IDP man page on MirBSD

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IDP(4)			   BSD Programmer's Manual			IDP(4)

     idp - Xerox Internet Datagram Protocol

     #include <sys/socket.h>
     #include <netns/ns.h>
     #include <netns/idp.h>

     socket(AF_NS, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

     IDP is a simple, unreliable datagram protocol which is used to support
     the SOCK_DGRAM abstraction for the Internet protocol family. IDP sockets
     are connectionless, and are normally used with the sendto(2) and
     recvfrom(2) calls, though the connect(2) call may also be used to fix the
     destination for future packets (in which case the recv(2) or read(2) and
     send(2) or write(2) system calls may be used).

     Xerox protocols are built vertically on top of IDP. Thus, IDP address
     formats are identical to those used by SPP. Note that the IDP port space
     is the same as the SPP port space (i.e. an IDP port may be "connected" to
     an SPP port, with certain options enabled below). In addition broadcast
     packets may be sent (assuming the underlying network supports this) by
     using a reserved "broadcast address"; this address is network interface

     A socket operation may fail with one of the following errors returned:

     [EISCONN]	      when trying to establish a connection on a socket which
		      already has one, or when trying to send a datagram with
		      the destination address specified and the socket is al-
		      ready connected;

     [ENOTCONN]	      when trying to send a datagram, but no destination ad-
		      dress is specified, and the socket hasn't been connect-

     [ENOBUFS]	      when the system runs out of memory for an internal data

     [EADDRINUSE]     when an attempt is made to create a socket with a port
		      which has already been allocated;

     [EADDRNOTAVAIL]  when an attempt is made to create a socket with a net-
		      work address for which no network interface exists.

     [SO_ALL_PACKETS]	     When set, this option defeats automatic process-
			     ing of Error packets, and Sequence Protocol pack-

     [SO_DEFAULT_HEADERS]    The user provides the kernel an IDP header, from
			     which it gleans the Packet Type. When requested,
			     the kernel will provide an IDP header, showing
			     the default packet type, and local and foreign
			     addresses, if connected.

     [SO_HEADERS_ON_INPUT]   When set, the first 30 bytes of any data returned
			     from a read or recv from will be the initial 30
			     bytes of the IDP packet, as described by

				   struct idp {
					   u_short	   idp_sum;
					   u_short	   idp_len;
					   u_char	   idp_tc;
					   u_char	   idp_pt;
					   struct ns_addr  idp_dna;
					   struct ns_addr  idp_sna;

			     This allows the user to determine the packet
			     type, and whether the packet was a multi-cast
			     packet or directed specifically at the local
			     host. When requested, gives the current state of
			     the option, (NSP_RAWIN or 0).

     [SO_HEADERS_ON_OUTPUT]  When set, the first 30 bytes of any data sent
			     will be the initial 30 bytes of the IDP packet.
			     This allows the user to determine the packet
			     type, and whether the packet should be multi-cast
			     packet or directed specifically at the local
			     host. You can also misrepresent the sender of the
			     packet. When requested, gives the current state
			     of the option. (NSP_RAWOUT or 0).

     [SO_SEQNO]		     When requested, this returns a sequence number
			     which is not likely to be repeated until the
			     machine crashes or a very long time has passed.
			     It is useful in constructing Packet Exchange Pro-
			     tocol packets.

     recv(2), send(2), netintro(4), ns(4)

     The idp protocol appeared in 4.3BSD.

MirOS BSD #10-current		 June 5, 1993				     1

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