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       Apocalypse_02 - Bits and Pieces

       Larry Wall <>

	 Maintainer: Larry Wall <>
	 Date: 3 May 2001
	 Last Modified: 4 Dec 2004
	 Number: 2
	 Version: 4

       Here's Apocalypse 2, meant to be read in conjunction with Chapter 2 of
       the Camel Book. The basic assumption is that if Chapter 2 talks about
       something that I don't discuss here, it doesn't change in Perl 6. (Of
       course, it could always just be an oversight. One might say that people
       who oversee things have a gift of oversight.)

       Before I go further, I would like to thank all the victims, er,
       participants in the RFC process. (I beg special forgiveness from those
       whose brains I haven't been able to get inside well enough to
       incorporate their ideas). I would also like to particularly thank
       Damian Conway, who will recognize many of his systematic ideas here,
       including some that have been less than improved by my meddling.

       Here are the RFCs covered:

	   RFC	PSA  Title
	   ---	---  -----
	   005	cdr  Multiline Comments for Perl
	   102	dcr  Inline Comments for Perl

	   161	adb  Everything in Perl Becomes an Object
	   038	bdb  Standardise Handling of Abnormal Numbers Like Infinities and NaNs
	   043	bcb  Integrate BigInts (and BigRats) Support Tightly With the Basic Scalars
	   192	ddr  Undef Values ne Value
	   212	rrb  Make Length(@array) Work
	   218	bcc  C<my Dog $spot> Is Just an Assertion

	   071	aaa  Legacy Perl $pkg'var Should Die
	   009	bfr  Highlander Variable Types
	   133	bcr  Alternate Syntax for Variable Names
	   134	bcc  Alternative Array and Hash Slicing
	   196	bcb  More Direct Syntax for Hashes
	   201	bcr  Hash Slicing

	   105	aaa  Remove "In string @ must be \@" Fatal Error
	   111	aaa  Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)
	   162	abb  Heredoc Contents
	   139	cfr  Allow Calling Any Function With a Syntax Like s///
	   222	abb  Interpolation of Object Method Calls
	   226	acr  Selective Interpolation in Single Quotish Context
	   237	adc  Hashes Should Interpolate in Double-Quoted Strings
	   251	acr  Interpolation of Class Method Calls
	   252	abb  Interpolation of Subroutines
	   327	dbr  C<\v> for Vertical Tab
	   328	bcr  Single Quotes Don't Interpolate \' and \\

	   034	aaa  Angle Brackets Should Not Be Used for File Globbing
	   051	ccr  Angle Brackets Should Accept Filenames and Lists

	   175	rrb  Add C<list> Keyword to Force List Context (like C<scalar>)

	   010	rr  Filehandles Should Use C<*> as a Type Prefix If Typeglobs Are Eliminated
	   103	rr  Fix C<$pkg::$var> Precedence Issues With Parsing of C<::>
	   109	rr  Less Line Noise - Let's Get Rid of @%
	   245	rr  Add New C<empty> Keyword to DWIM for Clearing Values
	   263	rr  Add Null() Keyword and Fundamental Data Type

       Perl 6 programs are notionally written in Unicode, and assume Unicode
       semantics by default even when they happen to be processing other
       character sets behind the scenes. Note that when we say that Perl is
       written in Unicode, we're speaking of an abstract character set, not
       any particular encoding. (The typical program will likely be written in
       UTF-8 in the West, and in some 16-bit character set in the East.)

   RFC 005: Multiline Comments for Perl
       I admit to being prejudiced on this one -- I was unduly influenced at a
       tender age by the rationale for the design of Ada, which made a good
       case, I thought, for leaving multiline comments out of the language.

       But even if I weren't blindly prejudiced, I suspect I'd look at the
       psychology of the thing, and notice that much of the time, even in
       languages that have multiline comments, people nevertheless tend to use
       them like this:

	    *  Natter, natter, natter.
	    *  Gromish, gromish, gromish.

       The counterargument to that is, of course, that people don't always do
       that in C, so why should they have to do it in Perl? And if there were
       no other way to do multiline comments in Perl, they'd have a stronger
       case. But there already is another way, albeit one rejected by this RFC
       as "a workaround."

       But it seems to me that, rather than adding another kind of comment or
       trying to make something that looks like code behave like a comment,
       the solution is simply to fix whatever is wrong with POD so that its
       use for commenting can no longer be considered a workaround. Actual
       design of POD can be put off till Apocalypse 26, but we can speculate
       at this point that the rules for switching back and forth between POD
       and Perl are suboptimal for use in comments. If so, then it's likely
       that in Perl 6 we'll have a rule like this: If a "=begin MUMBLE"
       transitions from Perl to POD mode then the corresponding "=end MUMBLE"
       should transition back (without a "=cut" directive).

       Note that we haven't defined our "MUMBLE"s yet, but they can be set up
       to let our program have any sort of programmatic access to the data
       that we desire. For instance, it is likely that comments of this kind
       could be tied in with some sort of literate (or at least, semiliterate)
       programming framework.

   RFC 102: Inline Comments for Perl
       I have never much liked inline comments -- as commonly practiced they
       tend to obfuscate the code as much as they clarify it. That being said,
       "All is fair if you predeclare." So there should be nothing preventing
       someone from writing a lexer regex that handles them, provided we make
       the lexer sufficiently mutable. Which we will. (As it happens, the
       character sequence ""/*"" will be unlikely to occur in standard Perl 6.
       Which I guess means it is likely to occur in nonstandard Perl 6. ":-)"

       A pragma declaring nonstandard commenting would also allow people to
       use "/* */" for multiline comments, if they like. (But I still think
       it'd be better to use POD directives for that, just to keep the text
       accessible to the program.)

Built-In Data Types
       The basic change here is that, rather than just supporting scalars,
       arrays and hashes, Perl 6 supports opaque objects as a fourth
       fundamental data type. (You might think of them as pseudo-hashes done
       right.) While a class can access its object attributes any way it
       likes, all external access to opaque objects occurs through methods,
       even for attributes. (This guarantees that attribute inheritance works

       While Perl 6 still defaults to typeless scalars, Perl will be able to
       give you more performance and safety as you give it more type
       information to work with. The basic assumption is that homogenous data
       structures will be in arrays and hashes, so you can declare the type of
       the scalars held in an array or hash. Heterogenous structures can still
       be put into typeless arrays and hashes, but in general Perl 6 will
       encourage you to use classes for such data, much as C encourages you to
       use structs rather than arrays for such data.

       One thing we'll be mentioning before we discuss it in detail is the
       notion of "properties." (In Perl 5, we called these "attributes," but
       we're reserving that term for actual object attributes these days, so
       we'll call these things "properties.") Variables and values can have
       additional data associated with them that is "out of band" with respect
       to the ordinary typology of the variable or value. For now, just think
       of properties as a way of adding ad hoc attributes to a class that
       doesn't support them. You could also think of it as a form of class
       derivation at the granularity of the individual object, without having
       to declare a complete new class.

       [Update: We're now calling compile-time properties "traits".]

   RFC 161: Everything in Perl Becomes an Object.
       This is essentially a philosophical RFC that is rather short on detail.
       Nonetheless, I agree with the premise that all Perl objects should act
       like objects if you choose to treat them that way. If you choose not to
       treat them as objects, then Perl will try to go along with that, too.
       (You may use hash subscripting and slicing syntax to call attribute
       accessors, for instance, even if the attributes themselves are not
       stored in a hash.) Just because Perl 6 is more object-oriented
       internally, does not mean you'll be forced to think in object-oriented
       terms when you don't want to. (By and large, there will be a few places
       where OO-think is more required in Perl 6 than in Perl 5. Filehandles
       are more object-oriented in Perl 6, for instance, and the special
       variables that used to be magically associated with the currently
       selected output handle are better specified by association with a
       specific filehandle.)

   RFC 038: Standardise Handling Of Abnormal Numbers Like Infinities and NaNs
       This is likely to slow down numeric processing in some locations.
       Perhaps it could be turned off when desirable. We need to be careful
       not to invent something that is guaranteed to run slower than IEEE
       floating point. We should also try to avoid defining a type system that
       makes translation of numeric types to Java or C# types problematic.

       That being said, standard semantics are a good thing, and should be the
       default behavior.

   RFC 043: Integrate BigInts (and BigRats) Support Tightly With the Basic
       This RFC suggests that a pragma enables the feature, but I think it
       should probably be tied to the run-time type system, which means it's
       driven more by how the data is created than by where it happens to be
       stored or processed. I don't see how we can make it a pragma, except
       perhaps to influence the meaning of "int" and "num" in actual
       declarations further on in the lexical scope:

	   use bigint;
	   my int $i;

       might really mean

	   my bigint $i;

       or maybe just

	   my int $i is bigint;

       since representation specifications might just be considered part of
       the "fine print." But the whole subject of lexically scoped variable
       properties specifying the nature of the objects they contain is a bit
       problematic. A variable is a sort of mini-interface, a contract if you
       will, between the program and the object in question. Properties that
       merely influence how the program sees the object are not a problem --
       when you declare a variable to be constant, you're promising not to
       modify the object through that variable, rather than saying something
       intrinsically true about the object. (Not that there aren't objects
       that are intrinsically constant.)

       Other property declarations might need to have some say in how
       constructors are called in order to guarantee consistency between the
       variable's view of the object, and the nature of the object itself. In
       the worst case we could try to enforce consistency at run time, but
       that's apt to be slow. If every assignment of a "Dog" object to a
       "Mammal" variable has to check to see whether "Dog" is a "Mammal", then
       the assignment is going to be a dog.

       So we'll have to revisit this when we're defining the relationship
       between variable declarations and constructors. In any event, if we
       don't make Perl's numeric types automatically promote to big
       representations, we should at least make it easy to specify it when you
       want that to happen.

       [Update: The "Int" type automatically upgrades to arbitrary precision
       internally.  The "int" type does not.]

   RFC 192: Undef Values ne Value
       I've rejected this one, because I think something that's undefined
       should be considered just that, undefined. I think the standard
       semantics are useful for catching many kinds of errors.

       That being said, it'll hopefully be easy to modify the standard
       operators within a particular scope, so I don't think we need to think
       that our way to think is the only way to think, I think.

   RFC 212: Make "length(@array)" Work
       Here's an oddity, an RFC that the author retracted, but that I accept,
       more or less. I think "length(@array)" should be equivalent to
       "@array.length()", so if there's a "length" method available, it should
       be called.

       The question is whether there should be a "length" method at all, for
       strings or arrays. It almost makes more sense for arrays than it does
       for strings these days, because when you talk about the length of a
       string, you need to know whether you're talking about byte length or
       character length. So we may split up the traditional length function
       into two, in which case we might end up with:


       Or some such. Whatever the method names we choose, differentiating them
       would be more powerful in supplying context. For instance, one could
       envision calling "@foo.bytes" to return the byte length of all the
       strings. That wouldn't fly if we overloaded the method name.

       Even "chars($foo)" might not be sufficiently precise, since, depending
       on how you're processing Unicode, you might want to know how long the
       string is in actual characters, not counting combining characters that
       don't take extra space. But that's a topic for later.

       [Update: There is no "length" function.	There are "bytes", "codes",
       "graphs", and "langs" methods for the various Unicode support levels.
       (The "chars" method returns one of those values depending on the
       current Unicode support level.)	Arrays and hashes report number of
       elements with the "elems" method.]

   RFC 218: "my Dog $spot" Is Just an Assertion
       I expect that a declaration of the form:

	   my Dog $spot;

       is merely an assertion that you will not use $spot inconsistently with
       it being a "Dog". (But I mean something different by "assertion" than
       this RFC does.) This assertion may or may not be tested at every
       assignment to $spot, depending on pragmatic context.  This bare
       declaration does not call a constructor; however, there may be forms of
       declaration that do. This may be necessary so that the variable and the
       object can pass properties back and forth, and in general, make sure
       they're consistent with each other. For example, you might declare an
       array with a multidimensional shape, and this shape property needs to
       be visible to the constructor, if we don't want to have to specify it

       On the other hand, we might be able to get assignment sufficiently
       overloaded to accomplish the same goal, so I'm deferring judgment on
       that. All I'm deciding here is that a bare declaration without
       arguments as above does not invoke a constructor, but merely tells the
       compiler something.

       [Update: The constructor may be called using the ".=new()" construct.]

   Other Decisions About Types
       Built-in object types will be in all uppercase: "INTEGER", "NUMBER",
       "STRING", "REF", "SCALAR", "ARRAY", "HASH", "REGEX" and "CODE".
       Corresponding to at least some of these, there will also be lowercase
       intrinsic types, such as "int", "num", "str" and "ref". Use of the
       lowercase typename implies you aren't intending to do anything fancy
       OO-wise with the values, or store any run-time properties, and thus
       Perl should feel free to store them compactly. (As a limiting case,
       objects of type "bit" can be stored in one bit.) This distinction
       corresponds roughly to the boxed/unboxed distinction of other computer
       languages, but it is likely that Perl 6 will attempt to erase the
       distinction for you to the extent possible. So, for instance, an "int"
       may still be used in a string context, and Perl will convert it for
       you, but it won't cache it, so the next time you use it as a string, it
       will have to convert again.

       [Update: The object types are no longer all caps, but "Int", "Num",
       "Str", etc.]

       The declared type of an array or hash specifies the type of each
       element, not the type of an array or hash as a whole. This is justified
       by the notion that an array or hash is really just a strange kind of
       function that (typically) takes a subscript as an argument and returns
       a value of a particular type. If you wish to associate a type with the
       array or hash as a whole, that involves setting a "tie" property. If
       you find yourself wishing to declare different types on different
       elements, it probably means that you should either be using a class for
       the whole heterogenous thing, or at least declare the type of array or
       hash that will be a base class of all the objects it will contain.

       Of course, untyped arrays and hashes will be just as acceptable as they
       are currently. But a language can only run so fast when you force it to
       defer all type checking and method lookup till run time.

       The intent is to make use of type information where it's useful, and
       not require it where it's not. Besides performance and safety, one
       other place where type information is useful is in writing interfaces
       to other languages. It is postulated that Perl 6 will provide enough
       optional type declaration syntax that it will be unnecessary to write
       XS-style glue in most cases.

   RFC 071: Legacy Perl $pkg'var Should Die
       I agree. I was unduly influenced by Ada syntax here, and it was a
       mistake. And although we're adding a properties feature into Perl 6
       that is much like Ada's attribute feature, we won't make the mistake of
       reintroducing a syntax that drives highlighting editors nuts. We'll try
       to make different mistakes this time.

   RFC 009: Highlander Variable Types
       I basically agree with the problem this RFC is trying to solve, but I
       disagree with the proposed solution. The basic problem is that, while
       the idiomatic association of $foo[$bar] with @foo rather than $foo
       worked fine in Perl 4, when we added recursive data structures to Perl
       5, it started getting in the way notationally, so that initial funny
       character was trying to do too much in both introducing the "root" of
       the reference, as well as the context to apply to the final subscript.
       This necessitated odd looking constructions like:


       This RFC proposes to solve the dilemma by unifying scalar variables
       with arrays and hashes at the name level. But I think people like to
       think of $foo, @foo and %foo as separate variables, so I don't want to
       break that. Plus, the RFC doesn't unify &foo, while it's perfectly
       possible to have a reference to a function as well as a reference to
       the more ordinary data structures.

       So rather than unifying the names, I believe all we have to do is unify
       the treatment of variables with respect to references. That is, all
       variables may be thought of as references, not just scalars. And in
       that case, subscripts always dereference the reference implicit in the
       array or hash named on the left.

       This has two major implications, however. It means that Perl
       programmers must learn to write @foo[1] where they used to write
       $foo[1]. I think most Perl 5 people will be able to get used to this,
       since many of them found the current syntax a bit weird in the first

       The second implication is that slicing needs a new notation, because
       subscripts no longer have their scalar/list context controlled by the
       initial funny character. Instead, the context of the subscript will
       need to be controlled by some combination of:

       1. Context of the entire term.
       2. Appearance of known list operators in the subscript, such as comma
       or range.
       3. Explicit syntax casting the inside of the subscript to list or
       scalar context.
       4. Explicit declaration of default behavior.

       One thing that probably shouldn't enter into it is the run-time type of
       the array object, because context really needs to be calculated at
       compile time if at all possible.

       In any event, it's likely that some people will want subscripts to
       default to scalars, and other people will want them to default to
       lists. There are good arguments for either default, depending on
       whether you think more like an APL programmer or a mere mortal.

       [Update: Subscripts are always list context, but it's trivial to force
       scalar context with either of the "+" or "~" unary operators.]

       There are other larger implications. If composite variables are thought
       of as scalar references, then the names @foo and %foo are really scalar
       variables unless explicitly dereferenced. That means that when you
       mention them in a scalar context, you get the equivalent of Perl 5's
       "\@foo" and "\%foo". This simplifies the prototyping system greatly, in
       that an operator like "push" no longer needs to specify some kind of
       special reference context for its first argument -- it can merely
       specify a scalar context, and that's good enough to assume the
       reference generation on its first argument. (Of course, the function
       signature can always be more specific if it wants to. More about that
       in future installments.)

       There are also implications for the assignment operator, in that it has
       to be possible to assign array references to array variables without
       accidentally invoking list context and copying the list instead of the
       reference to the list. We could invent another assignment operator to
       distinguish the two cases, but at the moment it looks as though bare
       variables and slices will behave as lvalues just as they do in Perl 5,
       while lists in parentheses will change to a binding of the right-hand
       arguments more closely resembling the way Perl 6 will bind formal
       arguments to actual arguments for function calls. That is to say,

	   @foo = (1,2,3);

       will supply an unbounded list context to the right side, but

	   (@foo, @bar) = (@bar, @foo)

       will supply a context to the right side that requests two scalar values
       that are array references. This will be the default for unmarked
       variables in an lvalue list, but there will be an easy way to mark
       formal array and hash parameters to slurp the rest of the arguments
       with list context, as they do by default in Perl 5.

       (Alternately, we might end up leaving the ordinary list assignment
       operator with Perl 5 semantics, and define a new assignment operator
       such as ":=" that does signatured assignment. I can argue that one both

       [Update: We ended up with a ":=" binding operator.]

       Just as arrays and hashes are explicitly dereferenced via subscripting
       (or implicitly dereferenced in list context), so too functions are
       merely named but not called by &foo, and explicitly dereferenced with
       parentheses (or by use as a bare name without the ampersand (or both)).
       The Perl 5 meanings of the ampersand are no longer in effect, in that
       ampersand will no longer imply that signature matching is suppressed --
       there will be a different mechanism for that. And since &foo without
       parens doesn't do a call, it is no longer possible to use that syntax
       to automatically pass the @_ array -- you'll have to do that explicitly
       now with "foo(@_)".

       Scalar variables are special, in that they may hold either references
       or actual "native" values, and there is no special dereference syntax
       as there is for other types. Perl 6 will attempt to hide the
       distinction as much as possible. That is, if $foo contains a native
       integer, calling the "$" method will call a method on the built-
       in type. But if $foo contains a reference to some other object, it will
       call the method on that object. This is consistent with the way we
       think about overloading in Perl 5, so you shouldn't find this behavior
       surprising. It may take special syntax to get at any methods of the
       reference variable itself in this case, but it's OK if special cases
       are special.

   RFC 133: Alternate Syntax for Variable Names
       This RFC has a valid point, but in fact we're going to do just the
       opposite of what it suggests. That is, we'll consider the funny
       characters to be part of the name, and use the subscripts for context.
       This works out better, because there's only one funny character, but
       many possible forms of dereferencing.

   RFC 134: Alternative Array and Hash Slicing
       We're definitely killing Perl 5's slice syntax, at least as far as
       relying on the initial character to determine the context of the
       subscript. There are many ways we could reintroduce a slicing syntax,
       some of which are mentioned in this RFC, but we'll defer the decision
       on that till Apocalypse 9 on Data Structures, since the interesting
       parts of designing slice syntax will be driven by the need to slice
       multidimensional arrays.

       [Update: There is no Apocalypse 9, but there is a Synopsis 9 that
       covers these matters.]

       For now we'll just say that arrays can have subscript signatures much
       like functions have parameter signatures. Ordinary one-dimensional
       arrays (and hashes) can then support some kind of simple slicing syntax
       that can be extended for more complicated arrays, while allowing
       multidimensional arrays to distinguish between simple slicing and
       complicated mappings of lists and functions onto subscripts in a manner
       more conducive to numerical programming.

       On the subject of hash slices returning pairs rather than values, we
       could distinguish this with special slice syntax, or we could establish
       the notion of a hashlist context that tells the slice to return pairs
       rather than just values. (We may not need a special slice syntax for
       that if it's possible to typecast back and forth between pair lists and
       ordinary lists.)

       [Update: Slicing to get a pairlist can be done by attaching a ":p"
       modifier to the subscript.]

   RFC 196: More Direct Syntax for Hashes
       This RFC makes three proposals, which we'll consider separately.

       Proposal 1 is "that a hash in scalar context evaluate to the number of
       keys in the hash." (You can find that out now, but only by using the
       "keys()" function in scalar context.) Proposal 1 is OK if we change
       "scalar context" to "numeric context," since in scalar context a hash
       will produce a reference to the hash, which just happens to numify to
       the number of entries.

       We must also realize that some implementations of hash might have to go
       through and count all the entries to return the actual number.
       Fortunately, in boolean context, it suffices to find a single entry to
       determine whether the hash contains anything. However, on hashes that
       don't keep track of the number of entries, finding even one entry might
       reset any active iterator on the hash, since some implementations of
       hash (in particular, the ones that don't keep track of the number of
       entries) may only supply a single iterator.

       [Update: You may also call ".elems" to be more explicit.]

       Proposal 2 is "that the iterator in a hash be reset through an explicit
       call to the "reset()" function." That's fine, with the proviso that it
       won't be a function, but rather a method on the HASH class.

       Proposal 3 is really about "sort" recognizing pairs and doing the right
       thing. Defaulting to sorting on $^a[0] cmp $^b[0] is likely to be
       reasonable, and that's where a pair's key would be found. However, it's
       probable that the correct solution is simply to provide a default
       string method for anonymous lists that happens to produce a decent key
       to sort on when "cmp" requests a string representation of either of its
       arguments. The "sort" itself should probably just concentrate on
       memoizing the returned strings so they don't have to be recalculated.

       [Update: The "sort" interface has been completely revamped since this
       was written.  This will eventually appear in S29, but as of now it's
       just in the perl6-language archives.]

   RFC 201: Hash Slicing
       This RFC proposes to use "%" as a marker for special hash slicing in
       the subscript. Unfortunately, the "%" funny character will not be
       available for this use, since all hash refs will start with "%".
       Concise list comprehensions will require some other syntax within the
       subscript, which will hopefully generalize to arrays as well.

   Other Decisions About Variables
       Various special punctuation variables are gone in Perl 6, including all
       the deprecated ones. (Non-deprecated variables will be replaced by some
       kind of similar functionality that is likely to be invoked through some
       kind of method call on the appropriate object. If there is no
       appropriate object, then a named global variable might provide similar

       Freeing up the various bracketing characters allows us to use them for
       other purposes, such as interpolation of expressions:

	   "$(expr)"	       # interpolate a scalar expression
	   "@(expr)"	       # interpolate a list expression

       [Update: Those forms are gone now.  Expression interpolation is done
       via closure.]

       $#foo is gone. If you want the final subscript of an array, and "[-1]"
       isn't good enough, use "@foo.end" instead.

       Other special variables (such as the regex variables) will change from
       dynamic scoping to lexical scoping. It is likely that even $_ and @_
       will be lexically scoped in Perl 6.

       In Perl 5, lexical scopes are unnamed and unnameable. In Perl 6, the
       current lexical scope will have a name that is visible within the
       lexical scope as the pseudo class "MY", so that such a scope can, if it
       so chooses, delegate management of its lexical scope to some other
       module at compile time. In normal terms, that means that when you use a
       module, you can let it import things lexically as well as packagely.

       Typeglobs are gone. Instead, you can get at a variable object through
       the symbol table hashes that are structured much like Perl 5's. The
       variable object for $MyPackage::foo is stored in:


       Note that the funny character is part of the name. There is no longer
       any structure in Perl that associates everything with the name ""foo"".

       Perl's special global names are stored in a special package named ""*""
       because they're logically in every scope that does not hide them. So
       the unambiguous name of the standard input filehandle is $*STDIN, but a
       package may just refer to $STDIN, and it will default to $*STDIN if no
       package or lexical variable of that name has been declared.

       [Update: We did s/STD// on those, so standard input is now just $*IN.]

       Some of these special variables may actually be cloned for each lexical
       scope or each thread, so just because a name is in the special global
       symbol table doesn't mean it always behaves as a global across all
       modules. In particular, changes to the symbol table that affect how the
       parser works must be lexically scoped. Just because I install a special
       rule for my cool new hyperquoting construct doesn't mean everyone else
       should have to put up with it. In the limiting case, just because I
       install a Python parser, it shouldn't force other modules into a maze
       of twisty little whitespace, all alike.

       Another way to look at it is that all names in the ""*"" package are
       automatically exported to every package and/or outer lexical scope.

   Underscores in Numeric Literals
       Underscores will be allowed between any two digits within a number.

   RFC 105: Remove "In string @ must be \@" Fatal Error

       [Update: The interpolation rules for arrays have been completely
       revised.	 A bare array name no longer interpolates--you have to say

   RFC 111: Here Docs Terminators (Was Whitespace and Here Docs)

   RFC 162: Heredoc contents
       I think I like option (e) the best: remove whitespace equivalent to the

       By default, if it has to dwim, it should dwim assuming that hard tabs
       are 8 spaces wide. This should not generally pose a problem, since most
       of the time the tabbing will be consistent throughout anyway, and no
       dwimming will be necessary. This puts the onus on people using
       nonstandard tabs to make sure they're consistent so that Perl doesn't
       have to guess.

       Any additional mangling can easily be accomplished by a user-defined

   RFC 139: Allow Calling Any Function With a Syntax Like s///
       Creative quoting will be allowed with lexical mutataion, but we can't
       parse "foo(bar)" two different ways simultaneously, and I'm unwilling
       to prevent people from using parens as quote characters. I don't see
       how we can reasonably have new quote operators without explicit
       declaration. And if the utility of a quote-like operator is sufficient,
       there should be little relative burden in requiring such a declaration.

       The form of such a declaration is left to the reader as an exercise in
       function property definition. We may revisit the question later in this
       series. It's also possible that a quote operator such as "qx//" could
       have a corresponding function name like "quote:qx" that could be
       invoked as a function.

   RFC 222: Interpolation of Object Method Calls
       I've been hankering for methods to interpolate for a long time, so I'm
       in favor of this RFC. And it'll become doubly important as we move
       toward encouraging people to use accessor methods to refer to object
       attributes outside the class itself.

       I have one "but," however. Since we'll switch to using "." instead of
       "->", I think for sanity's sake we may have to require the parentheses,
       or ""$file.$ext"" is going to give people fits. Not to mention

       [Update: Nowadays we also require brackets on array interpolations and
       braces on hash interpolations.  See S3 for more.]

   RFC 226: Selective Interpolation in Single Quotish Context.
       This proposal has much going for it, but there are also difficulties,
       and I've come close to rejecting it outright simply because the single-
       quoting policy of Perl 5 has been successful. And I think the proposal
       in this RFC for "\I"..."\E" is ugly. (And I'd like to kill "\E" anyway,
       and use bracketed scopings.)

       However, I think there is a major "can't get there from here" that we
       could solve by treating interpolation into single quotes as something
       hard, not something easy. The basic problem is that it's too easy to
       run into a "\$" or "\@" (or a "\I" for that matter) that wants to be
       taken literally. I think we could allow the interpolation of arbitrary
       expressions into single-quoted strings, but only if we limit it to an
       unlikely sequence where three or more characters are necessary for
       recognition. The most efficient mental model would seem to be the idea
       of embedding one kind of quote in another, so I think this:


       will embed single-quoted stuff, while this:


       will embed double-quoted stuff. A variable could then be interpolated
       into a single-quoted string by saying:


   RFC 237: Hashes Should Interpolate in Double-Quoted Strings
       I agree with this RFC in principle, but we can't define the default
       hash stringifier in terms of variables that are going away in Perl 6,
       so the RFC's proposal of using $" is right out.

       All objects should have a method by which they produce readable output.
       How this may be overridden by user preference is open to debate.
       Certainly, dynamic scoping has its problems. But lexical override of an
       object's preferences is also problematic. Individual object properties
       appear to give a decent way out of this. More on that below.

       [Update: Hash values by default interpolate with tabs between key and
       value, and with newline between pairs.  But you can give it as specific
       format with the ".as" method.]

       On "printf" formats, I don't see any way to dwim that %d isn't an
       array, so we'll just have to put formats into single quotes in general.
       Those format strings that also interpolate variables will be able to
       use the new "\qq{$var}" feature.

       [Update: Since hash interpolations require braces now, "printf" formats
       are safe again (unless they happen to be followed by curlies).]

       Note for those who are thinking we should just stick with Perl 5
       interpolation rules: We have to allow "%" to introduce interpolation
       now because individual hash values are no longer named with $foo{$bar},
       but rather %foo{$bar}. So we might as well allow interpolation of
       complete hashes.

   RFC 251: Interpolation of Class Method Calls
       Class method calls are relatively rare (except for constructors, which
       will be rarely interpolated). So rather than scanning for identifiers
       that might introduce a class, I think we should just depend on
       expression interpolation instead:

	   "There are $(Dog.numdogs) dogs."

       [Update: That's now done with closure interpolation.]

   RFC 252: Interpolation of Subroutines
       I think subroutines should interpolate, provided they're introduced
       with the funny character. (On the other hand, how hard is "$(sunset
       $date)" or "@(sunset $date)"? On the gripping hand, I like the
       consistency of "&" with "$", "@" and "%".)

       I think the parens are required, since in Perl 6, scalar &sub will just
       return a reference, and require parens if you really want to deref the
       sub ref. (It's true that a subroutine can be called without parens when
       used as a list operator, but you can't interpolate those without a
       funny character.)

       For those worried about the use of "&" for signature checking
       suppression, we should point out that "&" will no longer be the way to
       suppress signature checking in Perl 6, so it doesn't matter.

   RFC 327: "\v" for Vertical Tab
       I think the opportunity cost of not reserving "\v" for future use is
       too high to justify the small utility of retaining compatibility with a
       feature virtually nobody uses anymore. For instance, I almost used "\v"
       and "\V" for switching into and out of verbatim (single-quote) mode,
       until I decided to unify that with quoting syntax and use "\qq{}" and
       "\q{}" instead.

   RFC 328: Single quotes don't interpolate \' and \\
       I think hyperquotes will be possible with a declaration of your quoting
       rules, so we're not going to change the basic single-quote rules
       (except for supporting "\q").

       [Update: There are adverbial modifiers now that can do hyperquoting.
       See S2.]

   Other Decisions About Literals
       Scoping of \L et al.

       I'd like to get rid of the gratuitously ugly "\E" as an end-of-scope
       marker. Instead, if any sequence such as "\L", "\U" or "\Q" wishes to
       impose a scope, then it must use curlies around that scope:
       "\L{stuff}", "\U{stuff}" or "\Q{stuff}". Any literal curlies contained
       in stuff must be backslashed. (Curlies as syntax (such as for
       subscripts) should nest correctly.)

       [Update: Those constructs are now gone entirely.	 Use closure
       interpolation to interpolate the value of an expression.]

       Bareword Policy

       There will be no barewords in Perl 6. Any bare name that is a declared
       package name will be interpreted as a class object that happens to
       stringify to the package name. All other bare names will be interpreted
       as subroutine or method calls. For nonstrict applications, undefined
       subroutines will autodefine themselves to return their own name. Note
       that in "${name}" and friends, the name is considered autoquoted, not a

       [Update: The "${name}" construct is gone.  Use closure interpolation to
       disambiguate expression interpolations: "{$name}text".  The old brace
       syntax is now reserved for hard dereferences only.  Use "$::($name)"
       for symbolic dereferences.]

       Weird brackets

       Use of brackets to disambiguate




       will no longer be supported. Instead, the expression parser will always
       grab as much as it can, and you can make it quit at a particular point
       by interpolating a null string, specified by "\Q":


       [Update: That's gone too.  Just use closure interpolation to

       Special tokens

       Special tokens will turn into either POD directives or lexically scoped
       OO methods under the "MY" pseudo-package:

	   Old		       New
	   ---		       ---
	   __LINE__	       MY.line
	   __FILE__	       MY.file
	   __PACKAGE__	       MY.package
	   __END__	       =begin END      (or remove)
	   __DATA__	       =begin DATA

       [Update: The first three are now "$?LINE", "$?FILE", and "$?PACKAGE".
       There are other such variables too.  See S2.]

       Heredoc Syntax

       I think heredocs will require quotes around any identifier, and we need
       to be sure to support "<< qq(END)" style quotes. Space is now allowed
       before the (required) quoted token. Note that custom quoting is now
       possible, so if you define a fancy "qh" operator for your fancy
       hyperquoting algorithm, then you could say "<<qh(END)".

       It is still the case that you can say "<<""" to grab everything up to
       the next blank line. However, Perl 6 will consider any line containing
       only spaces, tabs, etc., to be blank, not just the ones that
       immediately terminate with newline.

       In Perl 5, a lot of contextual processing was done at run-time, and
       even then, a given function could only discover whether it was in void,
       scalar or list context. In Perl 6, we will extend the notion of context
       to be more amenable to both compile-time and run-time analysis. In
       particular, a function or method can know (theoretically even at
       compile time) when it is being called in:

	   Void context
	   Scalar context
	       Boolean context
	       Integer context
	       Numeric context
	       String context
	       Object context
	   List context
	       Flattening list context (true list context).
	       Non-flattening list context (list of scalars/objects)
	       Lazy list context (list of closures)
	       Hash list context (list of pairs)

       (This list isn't necessarily exhaustive.)

       Each of these contexts (except maybe void) corresponds to a way in
       which you might declare the parameters of a function (or the left side
       of a list assignment) to supply context to the actual argument list (or
       right side of a list assignment). By default, parameters will supply
       object context, meaning individual parameters expect to be aliases to
       the actual parameters, and even arrays and hashes don't do list context
       unless you explicitly declare them to. These aren't cast in stone yet
       (or even Jello), but here are some ideas for possible parameter
       declarations corresponding to those contexts:

	   Scalar context
	       Boolean context		       bit $arg
	       Integer context		       int $arg
	       Numeric context		       num $arg
	       String context		       str $arg
	       Object context		       $scalar, %hash, Dog @canines, &foo
	   List context
	       Flattening list context	       *@args
	       Non-flattening list context     $@args
	       Lazy list context	       &@args
	       Hash list context	       *%args

       [Update: Some of these are bogus.  See S6 for the most recent

       (I also expect unary * to force flattening of arrays in rvalue
       contexts. This is how we defeat the type signature in Perl 6, instead
       of relying on the initial ampersand. So instead of Perl 5's
       "&push(@list)", you could just say "push *@list", and it wouldn't
       matter what "push"'s parameter signature said.)

       It's also possible to define properties to modify formal arguments,
       though that can get clunky pretty quickly, and I'd like to have a
       concise syntax for the common cases, such as the last parameter
       slurping a list in the customary fashion. So the signature for the
       built-in "push" could be

	   sub push (@array, *@pushees);

       Actually, the signature might just be "(*@pushees)", if "push" is
       really a method in the "ARRAY" class, and the object is passed

	   class ARRAY;
	   sub .push (*@pushees);
	   sub .pop (;int $numtopop);
	   sub .splice (int $offset, int $len, *@repl);

       But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

       [Update: Indeed, methods are declared with a "method" keyword, and
       without the dot.	 Also the built-in class is "Array", not "ARRAY".  See
       A12 and S12 for much more about classes and methods.]

       By the way, all function and method parameters (other than the object
       itself) will be considered read-only unless declared with the "rw"
       property. (List assignments will default the other way.) This will
       prevent a great deal of the wasted motion current Perl implementations
       have to go through to make sure all function arguments are valid
       lvalues, when most of them are in fact never modified.

       Hmm, we're still getting ahead of ourselves. Back to contexts.

   References are now transparent to boolean context
       References are no longer considered to be "always true" in Perl 6.  Any
       type can overload its "bit()" casting operator, and any type that
       hasn't got a "bit()" of its own inherits one from somewhere else, if
       only from class UNIVERSAL. The built-in bit methods have the expected
       boolean semantics for built-in types, so arrays are still true if they
       have something in them, strings are true if they aren't "" or "0", etc.

   RFC 175: Add "list" keyword to force list context (like "scalar")
       Another RFC rescued from the compost pile. In Perl 6, type names will
       identify casting functions in general. (A casting function merely
       forces context -- it's a no-op unless the actual context is different.)
       In Perl 6, a list used in a scalar context will automatically turn
       itself into a reference to the list rather than returning the last
       element. (A subscript of "[-1]" can always be used to get the last
       element explicitly, if that's actually desired. But that's a rarity, in
       practice.) So it works out that the explicit list composer:


       is syntactic sugar for something like:


       Depending on whether we continue to make a big deal of the list/array
       distinction, that might actually be spelled:


       Other casts might be words like "hash" (supplying a pairlist context)
       and "objlist" (supplying a scalar context to a list of expressions).
       Maybe even the optional "sub" keyword could be considered a cast on a
       following block that might not otherwise be considered a closure in
       context. Perhaps "sub" is really spelled "lazy". In which case, we
       might even have a "lazylist" context to supply a lazy context to a list
       of expressions.

       [Update: Most of these aren't necessary.	 Just use the appropriate

       And of course, you could use standard casts like "int()", "num()", and
       "str()", when you want to be explicit about such contexts at compile
       time. (Perl 5 already has these contexts, but only at run time.) Note
       also that, due to the relationship between unary functions and methods,
       "$", "$foo.num", and "$foo.str" will be just a different way to
       write the same casts.

       Lest you worry that your code is going to be full of casts, I should
       point out that you won't need to use these casts terribly often because
       each of these contexts will typically be implied by the signature of
       the function or method you're calling. (And Perl will still be
       autoconverting for you whenever it makes sense.) More on that in
       Apocalypse 6, Subroutines. If not sooner.

       So, while boolean context might be explicitly specified by writing:

	   if (bit $foo)


	   if ($foo.bit)

       you'd usually just write it as in Perl 5:

	   if ($foo)

   Other Decisions about Lists
       Based on some of what we've said, you can see that we'll have the
       ability to define various kinds of lazily generated lists. The specific
       design of these operators is left for subsequent Apocalypses, however.
       I will make one observation here, that I think some of the proposals
       for how array subscripts are generated should be generalized to work
       outside of subscripts as well. This may place some constraints on the
       general use of the ":" character in places where an operator is
       expected, for instance.

       [Update: And indeed, we now have adverbs that look like :foo(1).]

       As mentioned above, we'll be having several different kinds of list
       context. In particular, there will be a hash list context that assumes
       you're feeding it pairs, and if you don't feed it pairs, it will assume
       the value you feed it is a key, and supply a default value. There will
       likely be ways to get hashes to default to interesting values such as 0
       or 1.

       [Update: there isn't really a hash list context.]

       In order to do this, the "=>" operator has to at least mark its left
       operand as a key. More likely, it actually constructs a pair object in
       Perl 6. And the "{ foo => $bar }" list composer will be required to use
       "=>" (or be in a hashlist context), or it will instead be interpreted
       as a closure without a "sub". (You can always use an explicit "sub" or
       "hash" to cast the brackets to the proper interpretation.)

       I've noticed how many programs use "qw()" all over the place (much more
       frequently than the input operator, for instance), and I've always
       thought "qw()" was kind of ugly, so I'd like to replace it with
       something prettier. Since the input operator is using up a pair of
       perfectly good bracketing characters for little syntactic gain, we're
       going to steal those and make them into a qw-like list composer. In
       ordinary list context, the following would be identical:

	   @list = < foo $bar %baz blurch($x) >;
	   @list = qw/ foo $bar %baz blurch($x) /;		       # same as this
	   @list = ('foo', '$bar', '%baz', 'blurch($x)');	       # same as this

       But in hashlist context, it might be equivalent to this:

	   %list = < foo $bar %baz blurch($x) >;
	   %list = (foo => 1, '$bar' => 1, '%baz' = 1, blurch => $x);  # same as this

       [Update: There is also a version with French quotes "XX" that does
       interpolation before splitting into words.]

       Basically, file handles are just objects that can be used as iterators,
       and don't belong in this chapter anymore.

   RFC 034: Angle Brackets Should Not Be Used for File Globbing
       Indeed, they won't be. In fact, angle brackets won't be used for input
       at all, I suspect. See below. Er, above.

       [Update: Angle brackets don't directly do input.	 There is a unary "="
       that does the equivalent.  For an argument it takes a filehandle,
       interator, filename, or list of any of those, and returns lines.	 There
       is a corresponding "lines" list operator.]

   RFC 051: Angle Brackets Should Accept Filenames and Lists
       There is likely to be no need for an explicit input operator in Perl 6,
       and I want the angles for something else. I/O handles are a subclass of
       iterators, and I think general iterator variables will serve the
       purpose formerly served by the input operator, particularly since they
       can be made to do the right Thing in context. For instance, to read
       from standard input, it will suffice to say

	   while ($STDIN) { ... }

       and the iterator will know it should assign to $_, because it's in a
       Boolean context.

       [Update: No, this confuses two different meanings of boolean. Use "for
       =$IN {...}" instead.]

       I read this RFC more as requesting a generic way to initialize an
       iterator according to the type of the iterator. The trick in this case
       is to prevent the re-evaluation of the spec every time -- you don't
       want to reopen the file every time you read a line from it, for
       instance. There will be standard ways to suppress evaluation in Perl 6,
       both from the standpoint of the caller and the callee. In any case, the
       model is that an anonymous subroutine is passed in, and called only
       when appropriate. So an iterator syntax might prototype its argument to
       be an anonymous sub, or the user might explicitly pass an anonymous
       sub, or both. In any event, the "sub" keyword will be optional in Perl
       6, so things like:

	   while (file {LIST}) { ... }

       can be made to defer evaluation of LIST to the appropriate moment (or
       moments, if LIST is in turn generating itself on the fly). For
       appropriate parameter declarations I suppose even the brackets could be

       Variables and values of various types have various kinds of data
       attributes that are naturally associated with them by virtue of their
       type. You know a dog comes equipped with a wag, hopefully attached to a
       tail. That's just part of doghood.

       Many times, however, you want the equivalent of a Post-It(r) note, so
       you can temporarily attach bits of arbitrary information to some
       unsuspecting appliance that (though it wasn't designed for it) is
       nevertheless the right place to put the note. Similarly, variables and
       values in Perl 6 allow you to attach arbitrary pieces of information
       known as "properties." In essence, any object in Perl can have an
       associated hash containing these properties, which are named by the
       hash key.

       Some of these properties are known at compile time, and don't actually
       need to be stored with the object in question, but can actually be
       stored instead in the symbol table entry for the variable in question.
       (Perl still makes it appear as though these values are attached to the
       object.) Compile-time properties can therefore be attached to variables
       of any type.

       [Update: Compile-time properties are now known as "traits".]

       Run-time properties really are associated with the object in question,
       which implies some amount of overhead. For that reason, intrinsic data
       types like "int" and "num" may or may not allow run-time properties.
       In cases where it is allowed, the intrinsic type must generally be
       promoted to its corresponding object type (or wrapped in an object that
       delegates back to the original intrinsic for the actual value). But you
       really don't want to promote an array of a million bits to an array of
       a million objects just because you had the hankering to put a sticky
       note on one of those bits, so in those cases it's likely to be
       disallowed, or the bit is likely to be cloned instead of referenced, or
       some such thing.

       Properties may also be attached to subroutines.

       In general, you don't set or clear properties directly -- instead you
       call an accessor method to do it for you. If there is no method of that
       name, Perl will assume there was one that just sets or clears a
       property with the same name as the method. However, using accessor
       methods to set or clear properties allows us to define synthetic
       properties. For instance, there might be a real "constant" property
       that you could attach to a variable. Certain variables (such as those
       in a function prototype) might have "constant" set by default. In that
       case, setting a synthetic property such as "rw" might clear the
       underlying "constant" property.

       A property may be attached to the foregoing expression by means of the
       "is" keyword. Here's a compile-time property set on a variable:

	   my int $pi is constant = 3;

       Here's a run-time property set on a return value:

	   return 0 is true;

       [Update: run-time properties are set with "but" rather than "is".]

       Whether a property is applied to a variable at compile time or a value
       at run-time depends on whether it's in lvalue or rvalue context.
       (Variable declarations are always in lvalue context even when you don't
       assign anything to them.)

       The ""is"" works just like the ""."" of a method call, except that the
       return value is the object on the left, not the return value of the
       method, which is discarded.

       As it happens, the ""is"" is optional in cases where an operator is
       already expected. So you might see things like:

	   my int $pi constant = 3;
	   return 0 true;

       In this case, the methods are actually being parsed as postfix
       operators. (However, we may make it a stricture that you may omit the
       "is" only for predeclared property methods.)

       [Update: the "is" or "but" is never optional.]

       Since these actually are method calls, you can pass arguments in
       addition to the object in question:

	   my int @table is dim(366,24,60);

       [Update: that should be "@table[^366;^24;^60]" according to S9...]

       Our examples above are assuming an argument of "(1)":

	   my int $pi is constant(1) = 3;
	   return 0 is true(1);

       Since the ""is"" is optional in the common cases, you can stack
       multiple properties without repeating the ""is"."

	   my int $pi is shared locked constant optimize($optlevel) = 3;

       [Update: the "is" is no longer optional.]

       (Note that these methods are called on the $pi variable at compile
       time, so it behooves you to make sure everything you call is defined.
       For instance, $optlevel needs to be known at compile-time.)

       Here are a list of property ideas stolen from Damian. (I guess that
       makes it intellectual property theft.) Some of the names have been
       changed to protect the (CS) innocent.

	   # Subroutine attributes...
	   sub name is rw { ... }		       # was lvalue
	   my sub rank is same { ... }		       # was memoized
	   $snum = sub is optimize(1) { ... };	       # "is" required here
	   # Variable attributes...
	   our $age is constant = 21;		       # was const
	   my %stats is private;
	   my int @table is dim(366,24,60);
	   $arrayref = [1..1000000] is computed Purpose('demo of anon var attrs');
	   sub choose_rand (@list is lazy) { return $list[rand @list] }
						       # &@list notation is likely
	   $self = $class.bless( {name=>$name, age=>$age} is Initialized );
	   # Reference attributes...
	   $circular = \$head is weak;
	   # Literal attributes...
	   $name = "Damian" is Note("test data only");
	   $iohandle = open $filename is dis(qw/para crlf uni/) or die;
	   $default = 42 is Meaning(<<OfLife);
				    The Answer
	   package Pet is interface;
	   class Dog inherits('Canine') { ... }
	   print $data{key is NoteToSelf('gotta get a better name for this key')};

       (I don't agree with using properties for all of these things, but it's
       pretty amazing how far into the ground you can drive it.)

       Property names should start with an identifier letter (which includes
       Unicode letters and ideographs). The parsing of the arguments (if any)
       is controlled by the signature of the method in question. Property
       method calls without a "." always modify their underlying property.

       [Update: the signature has nothing to do with how they're parsed.  If a
       property has an argument it must follow without an intervening space.
       However, other brackets are allowed, and using "will" rather than "is"
       allows you to specify a closure with an intervening space.]

       If called as an ordinary method (with a "."), the property value is
       returned without being modified. That value could then be modified by a
       run-time property. For instance, "$pi.constant" would return 1 rather
       than the value of $pi, so we get:

	   return $pi.constant is false;       # "1 but false" (not possible in Perl 5)

       On the other hand, if you omit the dot, something else happens:

	   return $pi constant is false;       # 3 but false (and 3 is now very constant)

       [Update: The dot form is only for access of properties and traits that
       are already there.]

       Here are some more munged Damian examples:

	   if (& { ... }
	   $age++ unless $age.constant;
	   $elements = return reduce $^ * $^, *@table.dim;
	   last if ${self}.Initialized;
	   print "$arrayref.Purpose() is not $default.Meaning()\n";
	   print %{$self.X};	# print hash referred to by X attribute of $self
	   print %{$self}.X;	# print X attribute of hash referred to by $self
	   print %$self.X;	# print X attribute of hash referred to by $self

       As with the dotless form, if there is no actual method corresponding to
       the property, Perl pretends there's a rudimentary one returning the
       actual property.

       [Update: Actually, they are real method calls now, and properties and
       traits are really mixins.  See A12.]

       Since these methods return the properties (except when overridden by
       dotless syntax), you can temporize a property just as you can any
       method, provided the method itself allows writing:

	   temp $self.X = 0;

       Note that

	   temp $self is X = 0;

       would assign to 0 to $self instead. (Whether it actually makes sense to
       set the compile-time X property at run time on the $self variable is
       anybody's guess.)

       Note that by virtue of their syntax, properties cannot be set by
       interpolation into a string. So, happily:

	   print "My $variable is foobar\n";

       does not attempt to set the "foobar" property on $variable.

       The ""is"" keyword binds with the same precedence as ".", even when
       it's not actually there.

       [Update: Actually, "but" now has the precedence of other non-chaining
       operators, such as "..".	 Since "is" occurs only in declarations, it is
       not subject to operator precedence at all.]

       Note that when you say "$", you get $foo's compile-time property
       if there is one (which is known at compile time, duh).  Otherwise it's
       an ordinary method call on the value (which looks for a run-time
       property only if a method can't be found, so it shouldn't impact
       ordinary method call overhead.)

       [Update: No, that's always an ordinary method call now.	Use
       "variable($foo).bar" to get at a property of the variable, or to call
       any other method on the variable object rather than the referent of

       To get to the properties directly without going through the method
       interface, use the special "btw" method, which returns a hash ref to
       the properties hash.


       Note that synthetic properties won't show up there!

       [Update: there is no such hash anymore, and synthetic properties are
       simply synthetic methods.]

       None of the property names in this Apocalypse should be taken as final.
       We will decide on actual property names as we proceed through the

       Well, that's it for Apocalypse 2. Doubtless there are some things I
       should have decided here that I didn't yet, but at least we're making
       progress. Well, at least we're moving in some direction or other. Now
       it's time for us to dance the Apocalypso, in honor of Jon Orwant and
       his new wife.

perl v5.14.0			  2006-02-28		  Perl6::Bible::A02(3)

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