name.

	   Default: cn

       ldap_sudorule_command (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the command name.

	   Default: sudoCommand

       ldap_sudorule_host (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the host name (or host IP
	   address, host IP network, or host netgroup)

	   Default: sudoHost

       ldap_sudorule_user (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user name (or UID, group
	   name or user´s netgroup)

	   Default: sudoUser

       ldap_sudorule_option (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the sudo options.

	   Default: sudoOption

       ldap_sudorule_runasuser (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the user name that commands
	   may be run as.

	   Default: sudoRunAsUser

       ldap_sudorule_runasgroup (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the group name or group GID
	   that commands may be run as.

	   Default: sudoRunAsGroup

       ldap_sudorule_notbefore (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the start date/time for when
	   the sudo rule is valid.

	   Default: sudoNotBefore

       ldap_sudorule_notafter (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the expiration date/time,
	   after which the sudo rule will no longer be valid.

	   Default: sudoNotAfter

       ldap_sudorule_order (string)
	   The LDAP attribute that corresponds to the ordering index of the

	   Default: sudoOrder

       ldap_sudo_full_refresh_interval (integer)
	   How many seconds SSSD will wait between executing a full refresh of
	   sudo rules (which downloads all rules that are stored on the

	   The value must be greater than ldap_sudo_smart_refresh_interval

	   Default: 21600 (6 hours)

       ldap_sudo_smart_refresh_interval (integer)
	   How many seconds SSSD has to wait before executing a smart refresh
	   of sudo rules (which downloads all rules that have USN higher than
	   the highest USN of cached rules).

	   If USN attributes are not supported by the server, the
	   modifyTimestamp attribute is used instead.

	   Default: 900 (15 minutes)

       ldap_sudo_use_host_filter (boolean)
	   If true, SSSD will download only rules that are applicable to this
	   machine (using the IPv4 or IPv6 host/network addresses and

	   Default: true

       ldap_sudo_hostnames (string)
	   Space separated list of hostnames or fully qualified domain names
	   that should be used to filter the rules.

	   If this option is empty, SSSD will try to discover the hostname and
	   the fully qualified domain name automatically.

	   If ldap_sudo_use_host_filter is false then this option has no

	   Default: not specified

       ldap_sudo_ip (string)
	   Space separated list of IPv4 or IPv6 host/network addresses that
	   should be used to filter the rules.

	   If this option is empty, SSSD will try to discover the addresses

	   If ldap_sudo_use_host_filter is false then this option has no

	   Default: not specified

       ldap_sudo_include_netgroups (boolean)
	   If true then SSSD will download every rule that contains a netgroup
	   in sudoHost attribute.

	   If ldap_sudo_use_host_filter is false then this option has no

	   Default: true

       ldap_sudo_include_regexp (boolean)
	   If true then SSSD will download every rule that contains a wildcard
	   in sudoHost attribute.

	   If ldap_sudo_use_host_filter is false then this option has no

	   Default: true

       This manual page only describes attribute name mapping. For detailed
       explanation of sudo related attribute semantics, see sudoers.ldap(5)

       Please note that the default values correspond to the default schema
       which is RFC2307.

       ldap_autofs_map_object_class (string)
	   The object class of an automount map entry in LDAP.

	   Default: automountMap

       ldap_autofs_map_name (string)
	   The name of an automount map entry in LDAP.

	   Default: ou

       ldap_autofs_entry_object_class (string)
	   The object class of an automount map entry in LDAP.

	   Default: automountMap

       ldap_autofs_entry_key (string)
	   The key of an automount entry in LDAP. The entry usually
	   corresponds to a mount point.

	   Default: cn

       ldap_autofs_entry_value (string)
	   The key of an automount entry in LDAP. The entry usually
	   corresponds to a mount point.

	   Default: automountInformation

       Please note that the automounter only reads the master map on startup,
       so if any autofs-related changes are made to the sssd.conf, you
       typically also need to restart the automounter daemon after restarting
       the SSSD.

       These options are supported by LDAP domains, but they should be used
       with caution. Please include them in your configuration only if you
       know what you are doing.

       ldap_netgroup_search_base (string)
	   An optional base DN, search scope and LDAP filter to restrict LDAP
	   searches for this attribute type.



	   The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree". The filter
	   must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by

	   For examples of this syntax, please refer to the “ldap_search_base”
	   examples section.

	   Default: the value of ldap_search_base

	   Please note that specifying scope or filter is not supported for
	   searches against an Active Directory Server that might yield a
	   large number of results and trigger the Range Retrieval extension
	   in the response.

       ldap_user_search_base (string)
	   An optional base DN, search scope and LDAP filter to restrict LDAP
	   searches for this attribute type.



	   The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree". The filter
	   must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by

	   For examples of this syntax, please refer to the “ldap_search_base”
	   examples section.

	   Default: the value of ldap_search_base

	   Please note that specifying scope or filter is not supported for
	   searches against an Active Directory Server that might yield a
	   large number of results and trigger the Range Retrieval extension
	   in the response.

       ldap_group_search_base (string)
	   An optional base DN, search scope and LDAP filter to restrict LDAP
	   searches for this attribute type.



	   The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree". The filter
	   must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by

	   For examples of this syntax, please refer to the “ldap_search_base”
	   examples section.

	   Default: the value of ldap_search_base

	   Please note that specifying scope or filter is not supported for
	   searches against an Active Directory Server that might yield a
	   large number of results and trigger the Range Retrieval extension
	   in the response.

       ldap_user_search_filter (string)
	   This option specifies an additional LDAP search filter criteria
	   that restrict user searches.

	   This option is deprecated in favor of the syntax used by

	   Default: not set


					   ldap_user_search_filter = (loginShell=/bin/tcsh)

	   This filter would restrict user searches to users that have their
	   shell set to /bin/tcsh.

       ldap_group_search_filter (string)
	   This option specifies an additional LDAP search filter criteria
	   that restrict group searches.

	   This option is deprecated in favor of the syntax used by

	   Default: not set

       ldap_sudo_search_base (string)
	   An optional base DN, search scope and LDAP filter to restrict LDAP
	   searches for this attribute type.



	   The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree". The filter
	   must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by

	   For examples of this syntax, please refer to the “ldap_search_base”
	   examples section.

	   Default: the value of ldap_search_base

	   Please note that specifying scope or filter is not supported for
	   searches against an Active Directory Server that might yield a
	   large number of results and trigger the Range Retrieval extension
	   in the response.

       ldap_autofs_search_base (string)
	   An optional base DN, search scope and LDAP filter to restrict LDAP
	   searches for this attribute type.



	   The scope can be one of "base", "onelevel" or "subtree". The filter
	   must be a valid LDAP search filter as specified by

	   For examples of this syntax, please refer to the “ldap_search_base”
	   examples section.

	   Default: the value of ldap_search_base

	   Please note that specifying scope or filter is not supported for
	   searches against an Active Directory Server that might yield a
	   large number of results and trigger the Range Retrieval extension
	   in the response.

       The failover feature allows back ends to automatically switch to a
       different server if the current server fails.

   Failover Syntax
       The list of servers is given as a comma-separated list; any number of
       spaces is allowed around the comma. The servers are listed in order of
       preference. The list can contain any number of servers.

       For each failover-enabled config option, two variants exist: primary
       and backup. The idea is that servers in the primary list are preferred
       and backup servers are only searched if no primary servers can be
       reached. If a backup server is selected, a timeout of 31 seconds is
       set. After this timeout SSSD will periodically try to reconnect to one
       of the primary servers. If it succeeds, it will replace the current
       active (backup) server.

   The Failover Mechanism
       The failover mechanism distinguishes between a machine and a service.
       The back end first tries to resolve the hostname of a given machine; if
       this resolution attempt fails, the machine is considered offline. No
       further attempts are made to connect to this machine for any other
       service. If the resolution attempt succeeds, the back end tries to
       connect to a service on this machine. If the service connection attempt
       fails, then only this particular service is considered offline and the
       back end automatically switches over to the next service. The machine
       is still considered online and might still be tried for another

       Further connection attempts are made to machines or services marked as
       offline after a specified period of time; this is currently hard coded
       to 30 seconds.

       If there are no more machines to try, the back end as a whole switches
       to offline mode, and then attempts to reconnect every 30 seconds.

       The service discovery feature allows back ends to automatically find
       the appropriate servers to connect to using a special DNS query. This
       feature is not supported for backup servers.

       If no servers are specified, the back end automatically uses service
       discovery to try to find a server. Optionally, the user may choose to
       use both fixed server addresses and service discovery by inserting a
       special keyword, “_srv_”, in the list of servers. The order of
       preference is maintained. This feature is useful if, for example, the
       user prefers to use service discovery whenever possible, and fall back
       to a specific server when no servers can be discovered using DNS.

   The domain name
       Please refer to the “dns_discovery_domain” parameter in the
       sssd.conf(5) manual page for more details.

   The protocol
       The queries usually specify _tcp as the protocol. Exceptions are
       documented in respective option description.

   See Also
       For more information on the service discovery mechanism, refer to RFC

       The ID-mapping feature allows SSSD to act as a client of Active
       Directory without requiring administrators to extend user attributes to
       support POSIX attributes for user and group identifiers.

       NOTE: When ID-mapping is enabled, the uidNumber and gidNumber
       attributes are ignored. This is to avoid the possibility of conflicts
       between automatically-assigned and manually-assigned values. If you
       need to use manually-assigned values, ALL values must be

   Mapping Algorithm
       Active Directory provides an objectSID for every user and group object
       in the directory. This objectSID can be broken up into components that
       represent the Active Directory domain identity and the relative
       identifier (RID) of the user or group object.

       The SSSD ID-mapping algorithm takes a range of available UIDs and
       divides it into equally-sized component sections - called "slices"-.
       Each slice represents the space available to an Active Directory

       When a user or group entry for a particular domain is encountered for
       the first time, the SSSD allocates one of the available slices for that
       domain. In order to make this slice-assignment repeatable on different
       client machines, we select the slice based on the following algorithm:

       The SID string is passed through the murmurhash3 algorithm to convert
       it to a 32-bit hashed value. We then take the modulus of this value
       with the total number of available slices to pick the slice.

       NOTE: It is possible to encounter collisions in the hash and subsequent
       modulus. In these situations, we will select the next available slice,
       but it may not be possible to reproduce the same exact set of slices on
       other machines (since the order that they are encountered will
       determine their slice). In this situation, it is recommended to either
       switch to using explicit POSIX attributes in Active Directory
       (disabling ID-mapping) or configure a default domain to guarantee that
       at least one is always consistent. See “Configuration” for details.

       Minimum configuration (in the “[domain/DOMAINNAME]” section):

	   ldap_id_mapping = True
	   ldap_schema = ad

       The default configuration results in configuring 10,000 slices, each
       capable of holding up to 200,000 IDs, starting from 10,001 and going up
       to 2,000,100,000. This should be sufficient for most deployments.

       Advanced Configuration
	   ldap_idmap_range_min (integer)
	       Specifies the lower bound of the range of POSIX IDs to use for
	       mapping Active Directory user and group SIDs.

	       NOTE: This option is different from “min_id” in that “min_id”
	       acts to filter the output of requests to this domain, whereas
	       this option controls the range of ID assignment. This is a
	       subtle distinction, but the good general advice would be to
	       have “min_id” be less-than or equal to “ldap_idmap_range_min”

	       Default: 200000

	   ldap_idmap_range_max (integer)
	       Specifies the upper bound of the range of POSIX IDs to use for
	       mapping Active Directory user and group SIDs.

	       NOTE: This option is different from “max_id” in that “max_id”
	       acts to filter the output of requests to this domain, whereas
	       this option controls the range of ID assignment. This is a
	       subtle distinction, but the good general advice would be to
	       have “max_id” be greater-than or equal to

	       Default: 2000200000

	   ldap_idmap_range_size (integer)
	       Specifies the number of IDs available for each slice. If the
	       range size does not divide evenly into the min and max values,
	       it will create as many complete slices as it can.

	       Default: 200000

	   ldap_idmap_default_domain_sid (string)
	       Specify the domain SID of the default domain. This will
	       guarantee that this domain will always be assigned to slice
	       zero in the ID map, bypassing the murmurhash algorithm
	       described above.

	       Default: not set

	   ldap_idmap_default_domain (string)
	       Specify the name of the default domain.

	       Default: not set

	   ldap_idmap_autorid_compat (boolean)
	       Changes the behavior of the ID-mapping algorithm to behave more
	       similarly to winbind´s “idmap_autorid” algorithm.

	       When this option is configured, domains will be allocated
	       starting with slice zero and increasing monatomically with each
	       additional domain.

	       NOTE: This algorithm is non-deterministic (it depends on the
	       order that users and groups are requested). If this mode is
	       required for compatibility with machines running winbind, it is
	       recommended to also use the “ldap_idmap_default_domain_sid”
	       option to guarantee that at least one domain is consistently
	       allocated to slice zero.

	       Default: False

       The following example assumes that SSSD is correctly configured and
       LDAP is set to one of the domains in the [domains] section.

	       id_provider = ldap
	       auth_provider = ldap
	       ldap_uri = ldap://
	       ldap_search_base = dc=mydomain,dc=org
	       ldap_tls_reqcert = demand
	       cache_credentials = true

       The descriptions of some of the configuration options in this manual
       page are based on the ldap.conf(5) manual page from the OpenLDAP 2.4

       sssd(8), sssd.conf(5), sssd-ldap(5), sssd-krb5(5), sssd-simple(5),
       sssd-ipa(5), sssd-ad(5), sssd-sudo(5), sss_cache(8), sss_debuglevel(8),
       sss_groupadd(8), sss_groupdel(8), sss_groupshow(8), sss_groupmod(8),
       sss_useradd(8), sss_userdel(8), sss_usermod(8), sss_obfuscate(8),
       sss_seed(8), sssd_krb5_locator_plugin(8), sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(8),
       sss_ssh_knowhostsproxy(8), pam_sss(8).

       The SSSD upstream -

	1. MSDN(TM) documentation

SSSD				  11/21/2013			  SSSD-LDAP(5)

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