LDAP_TLS man page on Scientific

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LDAP_TLS(3)							   LDAP_TLS(3)

       ldap_start_tls,	ldap_start_tls_s, ldap_tls_inplace, ldap_install_tls -
       LDAP TLS initialization routines

       OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)

       #include <ldap.h>

       int ldap_start_tls(LDAP *ld);

       int ldap_start_tls_s(LDAP *ld, LDAPControl  **serverctrls,  LDAPControl

       int ldap_tls_inplace(LDAP *ld);

       int ldap_install_tls(LDAP *ld);

       These  routines are used to initiate TLS processing on an LDAP session.
       ldap_start_tls_s() sends a StartTLS request to a server, waits for  the
       reply,  and  then  installs  TLS handlers on the session if the request
       succeeded. The routine returns LDAP_SUCCESS  if	everything  succeeded,
       otherwise  it  returns  an  LDAP	 error code.  ldap_start_tls() sends a
       StartTLS request	 to  a	server	and  does  nothing  else.  It  returns
       LDAP_SUCCESS  if the request was sent successfully.  ldap_tls_inplace()
       returns 1 if TLS handlers have been installed on the specified session,
       0 otherwise.  ldap_install_tls() installs the TLS handlers on the given
       session. It returns LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR if TLS is already installed.

       ldap(3), ldap_error(3)

       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The  OpenLDAP  Project
       <http://www.openldap.org/>.   OpenLDAP Software is derived from Univerā€
       sity of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.23			  2010/06/30			   LDAP_TLS(3)

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