TROJKA - a game of skill.
USAGEtrojka [-s]
The name Trojka is derived from the Russian word "Trojka", which means
"three", or "triple".
When you start the game, you can select a level by pressing the corre‐
sponding alphanumeric key. Level 0 is easy, level 9 is hard. The aim
of this game is to control and to place the falling blocks, so that at
least three blocks horizontally or diagonally, or both, have matching
patterns. This sequence is then removed, and the above blocks will col‐
lapse. The latter sequence is repeated as long as there are matching
patterns after each collapsion. A sequence of three immediate collap‐
sions results in a socalled "Trojka", which is rewarded with bonus
points. If you reach the top of the screen, the game is finished.
OPTIONS-s Display high-scores.
The falling blocks are controlled using the numeric keypad:
4,h left
6,l right
7,k increase speed
q while playing, stops the current game; otherwise, quits the
^L redraw screen (only while playing)
/var/games/trojka.scores The Trojka hiscore file
First version written in 1989 for MS-Dog. Not long thereafter (in 1990)
ported to the local Prime system at the Eindhoven Polytechnic. The Unix
version became available in 1992 together with the Windows-version.
The Macintosh version became available in 1992. In 1994, the X-version
was written.
MS-DOS, X, Macintosh and this version as well as the whole game-concept
is (c) copyrighted by Maarten Los. Prime version (c) Jac Goudsmit,
Joran Jessurun, Richard Moeskops and me. Windows version (c) Jac
Send all comments and bug-reports to:
All brandnames listed are trademarks of their respective owners.
20 Oct 1995 TROJKA(6)