DOVEADM-EXPUNGE man page on Scientific

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       doveadm-expunge - Expunge messages matching given search query

       doveadm [-Dv] expunge [-S socket_path] search_query
       doveadm [-Dv] expunge [-S socket_path] -A search_query
       doveadm [-Dv] expunge [-S socket_path] -u user search_query

       This  command  can  be  used to expunge mails matching the given search
       query.  It is typically used to expunge old  mails  from	 users'	 Trash
       and/or  Spam  mailboxes.	 To  test  which messages a given search query
       would match, you can use doveadm fetch or doveadm search commands.

       In the first form, doveadm(1) will executed the expunge action with the
       environment of the logged in system user.

       In the second form, the command will be performed for all users.

       In  the	third  form,  only matching mails of the given user(s) will be

       Global doveadm(1) options:

       -D     Enables verbosity and debug messages.

       -v     Enables verbosity, including progress counter.

       Command specific options:

       -A     If the -A option is present, the command will be	performed  for
	      all  users.   Using this option in combination with system users
	      from userdb { driver = passwd } is not recommended,  because  it
	      contains	also  users  with  a lower UID than the one configured
	      with the first_valid_uid setting.

	      When the SQL userdb module is used  make	sure  that  the	 iter‐
	      ate_query	 setting  in /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext matches
	      your database layout.  When using the LDAP userdb	 module,  make
	      sure  that  the  iterate_attrs  and  iterate_filter  settings in
	      /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext match your LDAP schema.  Oth‐
	      erwise doveadm(1) will be unable to iterate over all users.

       -S socket_path
	      The option's argument is either an absolute path to a local UNIX
	      domain socket, or a hostname and port (hostname:port), in	 order
	      to connect a remote host via a TCP socket.

	      This allows an administrator to execute doveadm(1) mail commands
	      through the given socket.

       -u user/mask
	      Run the command only for the given user.	It's also possible  to
	      use '*' and '?' wildcards (e.g. -u *
	      When  neither  the -A option nor -u user was specified, the com‐
	      mand will be executed with  the  environment  of	the  currently
	      logged in user.

	      Expunge	 messages    matching	 this	search	 query.	   See
	      doveadm-search-query(7) for details.

       This example expunges messages from Spam mailbox that were saved/copied
       there more than two weeks ago:

       doveadm expunge -u mailbox Spam savedbefore 2w

       Report  bugs, including doveconf -n output, to the Dovecot Mailing List
       <>.  Information about reporting bugs	 is  available

       doveadm(1),   doveadm-fetch(1),	 doveadm-purge(1),  doveadm-search(1),

Dovecot v2.0			  2010-11-25		    DOVEADM-EXPUNGE(1)

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