Holiday season greetings

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Holiday season greetings

Postby papa » Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:04 am

In the spirit of promoting idle chit-chat among Polarhome members,
here's wishing a belated happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans,
and an even more belated happy Thanksgiving to my fellow North
Americans in Canada.

Here in Japan it takes a little more work to gather all the
ingredients, but we celebrated Thanksgiving with a traditional roast
turkey, bread dressing, mashed potatoes, green peas, cranberry (with
blueberry, couldn't find the normal stuff this year) jam, and pecan
pie dinner. Nine family and friends gathered around the table. Dishes
clean-up took until 2 a.m.

Now, since today is the beginning of Advent, we get to get out our
Christmas tree.

Happy holidays.
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